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May 2004 Quotes of the Month

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Because we all can relate to poppy's predictions...from greasywheels121


i love it!


After Poppy predicted the Sox would lose 8-1 to the Twins may 14th...


Poppy, if the Sox didn't play the games and you were what determined our record, we'd be f***ing 0-31 right now. Give it a break
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  anthony007 said:
yes... i feel like im one of the guys now


It brings a tear to my eye, but then my testosterone quickly sucks it back in

Damn, you got on twice...I just noticed that.


Bastard, you are one ahead of me :finger :D

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Flippedoutpunk on gay marriages....


Let the gays get married, who cares. That way you might end up going out with a girl that has a hot lesbian mom, and you can watch her mom make out with her hot wife, and it would be totally normal.
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This is joeynach's first post on Soxtalk. He's going to fit right in I think.


The post was in Photo Album and How Does That Work?


I cant view any of the pics in the hot chicks thread. Ill i get is a red x instead of the pic. However i can see the pics fine in the thread below labeled "a few sox park pics" or whatever it is. What is going on here, why cant i see the pics.


Hot Chicks Thread still lives on :D

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BEGOOD Comes to his friends for help


My car is leakin power stearing fluid, and I dont mean like a drop every minnute, I mean a drop ever other second.  How much is it to get it fixed so it stops leakin power stearing fluid?......So far people are telling me under $200 which is a good thing. 


From The Cheat


Power steering is overrated -- Back in my day cars could only turn left. -- If you wanted to make a right turn, you had to go a block past the street you wanted to turn on and make three lefts.


And finally from YASNY

Which is how NASCAR got its start.   :D


:lolhitting :lolhitting :notworthy


That is the funniest 1-2-3 I've read here in a long time :cheers

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Ah these are all quality, especially flippedoutpunk and YASNY.


Another good one, from the hot chick thread.


tony82087: BTW, in that Bikin picture, doesnt [Lohan's] right arm look odd???


Metallisox: She has arms?

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From Steff


I'm out of that mix. Thankfully...


From Wong and Owens


Hmmm, then there goes my theory as to the identity of the topless yodeller on the roof of the IHOP on Roosevelt and Mannheim


Steff's priceless reply


Definitely wasn't me.. that place is so nasty I wouldn't use their parking lot to make a U-turn. :puke



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Texsox in the thread about soxtalk going down.

ChiSoxFn is strolling outside when he spots a falling star

"Oh, I wish she would go down tonight, it's been sooooo long"

How was his fairy God Mother to know he didn't mean Soxtalk?

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