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Your Presidential Candidate Is a Deadhead


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T O P 5 C L A S S I C

Past Performance Is No Guarantee of Future Laughs ==================================================================



May 7, 2004


(Today's list was originally published on April 29, 1999)



The Top 13 Signs Your Presidential

Candidate Is a Deadhead



13> Has already picked his live-in, Melody, as his "Secretary

of Dreams."


12> Instead of old fashioned whistle-stop campaign, wants to

go "truckin'."


11> "Building a Bong to the 21st... whatever."


10> Typical debate rejoinder: "Whoa. You're harshing my mellow."


9> "Inhaled? s***, I toked righteously!"


8> Claims that, 150 years before he invented the Internet,

he invented patchouli.


7> His explanation why he never registered for the draft:

"I spaced."


6> Interrupts debate with charges that his opponent is

"bogarting the microphone"


5> Giggles uncontrollably when someone says "acid rain".


4> Breaks into a 20-minute-long, incomprehensible ramble in

the middle of every speech.


3> Can't spell "potato"; CAN spell "ganja."


2> Freely admits inhaling. Adamantly denies bogarting.



and Topfive.com's Number 1 Sign Your

Presidential Candidate Is a Deadhead...



1> He actually *likes* spending years traveling around the

country with the same act, distributing buttons,

t-shirts, and tapes.

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