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Who Will Kerry Pick?


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Picking a running mate is a process of elimination. The candidate's veep wrangler starts with a huge list of possibilities. Strong contenders kock out weak ones with similar qualifications. Regional rivals square off, then the champions from various parts of the country meet in final rounds. Sounds an awful lot like the NCAA basketball tournament, right?



The rules for this tournament are simple. We've sorted 32 of the most prominently mentioned contenders into four brackets and seeded them so natural rivals must get past each other. Your task is to tell us who in each pairing is more likely to be chosen. The winners will be matched against each other until we hone it down to a vice presidential pick.

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He ought to pick John McCain!

I would love to see it, but I do not see McCain bolting from his party for this race. It would need to be more of a certainty. And this race is just too close.

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McCain said he wouldn't do it, but I would vote for that ticket if it happened.  He either needs to take Edwards, or go for someone from the midwest.  Evan Bayh would also be an interesting darkhorse canditate.

Kerry needs to pull someone in from a heavy electorate count state to bolster his electoral count. Otherwise, he doesn't stand a chance. And, Bayh just is not liberal enough. Perhaps, however, Bayh would pull in some "centrists".

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Kerry needs to pull someone in from a heavy electorate count state to bolster his electoral count.  Otherwise, he doesn't stand a chance.  And, Bayh just is not liberal enough.  Perhaps, however, Bayh would pull in some "centrists".

I am thinking that Kerry-Heinz needs some centrist love. Kerry-Heinz is going to portrayed as the biggest liberal scumbag to ever walk the planet by the Bush Admin so he needs someone to bring the ticket back to the middle of the road. Having lived 8 years under Bayh I think he would be a good fit for the ticket. But I definately think Edwards would be the best.

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I am thinking that Kerry-Heinz needs some centrist love.  Kerry-Heinz is going to portrayed as the biggest liberal scumbag to ever walk the planet by the Bush Admin so he needs someone to bring the ticket back to the middle of the road.  Having lived 8 years under Bayh I think he would be a good fit for the ticket.  But I definately think Edwards would be the best.

I can see it now...


Clinton-Bayh in '08.



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My mom said there was a rumor among state employees that Rod Blagojevich was shortlisted. So, he'll be my pick--a good dark horse candidate.

I can't imagine that


my first choice remains McCain

my second choice is Powell

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McCain said he wouldn't do it, but I would vote for that ticket if it happened.  He either needs to take Edwards, or go for someone from the midwest.  Evan Bayh would also be an interesting darkhorse canditate.

IMO McCain has said he wouldn't run, but, he hasn't been asked yet. I think that if Kerry asked him, McCain would jump on it.

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I can't imagine that


my first choice remains McCain

my second choice is Powell

Ok seriously...


McCain? Well, ok, but I don't think he'd run on a ticket with Kerry - maybe some "liberal conservative" if there is such a thing... someone more in line of his own idealogy and I don't think that's Kerry - even with the "respect" he has shown him.


Powell? You've got to be kidding me. You think that Powell would run on Kerry's ticket? ROTFLMAO.


So, again, seriously, I ask, who do you think REALLY will be folks who will end up on Kerry's ticket?

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Hillary would scare me to death, but I think she won't do it. She doesn't want to have to wait 8 more years to be President. I don't think Bayh would do it and probably won't be asked. I'm not sure he could even win Indiana for Kerry.

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Ok seriously...


McCain?  Well, ok, but I don't think he'd run on a ticket with Kerry - maybe some "liberal conservative" if there is such a thing... someone more in line of his own idealogy and I don't think that's Kerry - even with the "respect" he has shown him.


Powell?  You've got to be kidding me.  You think that Powell would run on Kerry's ticket? ROTFLMAO.


So, again, seriously, I ask, who do you think REALLY will be folks who will end up on Kerry's ticket?

as far as McCain and Kerry, they are very close friends and we are not the small ticket party of ideological exclusivity


as for Powell, Clarence Page of the Trib's editorial board has suggested it in print.


Many things are possible whether probable or not.


An interesting choice would be Senator Landreau from Louisiana.


I am glad I amused you. You might be interested to note that one of the area tv stations is working with me today to interview people who voted for Bush who are now voting for Kerry. What is really interesting is that half of the county GOP executive committee is in that position as well as several former chairs of their county party. None will go on tv because of fear of political retribution (such as our republican congressman verbally attacking our very Republican mayor on the phone last week after the mayor and I and a few others appeared on a state wide radio show with Senator Stabenow).


Interesting times. Many unexpected things will happen.

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I am thinking he needs someone from outside Washington, preferably from a swing state, and a moderate. Moderate is the key.


This is a tough call for anyone he asks. I think Kerry is still the underdog, and his support is weak. I think some of his numbers are the anyone but Bush; and of course someof Bush's will be "anyone but Kerry". I think the anyone but Buch vote is bigger and softer. Bush could win them back with the right turn of events in Iraq and around the world. Losing as a VP candidate is almost always a 1-way ticket to oblivion.

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as far as McCain and Kerry, they are very close friends and we are not the small ticket party of ideological exclusivity


as for Powell, Clarence Page of the Trib's editorial board has suggested it in print.


Many things are possible whether probable or not.


An interesting choice would be Senator Landreau from Louisiana.


I am glad I amused you.  You might be interested to note that one of the area tv stations is working with me today to interview people who voted for Bush who are now voting for Kerry.  What is really interesting is that half of the county GOP executive committee is in that position as well as several former chairs of their county party.  None will go on tv because of fear of political retribution (such as our republican congressman verbally attacking our very Republican mayor on the phone last week after the mayor and I and a few others appeared on a state wide radio show with Senator Stabenow).


Interesting times.  Many unexpected things will happen.

I agree that Landreau would be a good pick. But again, I think he's going to be looking at somewhere he can get big electoral possibility...??? You don't think so? There's "moderate" to diminish the "liberal" tag the Bushies are throwing his way, and there's the electoral votes to consider. Razor thin margins on the electoral college this year makes this closer then it would otherwise be... so makes his choice that much more difficult...


But Powell on Kerry's ticket is a joke, the Trib columnist is insane for even suggesting it. Ya, ya conspriacy theories abound that Powell has been the odd man out of the Bushies party, but I just don't agree that it's really that way. He may have some resentment, as would I (and often do these days) for my employer, but he's not going to go "running to the opposite party".

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One other thing, V,


can you post on here what people say about why they are switching to Kerry? I want real reasons besides John Kerry is not George W. Bush. That's not a good enough reason for the man to run the country, IMO. I'm really interested to see what people say BESIDES he's not Bush.

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you guys do know that kerry's a democrat right...?  none of this mccain and powell crap.  He needs to pick edwards and he needs to do it damn soon.

You're kidding me?!?! I thought he was a republican? Where did I mess that up?

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