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In your current signature, it says your gettin a new one in 10 days. Tell us about it Steven like who's makin it, what it's going to be like etc.


Edit: I made a sig for you, let me know if ya intrested.



The new one:


A better one:


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You aren't aiming for a real high grade, are ya.

That's just a rought draft really, I Wasnt even finished with the intro. And spelling and grammer wasnt even checked by me, let alone anyone else. I just had no disk around at school so I figured I post it on here.

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My senrior project essay that i need to save on soxtalk untill i get a disk when i get home from school.....


Source #1-“When Someone You Love Has Alzheimer’s Disease”, Michelle Mueller:  Current Health 2

Source #2-“Dealing with Dementia: From curative to compassionate care”, Dawn MacKeen: Newsday

Source #3- “Life with Alzheimer’s: One-act play portrays the challenges patients and families face”, Jennifer Lord: Daily News Tribune

Source #4-”Mayo Clinic on Alzheirmer’s Disease”, Ronald Petersen, M.D., Ph.D.: Mayo Clinic

Source #5-”Alzhiemer’s: Finding the words”, Harriet Hodgson: Chronimed Publishing

Source #6-”Caring for the Alzheimer Patient”, Raye Lynne Dippel, Ph.D, and J. Thomas Hutton, M.D., Ph.D.: Golden Age Books


Alzheimer’s Disease is a disease that not only affects the patient, but also affect’s the familes of the patients.  There are many ways in which the families of Alzhiemer’s patients are affected.  There lives are changed along with the Alzheimer Pateint.  They have to take extra precaution in watching their loved one.  Alzheimer’s patients need constant checks.  As they cant be left alone

You control area has a notepad if you ever want to store w/o sharing. I was going to tell you something else but I forgot. By the way, who are you?

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You control area has a notepad if you ever want to store w/o sharing. I was going to tell you something else but I forgot. By the way, who are you?

Ya but this was to big for the notepad.....And my other essay I posted in this thread too was way to big.

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