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Michael Moore

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Why do people that tend to be conservative have to be labeled with Limbaugh?


That's crap.

My my...how defensive we get!


Rush and Hannity said we are going to "hammer these troops" for "having a good time". Now, I don't normally think of good times including taking smiling photos while beatings of naked prisoners is going on. Dogs biting prisoners...is that a frat hazing too? http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/commo...55E2703,00.html (no pics, just a story about how dogs were used to inflict pain on prisoners)


And hey...I know Rush isn't a conservative. He's a neo-con shill like Bush. They've sold out real conservatism in the name of greed. If you're interested in real conservatism, get in touch with your local Libertarian party. They're the closest thing you've got left to conservative sanity in this country.

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the clear cut answer is we're better than this...we shouldn't be acting like this and our soldiers should be required to treat prisoners well.


anyone hear the story of the British SAS soldier who was POW'ed in the first gulf war...after his daily beatings they'd give him a pie plate like dish to crap in...when he finished they'd make him take it outside to get rid of the mess...Oh yeah, and then they'd make him LICK IT CLEAN.



once again, I think this is horrible and we are better than this, but seriously these f***ing mooks in washington want to use this against Bush instead of doing the f***ING RIGHT THING and bring this into a world light and say "we need to update and reaffirm the geneva convention." F kerry, F bush, F Washington. you all are f-ing suckers if you think John Kerry or anyone else will do anything different in the White House. do you understand politics at all? seriously....



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sen·sa·tion·al·ism    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (sn-ssh-n-lzm)



The use of sensational matter or methods, especially in writing, journalism, or politics.

Sensational subject matter.

Interest in or the effect of such subject matter.

Philosophy. The theory that sensation is the only source of knowledge.

The ethical doctrine that feeling is the only criterion of good.


I had fun trying to figure out which definition worked best.

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My my...how defensive we get!


Rush and Hannity said we are going to "hammer these troops" for "having a good time".  Now, I don't normally think of good times including taking smiling photos while beatings of naked prisoners is going on.  Dogs biting prisoners...is that a frat hazing too?  http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/commo...55E2703,00.html (no pics, just a story about how dogs were used to inflict pain on prisoners)


And hey...I know Rush isn't a conservative.  He's a neo-con shill like Bush.  They've sold out real conservatism in the name of greed.  If you're interested in real conservatism, get in touch with your local Libertarian party.  They're the closest thing you've got left to conservative sanity in this country.

I tend to agree, Apu. Hannity and Rush (and yes, Moore too) are ENTERTAINERS. They don't give a rat's ass about what the general public thinks (it's called R-A-T-I-N-G-S), they say what they (Rush and Hannity anyway) say to completely offer a 100% other side of the story from what our main-stream media has to say. The truth often lies somewhere in the middle.


I get defensive when I get labeled into something I'm not, and I certainly am not a neo-con who blatently believes everything I may be spoon-fed from a right-winged radio talkshow.


Again as I stated, the difference in what you all were doing is when I wrote what I wrote to start the post I was kidding. We all know your tendencies (at least in posting your thoughts) and I honestly had a good chuckle, wrote that, and moved on. I didn't (try to) insinuate anything and to read the post that c-dub wrote that he was speaking on your behalf, get your ass back here and fight like a man!! (Yes, I'm kidding). I'm sorry you had an issue with my first post in this thread.


Changing directions, my slant -


There are often times where I actually agree with your point of view. In this case, I wish to heck EITHER party, SOME party, had a candidate we could follow with good faith to know that they were going to do the right thing with the major issues of today ("war on terrorism", economy, deficit, etc). Neither Bush nor Kerry are worth .02 anymore.


IT scares me to think what Bush is going to do when he has no reprocussions assuming he is re-elected. Without regard to being "re-elected", he's going to REALLY ram down the throats of us more of a neo-con agenda, and that's quite scary in my mind because the country is not ready nor willing to accept that. But no one realizes it yet.


Kerry, on the other hand, has not had an original thought since heck knows when, and that makes me question his leadership abilities.


These political times suck - and the polarization is very clear with Michael Moore offering what he is, and Hannity and Limbaugh offering what they do. They are the same breed, just opposite sides of the spectrum.

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