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KW going after Freddy Garcia again...


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Chatter seems to be heating up again. WSCR and MVP both mentioned it again today. Bruce Levine said to look for KW to pull the trigger soon on a trade.


Although it's been mulled over many times before, FG would be a nice addition. Tearing it up again tonight for a crappy M's team.





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I'd take Garcia. That would give us 5 solid starters. Meaning that at the deadline, if an ace becomes available, packaging up 2 for an ace could potentially happen.


Actually, let me state that first sentence again.


I'd take Garcia so long Seattle gets Lee or Konerko at the very best. If they took Lee and we got a solid prospect/reliever out of the mess, I would be happy as hell. NO JOSE VALENTIN :angry:

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I'd take Garcia.  That would give us 5 solid starters.  Meaning that at the deadline, if an ace becomes available, packaging up 2 for an ace could potentially happen.


Actually, let me state that first sentence again.


I'd take Garcia so long Seattle gets Lee or Konerko at the very best.  If they took Lee and we got a solid prospect/reliever out of the mess, I would be happy as hell.  NO JOSE VALENTIN  :angry:

Wouldn't think that Seattle would want Konerko since they already hav Olerud and Martinez and Spiezio to play 1st. Lee is a different option, but they already hav Winn, Ichiro and Ibanez in the outfield, one of those would prob hav to be traded. I think they'd be afta pitchin from us, since most of their starters besides Garcia are really strugglin.

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Everyone should keep in mind Garcia is in a contract year, so you don't give up too much for the guy. I like the idea of acquiring him, especially since I feel we have a good chance to resign him. Who knows, it's these kind of moves that may have Maggs wanting to stick around. We'll see, but whether Maggs walks or not, I wouldn't mind having this guy in the rotation. He could realistically be a legitimate ace.

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Freddy Garcia's a good pitcher, but maybe KW should go after Joel Pineiro while he's still pitching like dog doo because its pretty evident that Pineiro has the potential to be a nasty pitcher for a long time.

I have no Idea what is wrong with that guy... He's always been flat out nasty against us... There may be something wrong with his arm, as last year he put a lot more innings on his arm than in the past.

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I have no Idea what is wrong with that guy... He's always been flat out nasty against us... There may be something wrong with his arm, as last year he put a lot more innings on his arm than in the past.

Various things I've read blame it solely on velocity and say he'll be at tip-top form by late may..

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Dont rule out Konerko either


yeah they have martinez and olerud but they are both old, real old... Maritnez is done after this yr and Olerud is old and batting very low... it wouldnt surprise me


Soriano and Freddy "The Rock" Garcia for Konerko, Borchard, Wunsch, and some other prospect


could happen

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The M's are stocked w/ SP in AAA. That could make Garcia expendable.


The M's are definitely lacking RBI guys-esp. in the OF. Paulie could play 1st and DH. Borchard could provide some pop off the bench, with good speed for their OF. A decision on Wunsch needs to be made by this Sun about his status. The M's could use him. I'm sure the M's would love to release Winn. [or maybe eat some of his contract] Winn may be better suited for Ozzie ball than Lee. And the Sox would get a potential #1 or #2 pitcher.


Maybe a Rowand and Lee deal for Garcia and Winn. Rowand would be the 4th OFer and Lee in LF. Ichiro would move to CF and Ibanez to RF.


The Sox would still have a versatile OFer in Winn and open a spot for Reed in LF or CF. Willie Harris could still play some CF, as Winn bats RH. The deal could be adjusted, with some prospects for the Sox and cash to offset Winn's $3 mill salary. But with those 4 principle players, its doable.


Sea may think Lee is someone to build around. He could be for them, in LF or at DH. But the Sox can't afford Lee and Maggs next year. I'd keep Maggs in a heartbeat over Lee's $9 mill next year.

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Looking at Winn, he's a switch hitter, though he hits better from the right side [a .320 avg compared to a .270 avg over the last 3 years] He also signed a 2 year deal in Dec. ala Lee. [both sides showing buyers remorse?]


Winn was moved to CF and may not be cut out for the spacious CF in Safeco. But a winn and Reed OF would be an upgrade over Lee and Rowand defensively.


Winn also offers speed [23 SB last year and 27 in '02; hits for avg- .295 in '03 and .298 in '02. He's more of a doubles and ground ball hitter- had 37 -2B in' 03 and 39 in '02. Winn also can bunt and sacrifice. Winn's OBP was .346 and .360 the last 2 years


While Winn's not the big addition, the key is landing Garcia. Winn is serviceable and seems to be a versatile fit on the Sox.

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Why would Seattle want Lee or Konerko? Wouldn't the aim of the trade, atleast on their part, be cutting salary? I could understand if they felt they could contend this season and just need a bat to do it, but they can't feel very good about their chances or they wouldn't be trading away their best pitcher. I think we could get Garcia for a couple of prospects and end up paying all/most of his salary.

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Sea. isn't going to write off the season now. They need to do something to shake up their team before it's too late. They can't score runs. That's why I put Rowand in the deal. He's a great 4th OFer, with some pop which a lot of teams would like to have. On the Sox, that would be a demotion for him, something that wouldn't sit well if Reed came in and took his job.


I'd put Borchard instead of Rowand. But no team would see Joe B as a guy capable of stepping right in and contributing like Rowand.


Sea could see Lee as a building block for the future and to help them win now. This year in LF, the future as a DH for when Martinez retires.


Sea. may view Garcia as someone on a hot streak now who will cool off, and who won't be around next year anyway. If they have guys ready in AAA, which I think they have 4 or 5 solid guys in their rotation who could help them this year, why not.


The Sox could add Wunsch to the deal for their bullpen.

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