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I think Magglio is distracted, we need to sign him


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It looks like Maggs is distracted by something, probably his contract, right now. I think we need to re-sign, so he can concentrate on his performance. I think all of Frank's homers have been solo, Maggs isn't doing so hot and isn't getting on-base now. When it looked he and the Sox were close to an extenstion, he performed awesome, with clutch hits and all. Now, as it appers that a deal isn't that close, his perfromance has dipped. NOT to say he is struggling, but I hold Maggs to a higher standard, as it just doesn't look like the usual Maggs. He is swinging at bad pitches, striking out and not walking. Carlos is also hurting from Maggs, he needs more men on base. To fix all this and have a MVP in Maggs again, we need to resign him NOW. Any thoughts??

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After the hot start he had, he was bound to cool off some.  It isn't like he has gone Jeteresque or anything.  I'm not too worried about it, and I doubt he is either.

Jeteresque!? Very nice analogy.


Maggs will be fine. I suspect around the All-Star break will be very interesting. We'll probably come face to face with some real, not speculative, what's happening to our best player talk.


We could end up with a Madduxesque (Part 1, he leaves for Atlanta) situation on our hands. He wins the MVP and signs with Boston or NY.

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It looks like Maggs is distracted by something, probably his contract, right now.  I think we need to re-sign, so he can concentrate on his performance.  I think all of Frank's homers have been solo, Maggs isn't doing so hot and isn't getting on-base now.  When it looked he and the Sox were close to an extenstion, he performed awesome, with clutch hits and all.  Now, as it appers that a deal isn't that close, his perfromance has dipped.  NOT to say he is struggling, but I hold Maggs to a higher standard, as it just doesn't look like the usual Maggs.  He is swinging at bad pitches, striking out and not walking.  Carlos is also hurting from Maggs, he needs more men on base.  To fix all this and have a MVP in Maggs again, we need to resign him NOW.  Any thoughts??

So you're suggesting that we give him $60M for 4 years so that he plays better and is able to concentrate? Shouldn't a guy making $15M/year be focused all the time, with extremely rare slumps?


Here's the best way to handle this. Offer him 4/$48M. If he doesn't like it let him know he's gone at the end of the season and that he better step up his performance if he thinks he's going to do better than our offer. Then, in the offseason, give 4/$60M to Carlos Beltran and we end up with a better team.

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Jeteresque!? .


I don't understand why Jeter got all the attention while Jose Cruz Jr's streak was something like 36 at bats... :bang


So you're suggesting that we give him $60M for 4 years so that he plays better and is able to concentrate? Shouldn't a guy making $15M/year be focused all the time, with extremely rare slumps


I know....ridiculous, isn't it?


He's making 14 Mill this year, so he should stfu quite frankly.


When I went to KC and NY games, I didn't go for Magglio Ordonez, but for Chicago White Sox. Watching 10K at games only reinforces the idea that Maggs can't draw s***.


If I am JR, I ain't paying Magglio Albert Pujols money until he puts up Albert Pujols numbers not to mention draws and sells mechandise like AP.

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I don't understand why Jeter got all the attention while Jose Cruz Jr's streak was something like 36 at bats... :bang




I know....ridiculous, isn't it?


He's making 14 Mill this year, so he should stfu quite frankly. 


When I went to KC and NY games, I didn't go for Magglio Ordonez, but for Chicago White Sox. Watching 10K at games only reinforces the idea that Maggs can't draw s***.


If I am JR, I ain't paying Magglio Albert Pujols money until he puts up Albert Pujols numbers not to mention draws and sells mechandise like AP.

Last I heard, he was offered 58/4. That's better than 14 mil a yr.

When I heard he rejected that I said goodbye. I don't care how much is deferred.

Everybody accepts deferred $ these days. Manny's 20 mil is only real worth 16 mil/yr with deferred payments.


Beltran is 3 yrs younger & right now is in the top 10 in the AL. When you factor both his speed & power if I'm going to overpay I'm going to do it on Beltran.


I don't think we should commit $ now on Maggs when we don't know what Garland, E-LO, & SSchow will cost in 2005. By the break will have an idea but if we hope to compete in 2005 we need to bring back 2 of the 3. If 2 of the 3 win over 15 gms, we might be looking at 12-15 mil to bring them back.

