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Does Dransfeldt Stick Around?


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Willie has some pop in that bat. The opp. pitchers try to jam him alot though in his AB's. But when he turns on one, I'd expect about 5-10 homers for Willie this year.

Really? I'd expect about 1, perhaps.


But hey, the LB could cover the WR if you like. We can set up threes for Manute Bol. Whatever you want to do. Whatever helps the team win.

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There is no reason to keep Kelly Dransfeldt, a career minor leaguer on the roster. He may have had a few clutch hits in the last week but there is no reason to believe a guy who hit somewhere around .250 in the minors with no power could consistantly perform at a major league level.


Willy Harris on the other hand, despite being a fairly s***ty player so far this season (in my opinion) is still an asset to the team because of his speed. That saying regardless of how hot Juan Uribe is right now he will most likely remain the teams utility player behind Jose and Willy starting at short and 2nd simply because he can play more positions than Willy Harris, who can only play second and center. Uribe will probably see increased playing time due to his performance though and Kelly Dransfeldt will be back in Charlotte where he belongs.

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Crede is a Robin Ventura type player. He'll make the plays he needs to, but he'll also make an error here or there. The experiment with Jose at 3B was ugly, let's not go there again


Jose is cooked, I'm tired of him.


And even the idea of comparing Frank to Jose is ludicrous.


First of all, Jose was not that bad of a 3B all things considered. In 2001, he had 11 errors in about 90 games but displayed well-above average range and quick release at an unfamiliar position.....I am not sure why you're comparing Crede to Jose anyway since my entire point had to do with the fact that Jose played really good defense starting from last May, including ST, all the way up to the NY series, hit pretty well, ran bases....and yet for some reason people are "giving up" on him. Seems pretty strange considering Crede has been struggling in every aspect of the game in the same time 6+ month time span -- yet he's a Golden Boy beyond reproach. Hmm.




No, it's not. Same people who are whining because Frank isn't hitting homers are the ones who think Valentin is "cooked" and "worthless".

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If Jose has the most heart on our team, how come we have won a lot without him


I know it's not even worth dignifying, but Sox are 8-3 when Jose started at SS this season.....and 5-5 without, despite having the luxury of playing TB/Tribe at home.


If you can get Washburn for him, then trade him. But Anaheim is not stupid, so any trade involving Jose would entail taking on salary and probably an inferior player. But whatever.

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Medicore bat? I don't know about that. He had pretty stellar years in both 2001 and 2003. Put him on a team with a little more protection than Jose Vidro and he's a legitmate threat. If there are any concerns on this guy it's his health...but he plays through pain. I believe he played 153 games in 2002 with a nasty back injury. Plus there is the fact that the turf on Montreal will eat you up alive. You might as well play on asphalt if you are going to play for the Expos. Throw him on some natural surface and this guy is an all-star year in and year out. I'd love to have him in a White Sox uni, but the fact of the matter is that there will be high interest for him in the off-season. Not to mention high price tag.

Turf giveth and turf taketh away.


How many of Cabrera's "singles" (and sometimes doubles/triples on bouncers down the line") are outs on grass? And many of his hustling "doubles" in the gap are just long singles on grass?


Good hitter??? Outside of admittedly very good 2003, his career OPS is a very unspectacular 715 -- including 695 on grass. Perennial All-Star my ass. :lol:


It gets better: since 2000, Cabrera has a 740 OPS with RISP -- by comparison the "worthless" Jose is at 900 in that span.....so you better not count on him to run-produce.


You're right in this regard: Orlando will command BIG money. Hell, he is making 6 Million this year.


You can re-sign an all-lefty batting Jose for about a 1 Mill plus incentives and/or use a dirt-cheap Uribe as platoon.


Or you can try to out-bid the Big Money clubs and get an overrated player in return. Choice is yours.

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Guest JimH

I'd bet Valentin will command, and get, a two year deal ... even at age 35.


If not with the White Sox, then with someone else.


He has his flaws, but the left handed power is too appealing for teams to ignore.


I really doubt they can convince him to sign a one year deal at $1M plus incentives, he is still too valuable. There are not that many decent shortstops out there. I wish there were, but it's just not the case.


Jose needs to stop chasing the high fastball and cut his strikeouts to less than 100 per year. Debateable whether he can do that at this stage of his career.

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I'd bet Valentin will command, and get, a two year deal ... even at age 35.


If not with the White Sox, then with someone else.


He has his flaws, but the left handed power is too appealing for teams to ignore.


I really doubt they can convince him to sign a one year deal at $1M plus incentives, he is still too valuable.  There are not that many decent shortstops out there. I wish there were, but it's just not the case.


Jose needs to stop chasing the high fastball and cut his strikeouts to less than 100 per year.  Debateable whether he can do that at this stage of his career.

Well said.


I'd love to see Jose at SS for the Sox next year on opening day, personally. In fact, I would not mind seeing Jose end his playing-career as a member of the White Sox, and if he started his coaching career(say as a 3B coach) as a member of the White Sox staff, I would like that too.

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For the life of me, I can't figure out why so many people want to dump Valentin. He's one of the key players on this team and if you don't see it you're blind. And especially when you are talking about keeping Dransfeldt up in his place. KD is a career .235 hitter in AAA !!!!!!


