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A Trade to Free Up an OF Spot?


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Is it just me, or does something seem in the works designed to get Jeremy Reed up to the Sox? The only two spots Reed could take would be for Carlos or Aaron.


While Aaron would seem the most expendable, Carlos is dangerously close to reverting back to his 2002 form. Though he's been slowed by a groin injury, the 2002 Lee wouldn't fit with this years Sox. [no speed, low avg, poor baserunning].


The Sox need a .300 hitter, preferably from the left side. Getting on base vs. good RHP's [Vasquez, Paul Abbott! even] has been a chore. Reed could hit for a high enough avg. [.280 +] coupled with his good batting eye to draw walks, that would make one of these two expendable.


The only reason I see Lee possibly moving is if the Sox think he could be sliding backwards. Lee also hasn't seemed to grasp "Ozzie ball", hitting behind the runners, moving them over, poor baserunning. I love the 2003 version of Lee, but I want no part of the 2002 version where he was overweight and out of shape.


The key would be getting a 5th pitcher. [Or a guy who could be a 3rd or 4th starter]. Aaron by himself may not warrant a solid starting pitcher, unless another pitcher would be thrown in to balance it. No team would want prospects at this point, only guys who could help now. Maybe a Jon Adkins with Rowand might get a SP. I would keep Wright for the 'pen should we get another SP. Then Danny could take Adkins' place.



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IMO, too early to make a move. This team appears to have good chemistry and they're playing reasonably well. I think Guillen and Williams want to see what they've got here for a few months before making any big moves.

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I think Guillen and Williams want to see what they've got here for a few months before making any big moves.

The Sox should know by early to mid May how the 5th starters spot and Lee and Rowand are doing. A few months from now is too long IMO.


The 5th spot can't a "hope and a prayer" like last year.

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I agree that it is too early for a move... At this point you are not going to get any value for trades. If Danny Wright keeps struggling I want the Sox to give Rausch and Diaz a crack at the 5th starter spot before trading out of the organization.


I really want the Sox to make a move on Orlando Cabrera (SP?) from the Expos.... They suck to high heaven and are not going to resign him. Expos can't hit, so young OF prospects may intrigue them, the Sox would have to make this move in June or early July before the bidding got out of control for him... I'm sure the Cubs, Angels, Dodgers, Red Sox (if Nomar is not healthy), and many other teams would have a ton of interest.

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I really want the Sox to make a move on Orlando Cabrera (SP?) from the Expos....

Uribe certainly looks to be in the Sox future plans at SS.


But if you're talking about 2B Jose Vidro, now that could be a possibility. Harris will likely get two months to prove he can play everyday. Uribe is likley a short term solution at 2B.

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With the way the team is playing right now I think it would be a huge mistake to make any moves. Rowand has been playing fine, Carlos still hustles his ass off and Mags is well, Maggs. Timo Perez has played stellar defense for us, and he's a great fourth outfielder.


In my opinion we don't NEED Reed right now. I say let him play a majority of the season down there. Now if one of our outfielders gets injured than it's a different story, Reed should be the first one called up. I don't want Kenny to make a move until close to the trading deadline.


Now for the 5th spot in that rotation, I want Cottsy in there so bad it's not even funny. However, I'd give Wright a couple more starts, if he can't take care of business against Tampa then move him to the pen.


As for Willie Harris, I think it's only a matter of time before he comes around. Let's hope it's this year. If not I'm all for acquiring a guy like Vidro or Spivey.



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The last thing you want to do is make a rash decision and rush players to the bigs. We have a very fine outfield right now with everybody contributing. J Reed is better set right where he is and gaining experience. Lee is not reverting to his old ways. The guy has improved every year and hustles his rear end off. Rowand is the only OF'er who might be replaced, but he deserve the chance to show what he has and I think he is coming along well also.

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I've always been for trading Carlos Lee. He is just not the kind of player I want on my team. He is awful in the field. He makes stupid mistakes. He swings for the fences. As you said he has not grasped "Ozzie ball". It's too early to make a move. Maybe call Reed up with the next injury to a hitter and then see how he does. If he does well, trade Carlos for a SP.

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The Sox anemic offense vs. RHP may warrant moves. Seeing how the Sox made today's D-Rays SP look like Cy Young, having more games like this into June certainly would necessitate a move.


I'm not saying or advocating a move now. But if the O doesn't pick vs RHP some moves would have to be made.


I guess a key to any move would mean getting value and filling a glaring need. As most have said, a glaring hole isn't visible. Yet. But some holes are showing through.

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To be clear, I'm not advocating a trade of Rowand or Lee. I just sense something's afoot. Anyone who would get traded this early, though, would clearly be in Ozzie's doghouse, and someone who Ozzie deems replaceable.


One thing is clear though is the Sox need a lefty hitter who can bat .300 and get on base. The Sox are too RH to go far in the playoffs. Some changes may have to made even to make the playoffs though.

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I really want the Sox to make a move on Orlando Cabrera (SP?) from the Expos....


Like Renteria, Castillo, Vidro, etc, Cabrera will command big money (7-8 Mill). Hell at 6+ he ain't exactly cheap this year.


Away from Tijuana/Astroturf, OC is just an average player with good speed and overhyped (meaning he's no Vizquel) defense.


I'd rather they re-signed Jose for something along the lines of 2-year/3-4 mill plus performance/atbat-based incentives.


