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Southtown readers ideas for the cell


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Very good article, I love the metra stop.  That would be VERY nice, to not have to go through traffic, pay $16, and then get out of the parking lots.

That would really rock for the Suburban folks out there. They wouldn't have to fight traffic and s***ty neighborhoods to get to the park.

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Less parking, more eateries


The Sox have hundreds of parking spots that go unused every game. Tear up some of the best ones adjacent to the viaduct and put in two restaurants: a Sox-themed bar & grill and a pizza place. The key is to not get greedy and charge ballpark prices. Fans want somewhere to go before/after games where they won't be gouged.


This idea rocks!!!!


The worst thing about going to a Sox game is that I have to drive a pretty fair distance to even make it to Connies Pizza after the game. Get Home Run Inn or the Patio to open a location there and deck it out with Sox stuff. Guaranteed winner!

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My dad and I often park on the street and walk to the stadium, but a lot of people don't like doing that, so it is important to keep a lot of parking.


There are also several good places on the southside to grab a burger, but they are not located right by the park, so putting in a large Sox themed sports bar/family restraunt would be cool. I just don't think it should be located in the parking lot.


It may seem kind of weird, but I liked the Comiskey environment the best when it was first built. I guess I was too young to see the underlying issues, I only knew that the stadium and the team kicked ass.

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Very good article, I love the metra stop.  That would be VERY nice, to not have to go through traffic, pay $16, and then get out of the parking lots.

They do have the 'El' but taking that sucks, and some people have no access to it.

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They do have the 'El' but taking that sucks, and some people have no access to it.

taking the El does not suck, Mr Dylan!


I love going that way and have since that line opened in 1970.


The Metra stop is an idea that makes great sense and I hope that happens.

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This is a great idea: :headbang

3. Fill the nosebleed upper-deck sections every home game with $2 admission for kids under 14 ($12 for vertigo-bad view seats — give me a break). Also, charge $2 for Little Leaguers, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. You, the White Sox administration, have lost the youth in this area for over three decades to WGN and the Cubs. Bring the kids back South!
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1-You want more bars and restaurants in the neighborhood.

2-You want ticket prices to be lowered — especially for upper-deck seats.

3-You want cheaper parking.

4-You want Metra service.

5-You want more family-oriented promotions.

6-You want a visible commitment from the owners that they care about you.

7-And you want Magglio re-signed.


1) Disagree. I don't think we need to have more bars & restaurants in what is still a low income housing neighborhood. What is needed is covered entertainment & food available before/after games near the park. I would be more in favor of a Taste of Chicago like atmosphere on home games than new bars & restaurant. I don't even think it is economically viable to even attempt permanent bars & restaurant in that hood.


2) I do not want ticket prices arbitrarily lowered. I think that is a mistake as many have advocated on other boards & threads. What

I want is for the SOX to create a rebate program where a SOX ticket can be used to get $5 off a ticket for another game. I think this would go much further to building repeat business than cutting prices would go for building new business. People are drawn to good deals in any venue & this would be a good deal.


3) Parking right now represents a few thousand tickets sold ea. game. It doesn't count as attendance but it's a substantial part of

revenue from SOX games. Again I don't agree with just slashing the prices, but I do agree with rebates. I can't stress this enough.

You drive to the game in a car of 2 or 3 patrons. You pay the $16 & on the ticket it says redeemable for $5 off the next time. They you go to the game & it says the same thing on the tickets. Is that not going to make you feel better about the SOX? Will that not increase the likelihood of going to another game?


4) Metra service is a no-brainer. This is as much about convenience as it is about Metra montly passes. If you're paying $70-100/mo to commute to work via Metra & suddenly you can use that pass to get to/from The Cell you are more likely to frequent the ball park. Not to mention the time savings. It would probably be a 5min ride from LaSalle to The Cell. I'm a big advocate of this not just for The Cell but IIT as well. I think a Metra station at The Cell would have frequent ridership year round from IIT students, some of the private hgh schools in the area, some of the IIT research workers, & possibly some bridgeport residents as well.


5) More family-friendly promotions. Hmmm. I like 2 for 1 on Mom's day, & Fr's day, but I really think daily raffles would go further. This seems so simple to me for the SOX to do. Who has the best looking apparel line in MLB? The WHITE SOX. I don't care what the sales figures are, SOX apparel looks the best. So why not give fans the chance to win some of it at games. Again promotions build upon 1 another. Rebates for repeat parkers, rebates for repeat patrons, & now the chance to win SOX apparel at each game. Are you getting the picture? For a relatively low cost the SOX can give

patrons such an emotional lift & feeling of wellness that the odds of them coming back would be great.


6) If they implemented 1-5 the fans would definitely know they care.


7) At what price? He's having a so-so year rate now. Probably still ranking in the top 50 but barely. In comparison Frank & Uribe are probably ranking in the top 20. Do we want a ShamME Sosa situation a few years down the road? He's barely in the top 70 right now! One thing FA has proven time & again. Bats for hire are FAR more plentiful than arms.


Having learned that Pedro & Boston have broken off talks I would be very cautious if I were the SOX right now as to where I plan to allocate 14-15mil/yr. I think Maggs is worth 10-12mil/yr. Not a penny more. Keep in mind that the Yanks are trying to trade Giambi or Williams right now. That shows you how depreciation is hitting sluggers at the corners or OF.


I think 7 should really address marquee players.

Pedro or Maggs? Luis Gonalez will be avail from AZ. I'm just saying there are a lot of options to spend that kind of money on.

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This is a great idea: :headbang

that idea is too idealistic, but may work out anyway.


