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US general suspended over abuse


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what did we do to the Native American tribes -


what did we do to them...


what are we doing now...



all pieces of the whole cloth

I agree with CubsSuck. I could careless about Anti-American comments. There is no question is am a HUGE supporter of America, and I LOVE this beautiful country.

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Thank you, Mr. May...


Alright, my take on the issue. Children, have you ever heard of ethnocentrism? Well I have heard ethnocentric things. Maybe Rafacosta thinks differently because he has different morals than you. Culture is a lot different. Cultural diffusion was not brought into this equation. No one came over and did this. In our country we do not purposely rape our women. It takes a crime for this to happen. Okay, in our country it is a taboo, but in Rafacosta's case it may not be. Don't get me wrong, I am against what he said, but I just wanted to point out that people have different morals in their culture. Do not disrespect ones culture, that is being racist and disrespectful towards ones self.


My opinion: What the hell? Mr. Rafacosta, its not correct to rape or do anything of that sort. Women are the most vulnerable creatures on our planet. Before you go ramble off on something utterly immoral, do you realize the recovery for rape victims? Absolutely not. It is not pretty, the woman has psychology and therapy to deal with. Not cool or funny at all. End of story.

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I agree with CubsSuck. I could careless about Anti-American comments. There is no question is am a HUGE supporter of America, and I LOVE this beautiful country.

That is almost the same thing as the African Americans in our society today. I think what we did to the native americans is wrong and what we did to the african americans is totally immoral, but you have to realize, this occured how long ago? 100 years? Exactly. And for the african americans? 50 years ago. Shows us that we are all racist. They hate us, I get called a cracker every day at school and i hear the word "n*****" every day in the hallway to each other. I am very disappointed in this because we all are equal. Have you read the constitution lately? Exactly my point.

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what did WE do? Absolutely nothing. If you would like to shoulder the blame yourself for actions of those hundreds of years ago go ahead, cuz i wont be. And tell me, what ARE we doing now? Wanna just give them all of their land back? Ya, i can see that happening. It would solve everything And if you're so disgusted about what Americans a hundred years ago did to them and what we're "doing" to them now, then why stay? If our country is so bad and has done so much wrong (and according to many, continues to do such) why stay? Canada and Mexico are right here. Hell, Cuba's just a short plane ride away as well

You're all welcome to come to Canada, but our record with the First Nations is also appaling and frankly embarassing.

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I am going to say this once.


Rafacosta and several other members here are not US citizens.


Thus they do not buy into the fiction that the USA is perfect.


Rafa, others.  :headbang  :headbang  :headbang


I love my country but lets gets real and stop petending that the lies we believe in are actually true.


Keep us honest.  Remind the US of reality when its pretense blinds.

Before you go defending Rafa and his totally inappropriate comment toward Nuke, stop and consider that he could have been asking you if your son is also guilty of this attrocity.

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Where is the powerfull NUKE_CLEVELAND?


Hey, NUKE. Did you do that (torture the iraqis) when you were there???



This from a guy who defended locking up and charging a $25,000 fine a pilot for flipping off a security guard in his country.



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That is one of the most racist, narrowminded comments I have seen on here in a long time.  And that is saying something.

I just write a question (2 questions).


Who are you to know the life of NUKE in Iraq? Are you there with him? Can it be possible? Can be. H?ew said a lot of times in him that the 'palis' dont understand the word please and he had to use the force. So...


Back to the images:


Iraq is free, right? Tell me one thing: Who is the worst torture? The US soldiers' torture or the Saddam's torture?


US soldiers' are doing exactily what Saddam did. We will liberate Iraq!


"Shame on America. How can they convince us now that it is the bastion of democracy, freedoms and human rights? Why do we blame our dictators then?" asked Mustafa Saad, who was reading morning papers in a downtown Cairo cafe.


This comment was right on the money!


"They were ugly images. Is this the way the Americans treat prisoners?" asked Ahmad Taher, 24, a student at Baghdad's Mustansiriyah University. "Americans claim that they respect freedom and democracy — but only in their country."


No. They just treat this way 'Pali' prisoners.


In Syria, Damascus merchant Sahban Alawi, 45, asked "what's the difference between them and Saddam Hussein? They are doing to Iraq more than what he did."


They come with the slogan: We will liberate Iraq! After they take your job, they torture you. That's the difference...


I got this quotes from an article in Yahoo.



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That being said, when you sterotype a group of people based on the actions of a small group, THAT to me is the very definition of racism.

I just make a question.