I like Rowand in CF. Cheap and underrated AS LONG as he doesn't overswing like he did today. On sat, against a tough righty, he had a long double, just missed a 3-run homer and a steal -- and his weakness is against those kind of pitchers.


Maggs needs a backloaded, deferrance-happy deal, but if he stays, that'll be fine by me.


Thomas is looking mighty good. His only out today was on a swing that during summer moths probably produces a gapper.


Olivo and Uribe are fine at C and 2B.


Timo can be valuable in case Aaaron gets full of himself and needs to be benched for a few games. Uses the whole field -- his hits will come.


Gload - see Timo. Also very cheap, which on the Sox team is always an asset.


Ideally, I'd see Konerko and Koch traded, but, let's face it, IT AIN'T HAPPENIN'


So Carlos Lee is the man to go. He is making 9 Mill next year, and with his stupid overswinging it's clear he HASN'T LEARNED A DAMN in the last 5 years. Keremy Reed is better suited for LF, so trade Carlos for Odalis Perez, move Wright into the pen and all is good.

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Guys, if we want to bring up Reed, we don't have to trade anyone.  Just send Perez to Charlotte.

That's a good point. But I'm not sure if Perez is able to be sent to AAA. Unless he comes down with an injury and sent for rehab.


Giving Reed a shot playing vs. RH and being the 4th OF would give him semi-consistent playing time.

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heres my opinion. I'd rather have a guy bust his butt every single day of the year and maybe not have the talent (aaron rowand) than a guy whos got the talent but doesnt play hard and doesnt give it his all (clee) I'd trade carlos over arow any day. I really like what rowand can do. I wanna keep him around.

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as much as i want Reed in Chicago, i only want him here if he's gonna play almost every day. It does us, and him, no good riding the bench

Yeah, this is what I'm thinking. I also don't want to have him in AAA too long like Crede as dk said.

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heres my opinion.  I'd rather have a guy bust his butt every single day of the year and maybe not have the talent (aaron rowand) than a guy whos got the talent but doesnt play hard and doesnt give it his all (clee)  I'd trade carlos over arow any day.  I really like what rowand can do.  I wanna keep him around.

You are not only misguided on this subject, but you are flat out insulting Carlos Lee right now. Carlos busts his ass damn near all the time.


I want him traded because he is not maturing like he should and he's making too damn much money. If he could draw walks, he can become baby Manny Ramirez. Guess what, he can't take walks. I can almost guarantee you that if he combined the patience he showed at the plate in 2002 with the bat he showed in 2003, he can put up .320 35 120 numbers with a .950-1.000 OPS. That's worth the $9 mill he will make next year. The .280 30 100 he will probably put up are, quite frankly, not.


I'm all for giving Reed a shot. I like Brando's idea of trading for Odalis Perez. Sounds good to me. Gives us 5 good starters, another (potential)good reliever in Wright, and a LH bat in the lineup.

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actually, if you were speaking about the Clee from last year, i'd agree. but from what i've seen is he doesnt run out infield grounders, doesnt even try to get to first on a dropped third strike, and is overall not hustling as much. That's all i'm sayin

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Doing a little research, I looked up Miguel Cabrera's stats from last year. Cabrera was called up to the Marlins after 69 games in AA, Carolina of the Southern League. He hit .365, with a .429 OBP, and a .609 SLG.


Jeremy Reed finished 2003 in AA, in 66 games, with a .409 avg, .474 OBP, and a .591 SLG. [Also in the Southern league]


Reed is two years older than Cabrera, and probably would hit for a higher avg and better OBP, though less power, than Cabrera did for the Marlins in 2003 [Cabrera hit like .269 with a .329 OBP] Reed has continued his hot hitting to start 2004.


Reed probably is ready. And he could fit the most glaring need for the Sox--a LH batter who can hit close to .300 and get on base vs. RHP for the sox power hitters. Timo Perez may be a decent 4th OFer. But not much more.


Some how the sox should find a way to get Reed to Chi. A trade might not be needed. [Maybe someone can get some rest on the DL] But Reed should get a look and a shot.

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Outside of crappy pitch selection, only average baserunning and defense, and 9 Mill he's set to make in 2005 to say nothing of Jeremy Reed being ready.....there is another reason why he's the odd man out: health risk. And I am not talking about unlikely freak injuries that could happen to anybody here.


We all love Lee because he hustles. But when you look at those painful dives where he is a split-second away from a separated shoulder/bruised disk, or some of the more painful slides into base -- remember those, when he would run by the base, slide at the last second and stop his momentum with his left leg, effectively doing a split? On a 30+ yo player, that's a hamstring/groin/back pull at least.


Another good example was his "slide" into 2nd last week: he didn't slide until late but this time it wasn't by the bag but ramming INTO the bag, with his leg hitting the bag so hard at a weird angle that on replay it was clear that 230-pound Carlos was lucky his ankle didn't snap right there and then.


You're only lucky like that for so long. Carlos is basically Crash but with less athleticism and worse fundamentals; with his weight that's a problem. But Rowand is cheap, so his reckless play is tolerable.


Look at how Maggs plays -- conservatives attitude, never runs into walls, never dives, flawless mechanics on slides, etc. He cares more about reading the ball off the bat, taking better routes, so he wouldn't have to make risky acrobatic plays.

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