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Harold Reynolds gets blasted on BBTN


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First Kruk killed him for defending the decision to bunt Alex Rod. Kruk said Giambi was 0.179 against lefties last year, so having Pay Rod bunt was a bad decision, and they were lucky to get an error from Crede to have a productive inning. Harold kept defending the decision, but Kruk killed him by giving egs of how a MVP does not bunt and how the guys nehind him suck against Buerhle etc etc


Then, later on in the show when the Sox were getting back in the game, Kruk again said "let's hope they ask Maggs and CLee to bunt" taking a shot at Harold


Next, Peter Gammons killed Harold when Harold said all of the AL Central teams should re-sign their studs (Beltran, Maggs etc) when they come up for FA, and Peter said Harold should contribute since all of those teams have limited payroll because they have limited revenue. Harold ketp arguing that the Royals, Minny, Sox etc should keep their superstars, even if it meant paying 15 mill to a Beltran or a Maggs, and Peter Gammons kept killing him by telling him he should contribute to these teams, and that no team with one player having >15% of team payroll has won a WS for the last 15 years


It was pure comedy and Harold knew he was getting it from both Kruk and PG



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Reynolds is an idiot. If he wants us to resign Maggs and KC to resign Beltran, how bout he pays for their contracts. Next he'll be sayin Barry Bonds should be buntin instead of goin for the home run record. :lol:

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Reynolds is an idiot. If he wants us to resign Maggs and KC to resign Beltran, how bout he pays for their contracts. Next he'll be sayin Barry Bonds should be buntin instead of goin for the home run record.  :lol:

"This would be a wise move in some situations. Bonds can use his speed and get on base, and no one will expect it. He could start a rally."


This is also the same guy that said Kazuo Matsui would have trouble in the first week of the season because he doesn't know English. Uh, Harold...Spring Training is played for MANY reasons, and in some cases, learning the English language is one of them.

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I'm glad Kruk is on the show, but I don't know how much knowledge he has..he predicted the Padres to win the NL West and also for Brian Giles to win the MVP..

I'm sure you would have said the same thing last season if someone would have picked the Marlins. :huh

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What's wrong with wanting the Sox to sign Magglio Ordonez?

Nothing wrong with that, but you have to follow economics 101


Go look at how the ratio of attendance at Cubs vs Sox games and then look at the ratio of their salaries


Same applies for attendance at Minny, KC and Detroit.....


And do not give me this BS that as a seller, you should put the money first for the buyers to come and that if you had a restaurant that kept giving inferior food, and would not improve quality by increasing what you spend, no one will attend your restaurant and you will go out of business. This is not the restaurant business, this is professional MLB. There are no other options. In restaurants there are. The barrier to entry in the MLB industry is huge due to restrictions and policies.


Hence, again, Harold is dumb for saying the Sox and KC should just extend every star on their roster, because he does not understand that you need money to shell it out.


Harold Reynold = :dips***

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I caught the first part on the bunt. Personally, with that offense, I don't have a problem with Arod trying to get on base another way. I did like how Kruk and him were able to go at it though.


I love catching some baseball debate and Kruk is going to add a lot to the show, imo.

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