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Baseball Sells Out


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This just makes me sick... how soon can we expect advertising on uniforms?


gosh dangit...

It already happened in the Yankees vs. DRays series in Japan. These stupid f***ing owners are going to the "magic" right out ofd the game, and when they do .... down the tubes goes the whole enchilada.

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I agree Cerb. I don't care if the bases are purple.. the chalk is red.. or the park is named "Tampax Field"...


Just like the seats... until my rear grows eyes I don't care what color they are.


Win ballgames!

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I agree Cerb. I don't care if the bases are purple.. the chalk is red.. or the park is named "Tampax Field"...


Just like the seats... until my rear grows eyes I don't care what color they are.


Win ballgames!

Do you have to being feminine hygien products into this? Euwwww icky bad


It hasn't hurt NASCAR.

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Not so bad..

I just don't understand the point of those ads. The only ones that will clearly see them are the players and the umps. Fans at home might if a camera closes up on one of them, but other than that, how effective will it be at that time? Obviously it's getting a lot of press now, but what about then?

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Fan, I think the publicity of it is worth waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than the actual advertising benefits.  The controversy has everyone talking, and indirectly about the movie.

I can't stand the actors in the flick so this stuff isn't affecting me directly, but I understand, completely, where you are coming from. :headbang

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It hasn't hurt NASCAR.

Which is exactly why baseball should do what is possible NOT to allow this type of thing. Baseball is not NASCAR, nor should it ever be. It is commercialized enough with Fox and their stuped TV promos. How many times are they going to show the announcers act like they are text voting on a stupid cell phone?


This in itself isn't so bad, but the closer you get to a line, the more gray it becomes, making other things seem "not so bad". I am not offended by the Spiderman deal, I just don't see the benefits of it, and am afraid of what it could eventually lead to.

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Well, how about the fact that every team that has a home game during this gets $50,000 for it? Oh, except the Yankees and Red Sox get $150,000.  :huh


Yup, there is the MLB doing a wonderful job to even out the spending and the income.

The Yankees and Boston Red Sox (news) will get more than $100,000 each, the team executive said, also on condition of anonymity. Most of the other 13 teams playing at home that weekend will get about $50,000 apiece, the team executive said.



Parkes said the amount a team receives depends on the level of its participation. Geoffrey Ammer, president of marketing for the Columbia TriStar Motion Picture Group, was not immediately available for comment, spokesman Steve Elzer said.




Maybe they are participating more..? :huh

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Which is exactly why baseball should do what is possible NOT to allow this type of thing.  Baseball is not NASCAR, nor should it ever be.  It is commercialized enough with Fox and their stuped TV promos.  How many times are they going to show the announcers act like they are text voting on a stupid cell phone? 


This in itself isn't so bad, but the closer you get to a line, the more gray it becomes, making other things seem "not so bad".  I am not offended by the Spiderman deal, I just don't see the benefits of it, and am afraid of what it could eventually lead to.

I rather agree with Rex here -


sell the ads on the walls, here, there, anywhere, except on the field and uniforms, would be my stance

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Baseball scraps the Spider man promotion.



Baseball to scrap Spiderman promotion

A baseball promotion that would put the Spider-Man 2 logo on bases during major-league games has been dropped, the Associated Press reports.


From Cbs.sportsline.com

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