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Sn Report: Rogers Rejects Offer, Wants More


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If he wants $4-6 mill, then he may as well retire....because not even the Yanks or Red Sox could pay that much for him.


We could still end up with him in the long run....when Rogers(not Boras, that arrogant bastard) realizes his value is way down. I think when players find out that Boras can't get them big contracts anymore, than Boras will be fired a lot by a lot of players. Teams just won't want to deal with him anymore....and neither will players.


Boras = moron

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- Pete

Couldn't agree more. How he can think some team is going to pay 4 or 6 million for him. He's got to be nuts. Does he have his head buried under sand. No one is getting that type of money this year in free agency unless your a damn good player.


Maybe the Marlins will surprise everyone like they did with Pudge and over pay for Rogers.


Boras is a damn good agent, but this is one of the times I think his client screwed up. Unless Rogers went against Boras and turned down the offer he had from the Rangers because he thought he could get more.

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Couldn't agree more.  How he can think some team is going to pay 4 or 6 million for him.  He's got to be nuts.  Does he have his head buried under sand.  No one is getting that type of money this year in free agency unless your a damn good player. 


Maybe the Marlins will surprise everyone like they did with Pudge and over pay for Rogers.


Boras is a damn good agent, but this is one of the times I think his client screwed up.  Unless Rogers went against Boras and turned down the offer he had from the Rangers because he thought he could get more.

I wonder when he'll wake up and realize that no team, not even the Yankmes would pay that much for a #5 starter.


- Pete

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Couldn't agree more.  How he can think some team is going to pay 4 or 6 million for him.  He's got to be nuts.  Does he have his head buried under sand.  No one is getting that type of money this year in free agency unless your a damn good player.  


Maybe the Marlins will surprise everyone like they did with Pudge and over pay for Rogers.


Boras is a damn good agent, but this is one of the times I think his client screwed up.  Unless Rogers went against Boras and turned down the offer he had from the Rangers because he thought he could get more.

I wonder when he'll wake up and realize that no team, not even the Yankmes would pay that much for a #5 starter.


- Pete

If he's smart he'd apply for a bullpen position with the Yanks. After all they are paying Contreras 8 a mill a year to be a mid reliever.


I bet the Yanks bullpen costs more then about 5 teams major league salaries.

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Hey, I knew all a long that rogers would reject it, because the sox made the offer. There was no negotiating done at all. It is now kenny turn to counteroffer, like say how about we will give you 2 million with incentives that can add to 4 mil. There has to be a negotiation in this, alot of players just don't go and sign a contract on the first offer. Put it this way do you buy a car for the price that they say it is? No I don;t think so, you negotiate. Hopefully that is what rogers is doing, the sox lowed balled him so he is going to high ball the sox. Now if the sox are really interested they will make a counteroffer. I heard reports that the sox can afford about 2.5 mill for him plus incentive that can bring him to about 4. Lets see what happens, because I really don;t think he wants to retire, and noone else has the money or the interest in signing him to a contract like that. Heck from what I am hearing he hasn't even been offered anything since the begging of free agency.

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Hopefully Rogers will se the light and want to come here. If not let him retire. He screwed up not taking the Rangers offer. Nobody is going to pay him what he thinks he is worth.

we are talking incentive laiden contract, what is he soooo afraid off if he is the pitcher that he thinks he is?


we are talking about bonus beside that in a contract for playing in the playoff, how much money does that come too? maybe not that much but its a little more than he would let say if he plays for let say tpa.


we are talking about the biggest prize of all, the possibliity of going to the series and then some. how many times has he done that?


what a freaking idiot.

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having rogers on our team will definitely improve our chances to the playoffs..but if he is unwilling to come here, why should we keep on pursuing him with more and more offers? he rejects our offer, and doesnt want to come here cuz he obviously dont think we got a shot at winning. so lets just forget that biatch, and stick with rauch in the fifth spot. :bringit


my 100th post :headbang :headbang :headbang :headbang :headbang

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having rogers on our team will definitely improve our chances to the playoffs..but if he is unwilling to come here, why should we keep on pursuing him with more and more offers? he rejects our offer, and doesnt want to come here cuz he obviously dont think we got a shot at winning. so lets just forget that biatch, and stick with rauch in the fifth spot. :bringit


my 100th post :headbang  :headbang  :headbang  :headbang  :headbang

its been said that kw has pulled the offer and walked away. know kw temper that is over and done with and i will not and don't blame him for this.


jeez i am actually defending kw. :huh:

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