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Catholics to deny JFK-H the sacrements


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it's hard to knock such an upstanding and amazing women... How can you even begin to put her in the same sentence as hillary Clinton?


one supported, stayed with, and helped her husband to recovery from a disease, and the other waited until she could gain politically and then left town to become a big mouthed senator....ironically, whom no one ever hears from.


Where's the love in that cdub? the ever-trumping love?




muy interesante, imo....

your opinion


I could respond Hilary raised a great daughter and Laura raised drunks who broke the law but beyond that comment I am not going there - it all depends on one's perspective and since you see yourself as justified, fine, Peace be on you.

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your opinion


I could respond Hilary raised a great daughter and Laura raised drunks who broke the law but beyond that comment I am not going there - it all depends on one's perspective and since you see yourself as justified, fine, Peace be on you.



but following your same reasoning, why have the democrats dug up the bush twin's "problems?" whilst the republicans left Chelsea alone?

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but following your same reasoning, why have the democrats dug up the bush twin's "problems?" whilst the republicans left Chelsea alone?

perhaps because Chelsea never used Secret Service agents to get them alcohol while underage????????????????


I think the press has been really kind on Jeb's daughter and on brother Neil

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but following your same reasoning, why have the democrats dug up the bush twin's "problems?" whilst the republicans left Chelsea alone?

And that Chelsea is a Rhodes scholar and pretty much all around good girl...


Do you really think so highly of politicians that they don't dig the dirt? Puh-leaze, if there was dirt to be had on Chelsea we would have heard it. Rip on the rest of the family, but leave that girl alone.

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I do not believe W's grandma is relevant to his current position so Barbara is kind of off limits.


Politicians raise money. W has broken all of Clinton's fundraising records while President.


Politicians play both sides of every issue and we tolerate and trollerate it.

In my heart I believe W avoided serving his time, he used family connections to make that happen. Kerry, probably used his connections and spin skills to be awarded medals others may not have gotten. If I have to pick which is worse, not putting your ass on the line and avoiding the draft is worse. At least we know where Kerry was.


Kerry is too liberal on several issues for me and Bush is too conservative for me. I'm still on the fence. But truly my vote will not matter in Texas.

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You crack me up. You're sitting there piling on all this crap, just like you criticize people for doing to your wonder-boy Kerry. No one is perfect. Let's just bust this into a conspiracy-who-f***ed-up-in-this-lifetime-thread so they all suck so bad that they might as well just all take a big s*** and go home, shall we?


Pot, kettle. Kettle, pot.


They all have their skeletons, and at the end of the day it doesn't matter.


And, by the way, go back and read what I said earlier before you label me. I said that I think it took balls for Kerry to use his (WIFE'S) (oh sorry... own) money to prop up his candidacy. All sarcasm aside, that's wonderful, I think more people should be like him and put their money where their mouths are... and the guy is fighting for what he believes in, whatever the hell that is today.

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You crack me up.  You're sitting there piling on all this crap, just like you criticize people for doing to your wonder-boy Kerry.  No one is perfect.  Let's just bust this into a conspiracy-who-f***ed-up-in-this-lifetime-thread so they all suck so bad that they might as well just all take a big s*** and go home, shall we?


Pot, kettle.  Kettle, pot.


They all have their skeletons, and at the end of the day it doesn't matter. 


And, by the way, go back and read what I said earlier before you label me.  I said that I think it took balls for Kerry to use his (WIFE'S) (oh sorry... own) money to prop up his candidacy.  All sarcasm aside, that's wonderful, I think more people should be like him and put their money where their mouths are... and the guy is fighting for what he believes in, whatever the hell that is today.

two words:


John Corzine



f-ing scum bucket from New Jersey spent 80+ million of his own money to get elected.


someone please shoot him.


no, seriously.


that's roughly 4000 students that could have gone to college and/or advanced their job skills to provide for their familes(based upon $5k a year state or community collegess X 4 years)


that's 4000 more people than the number of people that will benefit from a liberal self-serving d@#$-su#$@ like John Corzine being in office.


why isn't anyone pissed about the way we run elections in this nation????

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why isn't anyone pissed about the way we run elections in this nation????

Probably the same reason no one is pissed off about the highest rate of homicide and rape in the industrialized world. We're a country of apathetics--why should we care about politics?

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your opinion


I could respond Hilary raised a great daughter and Laura raised drunks who broke the law but beyond that comment I am not going there - it all depends on one's perspective and since you see yourself as justified, fine, Peace be on you.

I live in NY and i can not stand that Hillary Clinton is a Senator here. What exactly has she done except try and raise her political rank? Nothing. She has done absolutely nothing for us. Yet we have all those people in NYC voting for her. NY is so liberal, and that, coupled with the fact of who she is, is why she won. I have zero respect for her and am ashamed that she supposedly represents me, and i am also upset that she has not done anything constructive for our state. And yes, we have many problems here that need addressing

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I live in NY and i can not stand that Hillary Clinton is a Senator here. What exactly has she done except try and raise her political rank? Nothing. She has done absolutely nothing for us. Yet we have all those people in NYC voting for her. NY is so liberal, and that, coupled with the fact of who she is, is why she won. I have zero respect for her and am ashamed that she supposedly represents me, and i am also upset that she has not done anything constructive for our state. And yes, we have many problems here that need addressing

I guess that's why I'm really sickened by the political climate. I've asked this question on this board and other places, and no one still can give me a good answer as to why John Kerry would make a good president. cw gave the closest reason I have heard yet (he trusts Kerry more on the judicial situation that's upcoming over the next 4 years) but no one else can answer that except to say "he ain't Bush". WHAT AN ANSWER. It's shallow, it means that no one has any conviction or beliefs, it's all emotion and scare tactics now for "electibility". And they are ALL guilty of it. I wish that the Dems had someone who I consider "decent" because I would not vote for Bush.