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beltran'll get more than that (or at least better years) from a richer team. no way we get him--regardless of magglio.

give him 6/$90M.


He'll pay off with attendance and with a winning baseball team.


The Sox could afford him. I think you're right that NY will definitely try to schnag him, especially with B.Williams getting old as hell. I don't know if Beltran will want to play in NY. Also, I think NY would lean towards signing Maggs if both were available.


I also don't see Beltran getting more than Vladdy got. He should be on par with Vladdy, but no more.

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We've been over this.....


give him 6/$90M.


He'll pay off with attendance and with a winning baseball team.


No way I pay that money to Beltran.


I wish people would stop licking his nutsac already.


He can't draw. He can't win.


He is an ACL tear away from not stealing bases anymore.


He is represented by Boras, no?


As soon as he gets HUGE payola, he will be advised to stop taking the beating on the basepaths so he can prolong his power-hitting career.


You'll have a 370 OBP, 530 Slug hitter with good D and 15 SB making 15 Mill per over 6 years. Come on.


Sox can't and SHOULDN'T pay that.


Pay Pujols 14-15 Mill or Bonds -- 18. If you're overpaying, make sure you're getting a f***ing STUD in return. And this April aside, Beltran hasn't been it.

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I don't understand why Jeter got all the attention while Jose Cruz Jr's streak was something like 36 at bats... :bang

To be fair and all, Jose Cruz is making $1-2 mill on a last place team in a city that is as close to baseball dead as any in the majors, aside from Montreal of course. Jeter's making about $20 mill this year for the Yankees who have been to the playoffs in more consecutive years then the Devil Rays have been around, whose payroll is $185 mill(and most likely going up within the next 3 months) in a city where the media criticizes every move made by anyone in the organization.




And if Maggs is distracted because he isn't signed for next year, that's too bad for him. He should have taken notes from Charles Johnson in 2000...have a career year in your contract year, get paid, and then you can sit on your ass and get fat until your next contract year.

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To be fair and all, Jose Cruz is making $1-2 mill on a last place team in a city that is as close to baseball dead as any in the majors, aside from Montreal of course.  Jeter's making about $20 mill this year for the Yankees who have been to the playoffs in more consecutive years then the Devil Rays have been around, whose payroll is $185 mill(and most likely going up within the next 3 months) in a city where the media criticizes every move made by anyone in the organization.




And if Maggs is distracted because he isn't signed for next year, that's too bad for him.  He should have taken notes from Charles Johnson in 2000...have a career year in your contract year, get paid, and then you can sit on your ass and get fat until your next contract year.

I guess you're right. Still, I'd rather have Jose Cruz, Jr at 1-2 Mill than Maggs at 15.


And Charles Johnson thing was funny as hell. Talk about stealing....Althought, compared to Kevin Appier making 13 Mill 2 years ago.... :bang

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I guess you're right. Still, I'd rather have Jose Cruz, Jr at 1-2 Mill than Maggs at 15.

Depends. If we put the money to good use in other areas(*cough pitching cough*), I'd be all for it. We put the money to say Edgar Renteria or Orlando Cabrera...give me Maggs.


And Charles Johnson thing was funny as hell.  Talk about stealing....Althought, compared to Kevin Appier making 13 Mill 2 years ago.... :bang


Hey Kevin Appier led the Angels to a World Series victory

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Depends. If we put the money to good use in other areas(*cough pitching cough*), I'd be all for it. We put the money to say Edgar Renteria or Orlando Cabrera...give me Maggs.


I suppose.......Renteria's range blows for a GG'er.


Jason Schmidt, is his arm ok? Cause if it is, and the Giants are out of it, which they will be....what would it take to get him around the break?

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I suppose.......Renteria's range blows for a GG'er.


Jason Schmidt, is his arm ok?  Cause if it is, and the Giants are out of it, which they will be....what would it take to get him around the break?

To get Schmidt, I'd guess quite a bit. The NL West might not be determined until early September(except for the Rockies, who I think will be long gone by July 31st), and with Bonds on your team, you got a shot no matter who you put around him.


