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US general suspended over abuse


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Brig Gen Mark Kimmitt told CBS the army was "appalled" by the behaviour of its soldiers.


Gen Kimmitt, the deputy head of coalition forces in Iraq, said the suspected abusers "let their fellow soldiers down".


But, he said, the few suspects were "not representative of the 150,000 soldiers that are over here... Don't judge your army based on the actions of a few," he urged Americans.


CBS says the pictures it obtained show a wide range of abuses, including:



Prisoners with wires attached to their genitals


A dog attacking a prisoner


Prisoners being forced to simulate having sex with each other


A detainee with an abusive word written on his body.

The prison where the abuses are alleged to have taken place was a notorious torture centre during the Saddam Hussein era.


Lin with some of the photos

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Phil Caputo in his book "The Rumor Of War" speaks of (and I don't have the exact quote) never underestimating the violence level of a 20 year old American male.


More than that, will be the usual comments (while attacks continue of Senator Kerry for his 1970s exposure of atrocities in Vietnam) that deny that such things happen or to say that this was not representative of the whole.


Violence requires the dehumanization of the one upon whom the act of violence is commited. Humilitaion is a part of the dehumanization. Such practices are endemic to institutionalized violence. And a common fallacy is that "we" are better than "they". Human nature is human nature.


A sense of history always puts into perspectives any claims of superiorty.

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I've always told myself to not let people's stupidity shock you, yet I am in this case. Of course, the torture disgusts me, but what amazes me is taking pictures of it with yourself smiling and giving the thumbs up. It is akin to the goofs that videotape their crime sprees. That idiot who blamed it on his higher-ups for not instructing him on how to treat the prisoners really amazes me. They didn't tell him not to have them pose in sexual positions, so he thought it was OK? They should all be locked away for a very long time. What they did was not only a crime against the Iraqi victims, but against the United States as well.

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I am going to say this once.


Rafacosta and several other members here are not US citizens.


Thus they do not buy into the fiction that the USA is perfect.


I love my country but lets gets real and stop petending that the lies we believe in are actually true.


Keep us honest. Remind the US of reality when its pretense blinds.

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I am going to say this once.


Rafacosta and several other members here are not US citizens.


Thus they do not buy into the fiction that the USA is perfect.


Rafa, others.  :headbang  :headbang  :headbang


I love my country but lets gets real and stop petending that the lies we believe in are actually true.


Keep us honest.  Remind the US of reality when its pretense blinds.

You're kidding right? Just because he doesn't buy into Pax Americana, doesn't mean racism and stereotypes are all right. Just because he is Brazilian doesn't mean that I can label him a drug lord, or a indiginant beggar dependant on my tax money.


What he posted was racism, pure and simple.

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You're kidding right?  Just because he doesn't buy into Pax Americana, doesn't mean racism and stereotypes are all right.  Just because he is Brazilian doesn't mean that I can label him a drug lord, or a indiginant beggar dependant on my tax money. 


What he posted was racism, pure and simple.

I disagree totally.


I'll stand with Rafa and Kip and others who observe US history as it is rather than as we wish it to be to suit political spin.

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I disagree totally.


I'll stand with Rafa and Kip and others who observe US history as it is rather than as we wish it to be to suit political spin.

So do I. What happened was a horrible discusting thing. If the US is going to have a death penalty, these are people who need it used against them.


That being said, when you sterotype a group of people based on the actions of a small group, THAT to me is the very definition of racism.


Think about it. Just because some Brazilians are involved in paramilitary activity to support their drug empire, does that mean the whole nation is a bunch of Scarface's? No way. Just because Nuke is a military man, doesn't mean he tortures Iraqis. That is incredibly racist in my eyes. Love the guy, or hate everything he has said, that doesn't matter. Racism is racism.

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I am going to say this twice.


Rafacosta and several other members here are not US citizens.


Thus they do not buy into the fiction that the USA is perfect.


I love my country but lets gets real and stop petending that the lies we believe in are actually true.


Rafa, others:


Keep us honest. Remind the US of reality when its pretense blinds.

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I am going to say this twice.


Rafacosta and several other members here are not US citizens.


Thus they do not buy into the fiction that the USA is perfect.


I love my country but lets gets real and stop petending that the lies we believe in are actually true.


Rafa, others:


Keep us honest. Remind the US of reality when its pretense blinds.

So I guess now all military guys are mindless drones who torture Muslims? Come on. Seriously.


I don't think I have ever said the US was perfect. As a matter of a fact, as a world history buff, I think I have called the US to task for its downfalls all over the world. (go back and read my threads on Africa and specifically Rwanda and Sudan)


But in my eyes racism is wrong, whether it is a Klan rally, a concentration camp, Hutu genocide, women as second class citizens, or a Brazilian calling all American soldiers war criminals.

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I am going to say this twice.


Rafacosta and several other members here are not US citizens.


Thus they do not buy into the fiction that the USA is perfect.


I love my country but lets gets real and stop petending that the lies we believe in are actually true.


Rafa, others:


Keep us honest. Remind the US of reality when its pretense blinds.

Still, I doubt that gives him the right to insinuate that Nuke Cleveland would do such horrible, disurbing things, just because he is a member of the US military. The actions done by those few soldiers were so disturbing, that it sickens me all the more that one user would be mocked by another, with ABSOLUTELY no evidence or backing. That comment was a totally distasteful thing to say, and maybe not racist, but sick, very sick.

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I agree with southsider. I dont care what country he is from, why would someone dare ask if someone else participated in torture of anyone else. I dont think it is so much racist, more of just a very rude comment which he didnt think about before he said it. I could careless if its Anti-American or any of that crap, just I do not think it was a wise comment.

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what did we do to the Native American tribes -


what did we do to them...


what are we doing now...



all pieces of the whole cloth

what did WE do? Absolutely nothing. If you would like to shoulder the blame yourself for actions of those hundreds of years ago go ahead, cuz i wont be. And tell me, what ARE we doing now? Wanna just give them all of their land back? Ya, i can see that happening. It would solve everything And if you're so disgusted about what Americans a hundred years ago did to them and what we're "doing" to them now, then why stay? If our country is so bad and has done so much wrong (and according to many, continues to do such) why stay? Canada and Mexico are right here. Hell, Cuba's just a short plane ride away as well

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