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There was a shooting at the Cubby Bear:

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imagine my surprise when i see that the only paper that is barely covering this story is the tribune... :rolleyes: every other paper in chicago has it within the first few pages....the tribune has a little blurb buried in the metro section....ridiculous

Our delivered Times had coverage on it, including a front page one liner.






Edited to change Trib to Times. The Trib had nothing on the front page. Sorry bout that. I'm loosin' my mind these days. :bang

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I can't believe they said the guy was a sox fan.  What the hell does that have to do with this story except to let people say "Oh this sox fan came to wrigley and got in to trouble."  I mean seriously...why was that put in there.  It has nothing to do with this tragedy.

Just an attempt to make it look like since he was a Sox fan outside of Wrigley, he provoked the shooting.

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I was listening to the score at about 11:40 tonight

I have an interesting note. I was listening to ESPN 1000 last night when the story broke. THey had some details, but not a lot. So, i turned to the Score and to WGN (the HOME of the Cubs) to see if they had no info. They didnt even MENTION it for over 20 minutes if not longer! (I had to leave my car, so I couldnt listen anymore) ESPN 1000 really is first for sports.


And on another note: Anyone notice the Cubune had NO mention of the shooting on the front page? Add to the fact that their Radio home didnt mention it really does add credibility to the beliefes about how the Cubune always tries to spin the Cubs in a good way. nothing negative is ever writen.

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I can't believe they said the guy was a sox fan.  What the hell does that have to do with this story except to let people say "Oh this sox fan came to wrigley and got in to trouble."  I mean seriously...why was that put in there.  It has nothing to do with this tragedy.

I think from now on, ALL crimes and murders should include Name, age, where they are from, and what baseball team they support. I promise you that a LOT of crimes are commited by Cubs fans. Let's not forget the CUBS fan who ran on the field at Comiskey.

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Stories like the two mentioned in this thread are just disturbing.


And seriously why is the murder rate in this city so damn high?  We are like the murder capital of the country the past few years.

NYC used to have a respive murder rate to Chicago. When Rudy Guiliani took office he added a ton of police, and had them enforce even the most basic of laws, such as jaywalking and littering. The theory is that because people where being taken off of the street for smaller crimes, they weren't around to committ the bigger ones. I don't know if that is true or not, but that is the theory.

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This just in from a reliable source of mine. The killer was a drunk 21-year-old father of 3 Cub fan. Take it for what it's worth as a lot of information is being thrown around.

Does it really matter who he was a fan of..?


The tragedy here is that someone is dead due to bulls*** circumstances. How about focusing on the real problem here.. someone killed by someone with a LOADED weapon in his vehicle. What the hell was that guy doing with a LOADED gun in his vehicle? And why have charges NOT been filed yet..?? :angry:



And SSI this is not a shot at you.. I just with that the first thing out of reporters mouths wasn't "he was a Cubs/Sox fan.. ".

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I was listeinignt o WSCR on teh drive in and it was kind of weird. I listened for about and hour and they turned the conversation into pedestrains neglecting the Walk / Don't Walk sign. They did not condone the actions but they were somewhat trying to explain a logical rationale. I really do not like either of them and think thier show is terrible but I wanted to hear what happened. It was strange.

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The brief bit that I heard on the score seemed to be good coverage:


They were grilling some guy who was almost condoning the actions the idiot took... he was saying he would have gotten out and confronted the bat wielding drunk also.


The people on the score recognized the newspaper coverage -- They both said that it was on the front page of the Metro section, but not THE Front page, in the Trib.

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Lost of details are coming out now. Some guy who was on the scene told B & B that one of the guys in the SUV was hollering "CUBS SUCK!" out of the window. That's how it all started, apparently. Supposedly, the victim was scared s***less when they hopped out of the SUV, but he didn't back down, hitting the driver in the head with his miniature bat. I just can't figure out what kind of chicken s*** motherf***er would need a gun in a situation like that.

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Lost of details are coming out now.  Some guy who was on the scene told B & B that one of the guys in the SUV was hollering "CUBS SUCK!" out of the window.

"Cub FANS suck" is what I heard..

And that the driver put his hands on the victim first and he retaliated by hitting the driver. Didn't hear on the head though.




Edited to add.. Heard "on the head" from B&B but not from any sources other than them.

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Does it really matter who he was a fan of..?


The tragedy here is that someone is dead due to bulls*** circumstances. How about focusing on the real problem here.. someone killed by someone with a LOADED weapon in his vehicle. What the hell was that guy doing with a LOADED gun in his vehicle? And why have charges NOT been filed yet..??  :angry:



And SSI this is not a shot at you.. I just with that the first thing out of reporters mouths wasn't "he was a Cubs/Sox fan.. ".

Oh I know it wasn't a shot at me. The reason I even posted that at all is because it seems many are blaming the victim because he tapped the SUV with the mini baseball bat. It seemed like they were accusing him and then stating he was a Sox fan as a reason for it happening. You are right, there is no reason for this to matter other than Cub fans are trying to rationalize it by it being a Sox fan was invovled.

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The theory is that because people where being taken off of the street for smaller crimes, they weren't around to committ the bigger ones.  I don't know if that is true or not, but that is the theory.

Ah yes, the Broken Window Theory. From my criminal justice classes, I recall it says something to the effect of what you described. Although it works in theory, prevention of crime really depends on the individual police department. In the case of this Wrigleyville shooting, in order to properly prevent further violence (like yesterday) Chicago police would have to increase in size and resolve. It should start with arresting those who exhibit public drunkeness, which often is ignored until a fight breaks out.

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I was listeinignt o WSCR on teh drive in and it was kind of weird.  I listened for about and hour and they turned the conversation into pedestrains neglecting the Walk / Don't Walk sign.  They did not condone the actions but they were somewhat trying to explain a logical rationale.  I really do not like either of them and think thier show is terrible but I wanted to hear what happened.  It was strange.

Yeah that morning show sucks. It sucks more because they are the only local sports show on at that time, so they kind of have that slot monopolized. I like hearing our local sports rather than all the Mike and Mike blabbering, although I do like Greenie a great deal. Tom Shaer is top notch as well.

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Guys, who cares whether the guy was a Cub fan or a Sox fan. When someone goes to jail do they go into prison wearing the hat of their favorite team or something.


This was a tragedy and it sucks that stuff like this happened. I really don't see the point of why the media had to point out who he was a fan of. I realize that story that happened after the Sox game may of got more play or what not, but in these type of matters crap like that is useless.


I'm not going to classify all Cub fans as murderes now, even if some Cub fans classify Sox fans as trash for whatever reason. Doesn't mean I got to lower myself to their level.

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