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The mishandling of Ryan Sweeney


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As I see Sweeney hitting .229 this season I have to wonder if putting him in Winston-Salem was really a good decision. He seems so overmatched that I can't see him gaining anything from this. He only played 29 games last season in rookie league and scouts have said that he hasn't grown into his body enough to have power. If he has no experience and no power how is he supposed to handle high-A ball? Almost all of these guys have played at least 1 full professional season and some of them played college. Sweeney is only 19. What's the hurry? Just because he hit well against scrubs and prospects in Spring Training he should be hurried to Winston-Salem? I just don't see it. Same thing with Ricardo Nanita who has less reason to be there and is playing even worse (.182). I think Brian Anderson is the only one that belongs there of the 3 that skipped Kanny and even he isn't doing well. Not only is this hurting Nanita and Sweeney, but it is limiting a guy like Thomas Brice. Brice played a full season at Kanny and played well. He is tearing it up this season and should definitely be promoted. It is simple to me that something has to be done here. Thoughts?

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I think you think too much.......


You are putting way too much stock in batting averages after only 14 games. He could be hitting the ball on the nose every time and not getting any luck at all, for all we know. There is NO way to tell after 14 games by looking at a batting average that a guy is "overmatched".


I'm not sure how old you are, but my recommendation is to relax, pop the top on an ice cold brew and chill for a bit. :cheers


It is way too early to be getting your panties in a wad. ;)

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If I recall, Sweeney struggled out of the gate in short season last year and then caught fire. I'm not too concerned about Ryan. The only thing that would concern me is an injury or a loss of confidence. Other then that, Sweeney has a great swing and from everything I've seen and heard a resilient attitude.


The kid is going to be good. Those that said he would be up here at the end of the season were wrong, but thats not a knock on Sweeney. Its just the fact the Sox have a full outfield and guys like Reed and Borchard will get the chance before him, plus the Sox are in a position where they are at least hoping they will be in a playoff chase and calling up a 19 year old in the heat of the race, would not be a wise move, imo.


After 14 days, I'm not too concerned...if its a month and a half from now, then their is something to be concerned with. Let him get his reads and then see how he makes his adjustments...that will be the key. I feel the same way for Nanita and Anderson. Those two players were college ball players and should be capable of making the tough jump to high a ball. It could be rough as they adjust and I think Anderson is still being partially bothered by his wrist. I feel Anderson is more raw then Sweeney (even though he's older) but he'll be fine.


In regards to Nanita, I'm not sure. Last year Edgar Valera came into the season after hitting the hell out of the ball the previous year down in short season. It turned out he creamed the ball because he was facing a lot of very young and raw pitchers. When he moved up he was shown as a college hitter who had a ton of experience and was able to bash young pitchers. He ended up retiring and that was that. Not saying that is what is going to happen to Nanita, but he was playing at a lower level then the talent he was playing in college (or at least a similar level). Despite that, I like Nanita and think he's one of the better leadoff prospects in the system. He's definately less raw then Young, although I'm super high on Young. Young's struggling, but I seriously see Vernon Wells potential out of him.

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Sox are in a position where they are at least hoping they will be in a playoff chase and calling up a 19 year old in the heat of the race, would not be a wise move, imo. 

The Marlins did it with Cabrera, and he turned out to really help them.. :huh

Sweeney also proved he can hit major league pitching, so I can see him doing the same as well. Maybe not this September, but very soon.

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You are right Jas. Totally forgot about the years he spent down there. Sweeney is considered "a god" by some scouts so I still think he can handle his own. Even some players said it can be even difficult to handle minor league pitching than the major leagues..

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take a 'lude and relax.

if you know where to get a lude, PM me.


I deny I said this. :ph34r:







And let me among those who say that 14 games is way to early to make a judgment. Unless you are Todd Ritchie and are 0-14. Otherwise, especially with position players, way too early to worry.

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Don't everybody flame me at once. :rolleyes: You guys are really rude when you are flaming, it's actually pretty funny. Actually, no it's not. :crying

Flaming? I didn't see anyone flame you, they merely explained the situation and are telling you to relax and not to take too much stock into 14 games.

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