As far as Hillary, it amazed me the pressures that were put on the highest Dem officials in NY to make that happen. And they rolled over and accepted it. No where else in the country would she have gotten away with it.


"lollipop, lollipop, la la lo lo lollipop..." SUCKERS! :lol:

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Probably the same reason no one is pissed off about the highest rate of homicide and rape in the industrialized world. We're a country of apathetics--why should we care about politics?

highest number of REPORTED homicides and rapes? (I'm asking, not questioning)

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highest number of REPORTED homicides and rapes? (I'm asking, not questioning)

Touche, fair point. But if we're talking the industrialized world I imagine we're number one--put in developing nations and we'll fall.

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I live in NY and i can not stand that Hillary Clinton is a Senator here. What exactly has she done except try and raise her political rank? Nothing. She has done absolutely nothing for us. Yet we have all those people in NYC voting for her. NY is so liberal, and that, coupled with the fact of who she is, is why she won. I have zero respect for her and am ashamed that she supposedly represents me, and i am also upset that she has not done anything constructive for our state. And yes, we have many problems here that need addressing

To mock Hillary for who she is - the wife of Bill - is to ignore the GW is the son of GHW. Political conversation comes when you can understand that you complain about the winner of the popular vote being elected - that is democracy - can you then at least understand that others may feel differently than you and accept their viewpoint as valid, not mock it, even though you disagree? In some people's opinions, Hillary has done much. Your view, nothing. Can you accept the validity of the feelings of others? I could easily say:


I live in the USA and i can not stand that G W Bush is a president here. What exactly has he done except try and raise his political rank? Nothing. He has done absolutely nothing for us. He didn't even win the majority of the vote. The Supreme Court is so republican, and that, coupled with the fact of who he is, is why he won. I have zero respect for him and am ashamed that he supposedly represents me, and i am also upset that he has not done anything constructive for our nation. And yes, we have many problems here that need addressing.


I prefer Hillary to GW. I think she is smarter, works harder, has a far greater intellectual curiousity, and is no where near as rigid and closed to new concepts. For the election, I certainly feel that Kerry is the far preferable choice on those factors alone.

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Touche, fair point. But if we're talking the industrialized world I imagine we're number one--put in developing nations and we'll fall.

I think of places like nepal and thailand where it's believed that sex with a young virgin girl (9-12) will heal them from AIDS/HIV. Even worse, there's a large market for stealing and selling young girls to "houses" where you can "purchase time with one of them".



I think about gun violence in america and I go "hmmm...maybe their are bigger problems out there" (I'm not saying that it shouldn't be addressed at all...)






just saying

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in your opinion

OK then. You want it you got it. You post was complete hypocritical bulls***. It was self-serving at best. That was the whole point. I can't believe how willing and able you were to launch into a 500 word essay making this a personal arguement, calling me out by name, all in the name of rationalizing hypocracy.


How is it different to engage in character assasination of Bush or Kerry? It isn't. It isn't fair for one person to do it, and then personally condem people, questioning their character in the process. The tables could be so easily turned on that post. After questioning my notes on the Kerry family, I take it that you have all your notes on the Bush family to be able to question them? Come on.


You also missed the point on the Chimp thing, totally. Honestly, I think it is funny. of course it isn't the worst thing I have seen, and I don't recall every saying anything remotely like that. Honestly I don't think you ever saw me offended by it. It was an example, nothing more. Where do you get off putting all that crap into my mouth?


And to finish, it is posts like that, that give people the holier than thou image. That whole post was saying it was OK for you to laugh do something, that it wasn't OK for us to. Why is that? How do you know more than everyone else, because that is exactly what a post like that sounds like. It sounded to me like opposing opinions are less valid.

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I think of places like nepal and thailand where it's believed that sex with a young virgin girl (9-12) will heal them from AIDS/HIV. Even worse, there's a large market for stealing and selling young girls to "houses" where you can "purchase time with one of them".



I think about gun violence in america and I go "hmmm...maybe their are bigger problems out there"  (I'm not saying that it shouldn't be addressed at all...)






just saying

I totally understand where you're coming from (had a huge discussion about this in Ethics today), but I was just trying to point out the violence that surrounds us--our incredible rape and homicide rate are just two big examples. I think it's absolutely shocking how people can look away from that to focus on far off places (which DO of course need our help), but there is so much suffering in our own neighborhoods that I simply can't wrap my head around not being outrage that we tolerate such things. Going to school in Minnesota (where a LOT of child prostitution is traffiked--mostly out of Mall of America and other popular places) and seeing the injustices that happen in my own "backyard" I have become acutely aware that human suffering happens everywhere, and while we might be better off than some places that only allows us to not allow compassion to those suffering right next to us because our eyes are fixed far away.

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but there is so much suffering in our own neighborhoods that I simply can't wrap my head around not being outrage that we tolerate such things


Human civilizaton has been tolerating this and worse for millenii.


Why are you so surprised?

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Human civilizaton has been tolerating this and worse for millenii.


Why are you so surprised?

Because I don't think you can look at all of that pain and suffering and not be confused that it is allowed to happen with so little noise given to it. Every time I am shocked--even when I've been staring at the same problem for ages--when I see how horribly cruel we can be and how easy it is for most to ignore suffering. I know I should not be shocked, but wow, it's always just wow.

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