It won't matter if the kid gets in for $2, because the parent might not want to sit up their anyways. And in this day and age, 10 year old girl scouts don't just show up on their own.


I think it would have a good affect in the media, and would help public perception of the white sox front office.

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that idea is too idealistic, but may work out anyway.


It won't matter if the kid gets in for $2, because the parent might not want to sit up their anyways.  And in this day and age, 10 year old girl scouts don't just show up on their own.


I think it would have a good affect in the media, and would help public perception of the white sox front office.

Many familes dont go to the park because a family of 4 pays $80+dollars on just tickets. And with Parking and food, it could be well over $100. But If the kids can get in for cheap all of a sudden it's $50 for tickets of a family of 4, instead of $80.

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1-You want more bars and restaurants in the neighborhood.

2-You want ticket prices to be lowered — especially for upper-deck seats.

3-You want cheaper parking.

4-You want Metra service.

5-You want more family-oriented promotions.

6-You want a visible commitment from the owners that they care about you.

7-And you want Magglio re-signed.


1) Disagree.  I don't think we need to have more bars & restaurants in what is still a low income housing neighborhood. What is needed is covered entertainment & food available before/after games near the park.  I would be more in favor of a Taste of Chicago like atmosphere on home games than new bars & restaurant.  I don't even think it is economically viable to even attempt permanent bars & restaurant in that hood.


2) I do not want ticket prices arbitrarily lowered.  I think that is a mistake as many have advocated on other boards & threads.  What

I want is for the SOX to create a rebate program where a SOX ticket can be used to get $5 off a ticket for another game. I think this would go much further to building repeat business than cutting prices would  go for building new business. People are drawn to good deals in any venue & this would be a good deal. 


3) Parking right now represents a few thousand tickets sold ea. game. It doesn't count as attendance but it's a substantial part of

revenue from SOX games.  Again I don't agree with just slashing the prices, but I do agree with rebates. I can't stress this enough. 

You drive to the game in a car of 2 or 3 patrons.  You pay the $16 & on the ticket it says redeemable for $5 off the next time. They you go to the game & it says the same thing on the tickets.  Is that not going to make you feel better about the SOX?  Will that not increase the likelihood of going to another game?


4) Metra service is a no-brainer.  This is as much about convenience as it is about Metra montly passes. If you're paying $70-100/mo to commute to work via Metra & suddenly you can use that pass to get to/from The Cell you are more likely to frequent the ball park. Not to mention the time savings.  It would probably be a 5min ride from LaSalle to The Cell. I'm a big advocate of this not just for The Cell but IIT as well.  I think a Metra station at The Cell would have frequent ridership year round from IIT students, some of the private hgh schools in the area, some of the IIT research workers, & possibly some bridgeport residents as well. 


5) More family-friendly promotions.  Hmmm.  I like 2 for 1 on Mom's day, & Fr's day, but I really think daily raffles would go further.  This seems so simple to me for the SOX to do. Who has the best looking apparel line in MLB?  The WHITE SOX. I don't care what the sales figures are,  SOX apparel looks the best. So why not give fans the chance to win some of it at games. Again promotions build upon 1 another. Rebates for repeat parkers, rebates for repeat patrons, & now the chance to win SOX apparel at each game. Are you getting the picture? For a relatively low cost the SOX can give

patrons such an emotional lift & feeling of wellness that the odds of them coming back would be great.


6)  If they implemented 1-5 the fans would definitely know they care.


7)  At what price? He's having a so-so year rate now.  Probably still ranking in the top 50 but barely.  In comparison Frank & Uribe are probably ranking in the top 20. Do we want a ShamME Sosa situation a few years down the road? He's barely in the top 70 right now!  One thing FA has proven time & again.  Bats for hire are FAR more plentiful than arms.


Having learned that Pedro & Boston have broken off talks I would be very cautious if I were the SOX right now as to where I plan to allocate 14-15mil/yr. I think Maggs is worth 10-12mil/yr.  Not a penny more. Keep in mind that the Yanks are trying to trade Giambi or Williams right now.  That shows you how depreciation is hitting sluggers at the corners or OF.


I think 7 should really address marquee players.

Pedro or Maggs? Luis Gonalez will be avail from AZ.  I'm just saying there are a lot of options to spend that kind of money on.

$16 dollar parking is a joke. I don't care if there are rebates or not. So many streets in the area have become no parking streets, the Sox practically have a monopoly on parking in that area, to charge 16 dollars is a crime.


$10 bucks should be the max on parking.

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Many familes dont go to the park because a family of 4 pays $80+dollars on just tickets.  And with Parking and food, it could be well over $100.  But If the kids can get in for cheap all of a sudden it's $50 for tickets of a family of 4, instead of $80.

this is true, but I think in many cases the parents don't want to sit up there in the first place.


People could save a lot of money by just buying upper reserved tickets, but they choose to sit in more expensive areas instead.


--on a personal note, I get vertigo, but just suck it up at sporting events, because I would rather get vertigo than pay extra money.

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this is true, but I think in many cases the parents don't want to sit up there in the first place.


People could save a lot of money by just buying upper reserved tickets, but they choose to sit in more expensive areas instead.


--on a personal note, I get vertigo, but just suck it up at sporting events, because I would rather get vertigo than pay extra money.

At least this plan would give them a choice.

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Fire Darrin "DJ" Jackson. Hire Mike North, the city's biggest big mouth when it comes to sports, and pair him with Hawk. North is guaranteed to say something outlandish every inning or so, more people tune in, more people decide to go to the ballgames. North is the poor man's Harry Caray, without the beer.


Worst idea I've ever heard. :puke

Bring in Laurence Holmes.

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