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Today on ATH during Buy or Sell, Kotex Boy said he believed the Tigers are the most improved team in baseball this year because "they are in the worst division in baseball and the White Sox and Twins have issues..."


Now Mr. Kotex, let me ask, aren't the Twins and Sox ahead of the Tigers in the standings?


Which issues are you speaking of?


:fyou ass clown

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I dont want to start a huge debate with everyone, but what is are big infatuation with Marriotti? I could care less what the dickhead has to say, because we all know he doesnt know anything about the Sox. But why does everyone keep posting about him??

because he's representing chicago.

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I saw that too.


I'm trying to figure out what issues he's talking about. Starting has been solid, relief has been fine, no problems with defense, offense has kicked some ass, Oz and the coaches are fine, management hasn't done anything dumb....WHAT ISSUES JAY? :rolleyes: :dips***

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I dont want to start a huge debate with everyone, but what is are big infatuation with Marriotti? I could care less what the dickhead has to say, because we all know he doesnt know anything about the Sox. But why does everyone keep posting about him??

As a leading sportswriter in Chicago, who also regularly appears on a national sports show, who also has his own radio show on a local sports station, the man does carry some clout. He has faithful fans of his work. People who are new to town recognize his name and therefore read or listen to his bulls***. When arguably the most popular sportsperson in town continuously throws stones at a franchise I find it hard to believe that that doesn't result in a certain negative impression of that franchise amongst the public. That's why we should care. He obviously takes pleasure in knocking this team, this ownership, and the fans. He is no longer neutral, no longer unbiased, he is out to do as much damage as he can. Sox faithful like those of us on this board can't be swayed by his propaganda, casual baseball fans looking for a family outing can.


I think that a promotion at the park bashing this guy would be an outstanding promotion. Obviously you wouldn't get him into a dunk booth, but we could have paper shredders at the gates. Bring a Mariotti article, shred it at the gate, and get a free ticket. It would forever label him as a hardcore sCrUBS fan after the media attention the stunt would garner, no longer would he be able to declare himself neutral. Finally, casual baseball fans who find themselves reading his crap, would realize that they are reading an extremely biased opinion.

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