Until now he didnt pronounced on it.

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I just write a question (2 questions).


Who are you to know the life of NUKE in Iraq? Are you there with him? Can it be possible? Can be. H?ew said a lot of times in him that the 'palis' dont understand the word please and he had to use the force. So...


Back to the images:


Iraq is free, right? Tell me one thing: Who is the worst torture? The US soldiers' torture or the Saddam's torture?


US soldiers' are doing exactily what Saddam did. We will liberate Iraq!




This comment was right on the money!




No. They just treat this way 'Pali' prisoners.




They come with the slogan: We will liberate Iraq! After they take your job, they torture you. That's the difference...


I got this quotes from an article in Yahoo.



Too bad your country wasn't there to help.


The mistake you are making is painting such a broad swipe with your brush. Of the hundreds of thousand United States Troops that have been in and out of Iraq, we have a handfull that broke our law. THey will be prosecuted for their behavior.


A key difference from when Sadamm was running the country. We found out, investigated, and will punish severly those responsible.


To try and draw Nuke_Cleveland into this was insulting and you know it. Which escaped Nazi that settled in Brazil was your grandfather? I'm just asking a question. ;)

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Too bad your country wasn't there to help.


The mistake you are making is painting such a broad swipe with your brush. Of the hundreds of thousand United States Troops that have been in and out of Iraq, we have a handfull that broke our law. THey will be prosecuted for their behavior.


A key difference from when Sadamm was running the country. We found out, investigated, and will punish severly those responsible.


To try and draw Nuke_Cleveland into this was insulting and you know it. Which escaped Nazi that settled in Brazil was your grandfather? I'm just asking a question.  ;)

Thank you, that's what i have to say to my country for not participating on this war.


We have a lot of problems in here, why my country would be losing money with this war? Today's govt are not crazy to do that and they are totally agst this brutal war (without cause, just personnal reason (Bush's reason)).


Yeah, they escaped and come to my country, it was in the 1945. We are talking today's war. Do you know your country helped my country to become a dictatorship for more than 20 years? Did you participated on that?Hipocrisy! Again!


It can be true that my grandfather was a nazi, you dont know me or dont know my family. It's the same thing with NUKE, he could have done this torture. Are you there with him all the time to have sure in what he did?

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Thank you, that's what i have to say to my country for not participating on this war.


We have a lot of problems in here, why my country would be losing money with this war? Today's govt are not crazy to do that and they are totally agst this brutal war (without cause, just personnal reason (Bush's reason)).


Yeah, they escaped and come to my country, it was in the 1945. We are talking today's war. Do you know your country helped my country to become a dictatorship for more than 20 years? Did you participated on that?Hipocrisy! Again!


It can be true that my grandfather was a nazi, you dont know me or dont know my family. It's the same thing with NUKE, he could have done this torture. Are you there with him all the time to have sure in what he did?

Excuse me but we aren't making money with this war. Once again my tax dollars are going to bail out some f***ed up country.


I guess I just do not understand the customs in Brazil. It's ok for you to infer that Nuke may have committed an unspeakable crime against humanity, yet it isn't ok to reply with a one-fingered salute. Amazing country you live in.


So let me try and be a Brazilian. "Have you f***ed any small children lately?"

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Excuse me but we aren't making money with this war. Once again my tax dollars are going to bail out some f***ed up country.


I guess I just do not understand the customs in Brazil. It's ok for you to infer that Nuke may have committed an unspeakable crime against humanity, yet it isn't ok to reply with a one-fingered salute. Amazing country you live in.


So let me try and be a Brazilian. "Have you f***ed any small children lately?"

So let me try and be a Brazilian. "Have you f***ed any small children lately?"


That's it, we dont know. Have you done that?


It's not just Brazilian, everybody thinks that way. How can i be sure that he didnt do nothing like that to the Iraqis? We are in the internet, you can be a woman instead of a man (with all the respect). He (NUKE) said few times in here that with the 'palis', you need to use force because they dont undertand please.


If you give the finger to a federal judge in his front and starting calling him names and laughing at his face, what you gonna happen with you? Don say to me that it wont happen nothing because it's bulls***.



Excuse me but we aren't making money with this war. Once again my tax dollars are going to bail out some f***ed up country.


What this f***ed up countries pay for your country of interests...i dont even say that.

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Rafa ... Americans all across the country are sickened, disgusted and embarrassed by the actions of those select idiots. Your reaction is part of the reason why we feel that way. It paints us all, in the eyes of many, with that one disgusting foul smelling brush. Americans, in general, are NOT the type of people that these jerks have respesented us to be. Not even close.


