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What are you happy about?


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Okay, so there's been some negativity the past few days and I wanted to start a fun little thread to say what we're happy about or what always makes us happy:


Graduation in 27 days

Presenting at the APS conference in 25 days

Getting to move to New York

Playing darts for two hours on a Sunday night in a deserted bar

Finishing my last solo essay of my undergrad career

The Sox in first place.

My cousin's new baby

Going to 3 Sox games in the Month of May

Knowing after this month I never have to see my roommate's boyfriend ever, ever ever again

Going to Perkins at 2am with friends



Okay, that's a good chunk. I just wanted to start something fun and positive. :)

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Got my Federal tax refund in the mail today == w00t

Final episode of Friends is Thursday -- Could that show BE any more annoying

Have to visit a college campus for the first time in 2 years on friday -- So hopefully I can find myself a few drunk Coeds ;)

Planning a group outing to the twins game next saturday :headbang

First Place Chicago White Sox

Peeing standing up


I don't wanna eat a guitar

I'm not this guy

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Ok here's mine,


Uni finishes in a month, then 6 to 7 weeks off!

Finally gettin to play MVP Baseball 2004.

The Apprentice starts here tonight.

Gettin to play Golf once or twice a week.

Gettin more cheap stuff from Malaysia.

The possibility of bein able to study in America next year!

The cat, sleepin on my sister's bed instead of mine. :bringit

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I'm getting married in 137 days!!  :D Some say god help me, but I'm excited to get to that next point in my life.  :wub:

I know the feeling. Mine is 11/5/05 (now I just have to set the date with the church :o :lol: ).


Happy list:





Family and their health

my nephew





that's just to start... :lol:

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Paying Taxes

Road Construction

Long lines at the bank

spilling coffee on my new slacks

Windows locking up

losing my car keys


these are a few of my favorite things . . .

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• Mrs. Flaxx and the little Flaxxlings

• Getting back to some serious homebrewing once the wife is done teaching for the year.

• Getting back to seriously drinking said homebrew once the wife gives up on this South Beach diet nonesense...

• Todd Rundgren show in 2 weeks

• Me at Marlins/Sox down here next month

• Me at Sox/Tribe and Sox/Cubs up there next month

• A good April (for a change) from our Sox

• US regime change slated for November

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- Only 2 days and 2 finals away from the end of school

- Today's my last day of working in the admissions office until fall

- Going to the Sox game in a week

- Sox are in First

- Going to Florida in 8 days

- Going to Louisville in 3 weeks and going to my first horse race :)

- Friday is the last day I have to live in this dorm

- Living at the best dorm on campus next year

- After this one, I only have 3 semesters of undergrad left :D

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--I give my hour-long presentation on Thursday, once that's over my year's basically done

--Being able to just wake up and come to school just so I can play baseball

--Last day of school is May 26th

--HS Graduation May 29th

--Grad Party May 30th

--1st Place White Sox



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-Last day of HS (finals included) may 18

-HS graduation may 21


-Birthday/Grad Party, june 19

-quitting my job in july

-taking month off before going to U of I in the fall

-and of course, the sox being awesome so far :headbang


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AP Econ final May 13th (AP Govt and AP Econ classes basically done for the year)

Prom May 14th

After-prom date on the 15th (Golfing somewhere)

Sox game on the 16th

My birthday on the 17th

Last day of school on the 26th

Graduation June 2nd (I believe)


FutureSox roadtrip

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I turned in my last individual paper of my undergraduate career!!!! (Hurray!) And then to make it better the prof looked at me and said, I'm actually looking forward to reading this one.


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The only thing in this world that makes me happy is this smiley ----> :D


Oh yeah, and this one ---> :fthecubs


And this one ---> :dips***

And ---> :stupid

And ---> :whip




OK, not really.


But I get to see the Sox in Minny in 3 weeks :headbang

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Got the SAT's over with

Made National Honor's Society

Un-grounded from driving

White Sox are in first

Beasted my recent history test

Just took a crap

had chinese food for dinner

Dad just got home from chicago

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FutureSox roadtrip



- Camping at the beach next weekend

- Spring semester ending at the end of May

- Roadtrip to Vegas with my buds (almost all of us turned 21 within a few days)

- Summer

- Sox whooping ass

- Summer School Ending

- FUTURESOX Roadtrip

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