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Friends? Your thoughts?


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Myself, I loved Friends and cried it is over,  The final show was very well written I thought and classy finish.  Others may mock, but I found something that made me laugh in every show and it was fun.


I'll be there for you cuz you're there for me too.

I am with CW, except for they crying part. For the most part, I loved the show and always watch re-runs. It is something in life that isn't serious and just makes you laugh. I did get somewhat out of it the last 2 years because they hit a bit of a lull. The finale was perfect. It tied up the loose ends that needed to be and ended on a happy note. That is what it was about. Of course it was predictable. They couldn't have them all die in a plane crash.


Yes, it was over hyped, but everything is nowadays.


I too am a HUGE Survivor guy. It is great to watch the shows for what they are. It is a giant game. It is fun to watch the different strategies used and the mistake made along the way.

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Friends was predictable, but not bad.


I am kinda sick of ER - too soap opery and I really don't like they way they are screwing around with the nurse-going-to-school-to be a doctor's character (can't remember her name).  I am sick of the drama with Noah Wylie's character as well.  Last night was the first time I watched ER in a while.

That would be Abby or Maury Tierney. I wish NewsRadio was still on. ;)

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I watched the last episode more for historical purposes than actual interest in the show. I guess it was my token of appreciation for the fact that a sitcom can hold on to the top spot for the better part of a decade. If it wasn't the last episode, I wouldn't have watched it.

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