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UK answer to teen pregnancy . . .


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Its a pretty common thing now adays amongst girls in high school and college. Although it seems like less girls are having sex at younger ages here.


At least thats how it was when I was in high school. Heck, even in college it seems like a lot more girls are waiting then ever before.

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Its a pretty common thing now adays amongst girls in high school and college.  Although it seems like less girls are having sex at younger ages here. 


At least thats how it was when I was in high school.  Heck, even in college it seems like a lot more girls are waiting then ever before.

Could that be after meeting you ;) :ph34r:

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I dont see what's so surprising about any of this. Kids are more sophisticated now than they were 20 years ago. They are exposed to more "adult" things, and they're growing up faster. That being said, I think the only way you can help the situation is through comprhensive sex education. You're NOT going to reverse the process, so you just better arm kids with the correct info, so they keep themselves as safe as possible.

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Well this is interesting. In 8th grade, at least 3 of the people at my middle school had sex. I mean normal sex. Oral sex happens all the time now adays. Anal, for heaven sake, why even bother...its not that great anyway from what I heard...(seniors know all, icky... :puke ) but I mean kids explore their sexual fancy. It is well known that kids 13 and under mess around with each other...you know doctor, so basically everyone who played with each other, placed something in another thing or something like that are already educated, so why bother educating such kids about this. If anything, educate about abstinence and no STD's from anal oral or sex

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I dont see what's so surprising about any of this.  Kids are more sophisticated now than they were 20 years ago.  They are exposed to more "adult" things, and they're growing up faster.  That being said, I think the only way you can help the situation is through comprhensive sex education. You're NOT going to reverse the process, so you just better arm kids with the correct info, so they keep themselves as safe as possible.

The Jon Cleese sex ed scene from Meaning of Life keeps coming to mind... :bang


What's wrong with a kiss, boy? Hmm? Why not start her off with a nice kiss? ... You don't have to go leaping straight for the clitoris like a bull at a gate. Give her a kiss, boy.
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I was just curious cause some posts sounded like they were from teens and I was wondering their perspective.  Since it isn't as far back a stretch in the memory for them.  :D

What do ya want to know? I knew many people who had done oral in junior high. Beastly keeps mentioning STDs. STDs are am after thought. I know many, many people who have sex (oral, anal, or vaginal) without a condom.

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am I the only one that is completely disturbed or at least immensely interested in this guys story?



yes? no?

Nothing at all. Honest to God, there is no story.


In fact, I'm still a virgin(not something I'm proud of either :( ).


Just heard bad stories.


And anyways, I'm mainly saying you shouldn't have sex with someone you don't know.


I just wanted to sound like the stereo-typical angry-crazy guy who is ranting over something, and while what he's saying is either logical or just plain right, you can't help but laugh when seeing him do it.

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Well this is interesting. In 8th grade, at least 3 of the people at my middle school had sex. I mean normal sex. Oral sex happens all the time now adays. Anal, for heaven sake, why even bother...its not that great anyway from what I heard...(seniors know all, icky... :puke ) but I mean kids explore their sexual fancy. It is well known that kids 13 and under mess around with each other...you know doctor, so basically everyone who played with each other, placed something in another thing or something like that are already educated, so why bother educating such kids about this. If anything, educate about abstinence and no STD's from anal oral or sex

From what you heard? :lol: :bang

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What do ya want to know? I knew many people who had done oral in junior high. Beastly keeps mentioning STDs. STDs are am after thought. I know many, many people who have sex (oral, anal, or vaginal) without a condom.

Very dangerous, nevertheless. Syphilis, killer. AIDS, killer. HIV, killer. Herpes, annoying. Chlymidia/Gnhorrea, burnful. VD, ED...mercy...

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Very dangerous, nevertheless. Syphilis, killer. AIDS, killer. HIV, killer. Herpes, annoying. Chlymidia/Gnhorrea, burnful. VD, ED...mercy...

ED? Erectlile disfunction? Explain. VD venerial desease? That's what the things you listed are. HIV/Aids are the same thing. Perhaps we didn't get enough education on the subject.

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ED?  Erectlile disfunction?  Explain. VD venerial desease?  That's what the things you listed are.  HIV/Aids  are the same thing.  Perhaps we didn't get enough education on the subject.

I classify them as sexual health, sir. ED I know about, VD i didn't know what that did to you exactly though, and for HIV/AIDS, would were u questioning?

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