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Buerhle or Colon?


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This is a topic asking who will have more wins this season: Mark Buehrle or Bartolo Colon? In my opinion, Colon will have more. Last year having won 10 games in Cleveland is understandable, but having won 10 games in Montreal is phenominal. With the offense in Montreal being provided only by Vladimir Guererro, having the offense the White Sox do with Ordonez, Thomas, Konerko, and Lee will put Colon well over the 20 game-win mark and have more wins than the White Sox ace, Mark Buerhle.

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Well Colon is more proven, but I think Buerhle could win a ton as well. Its going to be close. I seriously see at least one of them winning 22 games. Its kind of this magic number that fell into my head.


By the way welcome aboard. I am pretty confident that they will combine for 40 wins though.

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I'd have to say that they are pretty darned even in terms of ability. It's probably going to come down to who is #1 and who is #2. Since the #1 guy will usually face the opposing team's #1, he have more 3-2 or 2-1 losses. Either Buehrle or Colon will be one of the elite #2's in baseball, so I like our chances vs. pretty much anybody. With the offense we're likely to have, both should win 20, barring injuries.

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I'd have to say that they are pretty darned even in terms of ability.  It's probably going to come down to who is #1 and who is #2.  Since the #1 guy will usually face the opposing team's #1, he have more 3-2 or 2-1 losses.  Either Buehrle or Colon will be one of the elite #2's in baseball, so I like our chances vs. pretty much anybody.  With the offense we're likely to have, both should win 20, barring injuries.

welcome aboard whitesoxpride


good point clujer, the #1 guy will probably face the pedros, the zitos, the freddy garcias, the whoever twins ace is, and the #2 guy will probably get the easier guys. so yes i think the #2 guy will probably get a bit more wins, but colon and buerhles talents are sure close :headbang i'd say 21 for each :headbang

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I'd have to say that they are pretty darned even in terms of ability.  It's probably going to come down to who is #1 and who is #2.  Since the #1 guy will usually face the opposing team's #1, he have more 3-2 or 2-1 losses.  Either Buehrle or Colon will be one of the elite #2's in baseball, so I like our chances vs. pretty much anybody.  With the offense we're likely to have, both should win 20, barring injuries.

welcome aboard whitesoxpride


good point clujer, the #1 guy will probably face the pedros, the zitos, the freddy garcias, the whoever twins ace is, and the #2 guy will probably get the easier guys. so yes i think the #2 guy will probably get a bit more wins, but colon and buerhles talents are sure close :headbang i'd say 21 for each :headbang

Its all good, the Sox will beat the Pedros, Zito's, etc :D

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Since the #1 guy will usually face the opposing team's #1, he have more 3-2 or 2-1 losses.

For the first couple of weeks of the new season, I'd agree with you. But after off days, rain outs, injuries to either team's starting rotation, and spot starts, this doesn't necessarily hold true. My prediction..... Buehrle 22, Colon 22 :o

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Well I'll be. This is a hard topic. No one can decide. Everyone thinks Colon and Buerhle are going to tie in the win coulmn. Very entriguing. Oh yeah; the point of my second post for this topic is to give you the number of wins for each pitcher, and they are: Colon will win 23 games while Buerhle will win 21. It will be close, no doubt about it. No way to know but to wait until the season gets under way. At the time I made this post there is 36 days, 5 hrs, and 43 minutes until the White Sox (Cough*World Series*Cough) season is under way.

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(Cough*World Series*Cough)

That happens in October...and I hope we can be there....but odds are we won't be....all you have to do is look at the past 45 years and see how many Chicago teams have made it to the World Series....you're answer should be a whole number between 0 and 2.

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(Cough*World Series*Cough)

That happens in October...and I hope we can be there....but odds are we won't be....all you have to do is look at the past 45 years and see how many Chicago teams have made it to the World Series....you're answer should be a whole number between 0 and 2.

If we make it to the series, I will be flying out to Chicago to watch at least one game :headbang

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