Willie Harris hasn't produced like we need him to do, but it is still too early to give up on him. However, Uribe has earned the opportunity to play more regularly, whether it is at 2B, SS, 3B or CF. He should be in 80% of the games when we are facing RH starters.

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For the life of me, I can't figure out why so many people want to dump Valentin.  He's one of the key players on this team and if you don't see it you're blind. And especially when you are talking about keeping Dransfeldt up in his place.  KD is a career .235 hitter in AAA !!!!!!


Willie Harris hasn't produced like we need him to do, but it is still too early to give up on him.  However, Uribe has earned the opportunity to play more regularly, whether it is at 2B, SS, 3B or CF.  He should be in 80% of the games when we are facing RH starters.

i love it when you analyze..... :)

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It's what I do ....  :)

hey your right on.... uribe has played into a starters role as far as i am concerned.


that said.... willie shows some potential.... i love his speed... plus, in my opinion, he seems like a team first kind of guy...


uribe needs to be in the line-up as much as possible but i think willie needs to be in there too


ozzie has some juggling to do

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hey your right on.... uribe has played into a starters role as far as i am concerned.


that said.... willie shows some potential.... i love his speed... plus, in my opinion, he seems like a team first kind of guy...


uribe needs to be in the line-up as much as possible but i think willie needs to be in there too


ozzie has some juggling to do

Juggling is acceptable. Tinkering is not. :lol:

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idont know what people see so much in valentin.... he doesnt really hit better then harris as sad as that sounds.... and as far as defense.... harris and uribe are both excellent defenders and maybe uribe's arm isnt as strong as valentin's but he will make the accurate throw more of the time because for some reason valentin thinks konerko has hops

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idont know what people see so much in valentin.... he doesnt really hit better then harris as sad as that sounds.... and as far as defense.... harris and uribe are both excellent defenders and maybe uribe's arm isnt as strong as valentin's but he will make the accurate throw more of the time because for some reason valentin thinks konerko has hops

Jose is just a good solid baseball player. He's above average defensively, regardless of his occasional lapses. He's the only LH power we have, and therefore is very important to this team. He's a good baserunner. He doesn't make stupid mistakes on the pads or in the field. He also has a knack for coming through in the clutch. We are a better team with Valentin, than without him.

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In addition to Jose's LHP power, his baseball smarts are needed. Especially on the bases and at bat. I just about died when Olivo bunted w/ a runner on 3rd with only 1 out. He could have made the score 7-4 but didn't. The Sox don't need to tell Jose to get the ball into the air to score the runner. Jose's not going to hurt the Sox in ways young guys and C. Lee will.


The Sox are fine with Jose this year at SS. Uribe is probably the long term solution there though. Juan should continue getting AB's at 3b, SS and 2b until he cools off.


I saw an interestign stat re: Willie Harris. In Sox wins, Harris is hitting like .340. In Sox losses, he's hitting like .140. Whatever happens w/ Willie, the Sox need a table setter at the top of the lineup [preferably 1 + 2, like Uribe is doing] to get on base and have speed for the power guys to hit in.

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He's the only LH power we have, and therefore is very important to this team.

This is why if we pursue a trade for any1, it should be a LH power hitter. I'd be willin to trade Carlos for one, and KW will definitely target this in FA this off - season.

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idont know what people see so much in valentin.... he doesnt really hit better then harris as sad as that sounds

Oh, is that so? So you'll take Willie's inconsistant struggles at the plate over .250 25 70 per year?


Willie has nothing on Jose when it comes to batting. In the field, sometimes. On the bases, occasionally.


and as far as defense.... harris and uribe are both excellent defenders


Well, in that case, so is Jose.


and maybe uribe's arm isnt as strong as valentin's but he will make the accurate throw more of the time because for some reason valentin thinks konerko has hops


No, Jose just has his fits of Knoblauch-itis now and then. He won't throw it correctly, and it ends up hitting a fan not paying attention in the side of the face(or if they are paying attention, it hits an empty seat). Jose is usually a very solid SS.


isnt jeremy reed a left hand hitter so couldnt he answer all the problems if we keep jose in that gives us 2 left handed bats 


You are right Jeremy Reed is a LH batter. But we need LH power. Jeremy's 10-15 homers would not do us much good, other then the immediate effect of the homers.


Jose hits 25-30 homers per year(usually right around 27), and regardless of him hitting .240 at the dish, he still hits those homers from the LH side of the plate, and that is huge for us.


Moving Jose just makes no sense. If you want a comparison, it would be like the Bears trading Rex Grossman and going with Krenzel or Quinn as the starter, and while one of those 2 could succeed, they most likely won't.

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This is why if we pursue a trade for any1, it should be a LH power hitter. I'd be willin to trade Carlos for one, and KW will definitely target this in FA this off - season.

I've wanted him to get a LH bat for about 3 years now, and he still hasn't gotten us one yet(other then Everett last year, if you count that).


A very good LH bat for the middle of this lineup could be just what the doctor ordered for the offense. And by very good, I'm talking a LH bat like Delgado, not Everett. Hell, get Delgado somehow, someway, and then trade Carlos Lee and a solid prospect to New York for Cliff Floyd. Works as far as I'm concerned.

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