That being said, if they are 6-8 games out at the deadline, I could see Schmidt becoming available. To get him I would guess it would cost probably 2-3 of Rauch, Diaz, Cotts, and Honel, and possibly others as well. Schmidt's a guy I'd love to see on the Sox though. His ERA was 2.34 and his WHIP under 1.00. While those stats are a little park-friendly, they are still pretty f***ing good, and he is the kind of ace and dominating pitcher that could be very helpful in the postseason.


I would love nothing more then to get Schmidt. There would be a limit as to how much I'd give up...however, I would give up Cotts, Diaz, and Rauch, or Honel and one of those 3, and if I get a solid reliever out of it(say Felix Rodriguez with them taking on some of his salary), I give them 3 of them(say Honel, Cotts, and Diaz), as well as a position player not named Reed, Sweeney, or Anderson.

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I would love nothing more then to get Schmidt. There would be a limit as to how much I'd give up...however, I would give up Cotts, Diaz, and Rauch, or Honel and one of those 3, and if I get a solid reliever out of it(say Felix Rodriguez with them taking on some of his salary), I give them 3 of them(say Honel, Cotts, and Diaz), as well as a position player not named Reed, Sweeney, or Anderson.


Whoa, slow down.


First of all, has he recovered from the off-seaosn surgery?


Secondly....Valuing Anderson over Cotts/Honel? Um, no.


What did it take to get Pedro back in 1998? And Schmidt ain't Pedro in prime.

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Whoa, slow down.


First of all, has he recovered from the off-seaosn surgery? 


Secondly....Valuing Anderson over Cotts/Honel?  Um, no.


What did it take to get Pedro back in 1998?  And Schmidt ain't Pedro in prime.

That may be too much. Then again, I don't know what the Giants record will be come mid-to-late July either. It all depends. If they are 6-8 games out, it will take quite a bit. If they are way out of it, like 12-15 games, it will come at a much cheaper price. It's very hard to project those kinds of things at this point in the season, especially because of Bonds.


As of right now, Schmidt's stats are a little suspect(2-2 4.70 1.40 WHIP with 9 walks in 23 innings...very un-Schmidt-like). We'll just have to see as the season goes along how those progress.


One reason I value Anderson over Honel is simply because Anderson(and Sweeney) do not have much value at the time being. Playing at the A-level will do that though. If they gave us Schmidt for Anderson and/or Sweeney, I'd have to do it in a second. I just don't see them doing that.




BTW, Pedro was traded to Boston for Tony Armas Jr and Carl Pavano - then again, I assume Montreal was way out of it by that time, which is why I stated that I am just not sure what it will cost at this time.

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To get Schmidt, I'd guess quite a bit.  The NL West might not be determined until early September(except for the Rockies, who I think will be long gone by July 31st), and with Bonds on your team, you got a shot no matter who you put around him. 


That being said, if they are 6-8 games out at the deadline, I could see Schmidt becoming available.  To get him I would guess it would cost probably 2-3 of Rauch, Diaz, Cotts, and Honel, and possibly others as well.  Schmidt's a guy I'd love to see on the Sox though.  His ERA was 2.34 and his WHIP under 1.00.  While those stats are a little park-friendly, they are still pretty f***ing good, and he is the kind of ace and dominating pitcher that could be very helpful in the postseason. 


I would love nothing more then to get Schmidt.  There would be a limit as to how much I'd give up...however, I would give up Cotts, Diaz, and Rauch, or Honel and one of those 3, and if I get a solid reliever out of it(say Felix Rodriguez with them taking on some of his salary), I give them 3 of them(say Honel, Cotts, and Diaz), as well as a position player not named Reed, Sweeney, or Anderson.

I think it's more likely the Giants would deal Kirk Rueter instead of Jason Schmidt. We still mite be able to get Jamie Moyer or Freddy Garcia if the M's are out of the race in July.

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I think it's more likely the Giants would deal Kirk Rueter instead of Jason Schmidt. We still mite be able to get Jamie Moyer or Freddy Garcia if the M's are out of the race in July.

I don't want Kirk Reuter though, personally.


Give me an ace. And Kirk isn't an ace.

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