For you to accuse Nuke of being a part of those types of actions, without having any proof whatsoever, is just wrong. At least, in America, it is viewed as wrong. You are considered innocent until proven guilty here. Most members of the United States military wear the uniform with pride and do so out of a desire to serve the nation. They are all, 100%, volunteers. I'm sure a vast vast majority of the men and women wearing our military uniforms would love to personally hand out due justice to the ones who did this.

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Rafa ... Americans all across the country are sickened, disgusted and embarrassed by the actions of those select idiots.  Your reaction is part of the reason why we feel that way.  It paints us all, in the eyes of many, with that one disgusting foul smelling brush.  Americans, in general, are NOT the type of people that these jerks have respesented us to be.  Not even close. 


For you to accuse Nuke of being a part of those types of actions, without having any proof whatsoever, is just wrong.  At least, in America, it is viewed as wrong.  You are considered innocent until proven guilty here.  Most members of the United States military wear the uniform with pride and do so out of a desire to serve the nation.  They are all, 100%, volunteers.  I'm sure a vast vast majority of the men and women wearing our military uniforms would love to personally hand out due justice to the ones who did this.

I'm not accusing him, i made just a question. I made that question because he defends the US Army with all his heart. I dont see nothing wrong with that.

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I'm not accusing him, i made just a question. I made that question because he defends the US Army with all his heart. I dont see nothing wrong with that.

Perhaps it was the way you worded it, but just asking that question is inflammatory. My previous post was not so much an accusation of you as it was my trying to express to you that we (Americans) are not proud of what happened and, in fact, it goes against everything we believe in. That's really the point I wanted to make.

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Still, I doubt that gives him the right to insinuate that Nuke Cleveland would do such horrible, disurbing things, just because he is a member of the US military. The actions done by those few soldiers were so disturbing, that it sickens me all the more that one user would be mocked by another, with ABSOLUTELY no evidence or backing. That comment was a totally distasteful thing to say, and maybe not racist, but sick, very sick.

looking at this thread 12 hours later...


let me tell you what I missed 12 hours ago.


I was in a totally different discussion in my own head. So I want to apologise to everyone for having missed something very essential.


I was reacting to the reality that atrocities happen on all sides, always have, always will, and no people or country are morally superior in institutionalized violence in that regards and our own history is very blemished by our own past actions, particularly with native peoples and slavery.


I also was reacting to that citizens of other nations are perfectly correct in looking at this country and our actions from their perspective.


Until I read a PM from SuperSteve (thanks!) I missed the accusation/taunt thrown out at Nuke. How I missed that I will chalk up to .... who knows, I totally missed it. I simply missed it, until I read SuperSteve's PM to me and went back and re-read the thread. That of course puts the whole conversation in a new light and makes my posts really seem "out in left field."


And for the rest of what I can say now, other than my posts in this thread are all lacking because I missed something so monumental going on, what I can say now is this:


The definition of racism does not at all encompass such a charge.


Rafa, I agree and affirm with much of what you post from your different national/global perspective and I welcome that because we need to hear it. I think your taunt at Nuke is unworthy of you and your usual standard of posting.


I want to identify with cubssuck post because he says it pretty close to where I am on this now that I have read the whole thread.

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I just make a question.


Until now he didnt pronounced on it.

And what did you ask that question based on? The fact that is he an American military man. Nothing else. What if he was a member of the Polish military that was in Iraq, would you have asked the samething? No way. That is racism. It is no different than calling people terrorists because they are at a funeral. And to me that you did this, and don't see it as wrong says that you have racism in your heart. And to me that is sad.

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Rafa has a legit excuse ... He's not American.

He has no excuse. You never have an excuse for making a comment like that directed towards another human being. Him being Brazilian, people could go and stereotype him too and make some snide remakr and i bet you he'd be pretty pissed off

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Where is the powerfull NUKE_CLEVELAND?


Hey, NUKE. Did you do that (torture the iraqis) when you were there???



What a f***ing stupid thing to say. You are a f***ing idiot, end of story.

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If you give the finger to a federal judge in his front and starting calling him names and laughing at his face, what you gonna happen with you? Don say to me that it wont happen nothing because it's bulls***.



Nothing will happen. That is the US society. We are free to do that.


If I understand your remarks, it is ok to infer that Nuke tortured Iraqis, but it isn't ok to call him names and laugh at him? :headshake


What a f***ed up country Brazil is.

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