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Anyone else afraid of flying?

Queen Prawn

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I have to fly for work to Ensenada, Mexico (I think we will be flying to San Diego and then drive to Ensenada) at the end of the month and I just found out I am afraid of flying. I never used to be (never have flown that much either), but the idea of flying is scaring the heck out of me. How do you deal with fear of flying or flying in general? :unsure:

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I have to fly for work to Ensenada, Mexico (I think we will be flying to San Diego and then drive to Ensenada) at the end of the month and I just found out I am afraid of flying.  I never used to be (never have flown that much either), but the idea of flying is scaring the heck out of me.  How do you deal with fear of flying or flying in general?  :unsure:

I use to be able to sleep like a baby on an air plane. I'd fall asleep almost as soon as we lifted off. Then I developed this sensation of falling asleep. As in falling through the fall to my tragic, yet somehow comical, death. It dogged me for years when I was flying regularly.


I decided to fool myself into thinking I loved to fly. I wuld fill my tiny brain with thoughts of loving to fly. I loved the food, the people, the ginger ale. It's amazing what your body will do if your brain believes something.


My heart rate decreased, I felt calmer, and could fall asleep without jerking awake and embarrasing myself. Now the drool on the pillow is the only embarassment.


If that fails, initiat Brian into the mile high club. ;)

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I've never been afraid of flying, I love it. You just have to remember it's alot safer than driving. The planes are inspected before every flight, and the drivers have had thousands of hours of training, plus you have co-pilots in case anything happens.

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I have flown since I was about 12 after my parents divorced. I dread the airport traffic more than anything about a flight. My advice is just bring plenty to do. If you like to read, bring some books or newspapers, if you like music bring a bunch of CDs, etc.

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LOL!  He isn't going - I am going with another lady from work.

:wub: If you can't be with the one you love, love the one your with.


Headphones for sure to block out any irregular, but normal, sounds from the plane.

Try and sleep, if possible. Sleeping pills may work depending on the time of day.


If the flight has internet access try surpassing ss2k4 in posts. :D

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Twice I hav flown to Asia and both times we hav had pretty bad turbulence when crossing the equator I think, but u get used to it. Trying to hold a drink with one hand with turbulence howeva, is a completely different story. :lol:

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First time on an airplane was for a work trip to Arizona. My seat was by the window, behind the wing where I could see the engine. Like Texsox said, headphones work great for keeping out all those little noises that freak out novices or otherwise nervous people. My flight had alot of turbulance, so that didn't help, and then when the plane landed, right after topuching down, the engine cowlings flipped off the engine! Or at least that is what I thought happened. I guess it was a part that flaps back to assist with braking. I almost screamed, not knowing what the hell was going on! I grabbed the seat so tight I hurt my fingers, then looked around and noticed I was the only one freakig out. Not good. Even now, knowing what happened, I am still uneasy about flying. Headphones work, and a good book occasionally. Or booze, if needed. Good luck!

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:wub: If you can't be with the one you love, love the one your with.


Headphones for sure to block out any irregular, but normal, sounds from the plane.

Try and sleep, if possible. Sleeping pills may work depending on the time of day.


If the flight has internet access try surpassing ss2k4 in posts.  :D

Lets not jump the gun yet :lol:

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First time on an airplane was for a work trip to Arizona.  My seat was by the window, behind the wing where I could see the engine.  Like Texsox said, headphones work great for keeping out all those little noises that freak out novices or otherwise nervous people.  My flight had alot of turbulance, so that didn't help, and then when the plane landed, right after topuching down, the engine cowlings flipped off the engine!  Or at least that is what I thought happened.  I guess it was a part that flaps back to assist with braking.  I almost screamed, not knowing what the hell was going on!  I grabbed the seat so tight I hurt my fingers, then looked around and noticed I was the only one freakig out.  Not good.  Even now, knowing what happened, I am still uneasy about flying.  Headphones work, and a good book occasionally.  Or booze, if needed.  Good luck!

Thanks for reminding me how much I love that dude freaking out in that Mad Max dude's hysterical part of the Twilightzone: TM


:lolhitting :notworthy

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the flying isn't what sucks, it's dealing with the airlines and dealing with security that sucks. i went to the wmu/vandy bball game in orlando this year and we flew first class charter back to kzoo, if i could afford it, i would NEVER fly coach commerical ever again.

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I used to be afraid when I was like 10, but I'm over it now and really enjoy flying. It is so convienent compared to driving, because we used to drive everywhere, but now the family flys for our vacations. The only part I don't like is landing because the first time I ever flew the runway was just past a lake and it appeared to me that we were nose diving right into the water.

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I've never been afraid to fly, even when I was flying by myself when I was 10. I'm not afraid as much as I am bored out of my freaking mind. Unless it's a short flight (under an hour and a half) I get extremely bored. It's just so tedious an activity. I have CD's and DVD's but it's the act of sitting in one spot for hours at a time crammed into other people, I just sit there and sigh. The flight from LAX to Midway was in total 4 hours (30 minute delay) That just drives me nuts. LAX to Hawaii was also brutal, something like 5 and a half hours. LAX to Dallas to Miami wasn't so bad because it was two flights, but I don't know what I'll do if I ever have to fly out of the country.... 10 plus hour flight? Ugh.

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