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How was your weekend?


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Mine sucked. :angry:


Sewer backup at the house, couldn't get a plumber out until this morning.

Sox swept; my PTCs didn't play 2/3 games

Mother's Day gift didn't arrive in time

Lawn Mower broke


But I am certain others had better weekends. And if you had a so so weekend, doesn't it sound better than mine?

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Fairly good,

got most of my accounting assignment done on Saturday.

Mothers Day, beautiful lunch at the Pancake Parlour.

Had work Sunday Aftanoon for 3 hours.

Then favourite Aussie Rules Footy team won by 56 points. :headbang


And Tex, we got a new lawn mower as well, but no - one knows how to use it since my Dad is overseas. :lol:

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Mine was mostly sucky expect for Sat night and the whole day of sunday:

Friday I worked untill 1:30 am and that sucked

Sat I worked till 11 and had some fun after that

And Mother's day was great as "almost" the whole family got together at my sisters

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Fairly good,

got most of my accounting assignment done on Saturday.

Mothers Day, beautiful lunch at the Pancake Parlour.

Had work Sunday Aftanoon for 3 hours.

Then favourite Aussie Rules Footy team won by 56 points.  :headbang


And Tex, we got a new lawn mower as well, but no - one knows how to use it since my Dad is overseas.  :lol:

DBAHO...do you know how/where I can buy Aussie rules football jerseys? On-line?

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Nice low-key but nice.

The highlight was that one of my friends had a Garden Party and got to see lots of friends I don't usually. Live music as well--my fave campus bands. Then we went up to the campus music festival and I got to see Indigenous. Then I got to walk in the rain yesterday and it was just really refreshing and nice....

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This Saturday and Sunday was the first time in a long time that my wife and I decided to put work and such on hold and spend time with the kids and it was most excellent. Went to a fiend's and hung out poolside, went to the beach, the zoo, Mom's day breakfast out. Mrs. Flaxx liked her gifts and I learned how to mix up a killer rumrunner (bannana liquor was the missing ingredient that had thus far eluded me). Way too short, but a good weekend.

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Outside of the Sox laying a rotten egg, it was a good weekend.


My softball team, keyed by its leadoff hitter extrodinaire, won 25-3 on Friday, even after letting up in the 3rd inning.


The youth group that I volunteer for had its biggest fundraiser of the year, the 16th annual Crosscurrent Ministries Bowl-a-thon. This year we did a Hula theme and it ran pretty smoothly. The turn out was a little disappointing, and there wasn't as much money raised as we had hoped, but we still can't complain.


I finally got out and mowed the lawn for the first time this year. It felt good to get out and break a good hard sweat in the sun. I was going to get to work on the hedges as well, but then got an extreme case of the lazies.


My Dogwood tree flowered for the first time since I planted it 3 1/2 years ago.


My roses are all coming in well again this year.


Mothers Day was nice for both my family and the wifes. We made breakfast at my mother in laws, and we are taking my mom out Wednesday, because she works all weekends.

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Mine sucked.  :angry:


Sewer backup at the house, couldn't get a plumber out until this morning.

Sox swept; my PTCs didn't play 2/3 games

Mother's Day gift didn't arrive in time

Lawn Mower broke


But I am certain others had better weekends. And if you had a so so weekend, doesn't it sound better than mine?


Sorry to hear about all that!

What an awful weekend.


Mine was uneventful, but sometimes uneventful is great!

My wife had to work this weekend, so Mother's Day was kinda blah.

Got her some Godiva chocolates ( her favorite ) and cooked dinner for her.

My Mom came over later last night, and we took her out for an ice cream, and gave her a card with some $$$ so she can buy herself what she wants ( she's IMPOSSIBLE to buy for ).

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Lawn Mower broke

Mine did that too, but thankfully I only had one strip about 4 feet long to go, so I cleared that with the edge trimmer! Other than that and the Sox losing, it was a mixed bag. Had last night of bowling saturday, ended up in 4th place. Won an additional $80 in pots and sidebets. Wife and I drank all $80 in the bar afterwards! Haven't done that in a while, so it was fun, at least for me, as she fell asleep in the bathroom! Then helped the boys take care of their present to mom, buying and planting her flowers for the front yard. Not fun to do with a slight hangover. At least they 'arrived' on time. Good luck with the basement! If it got onto the walls or anything, use lots of Lysol or mold will grow everywhere. Went thru that a few years back when the sump pump broke.

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Let's see, I had a double header on Saturday and we lost the first, but won the second game 14-1. We also won on Friday night and since it is Monday night I will tell you how we were down 11-2 tonight and then came back to win 13-12. :headbang Then on Sunday I had my confirmation and got money so it was all good. I am desperate for money until June when I start my job.

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Fairly good,

got most of my accounting assignment done on Saturday.

Mothers Day, beautiful lunch at the Pancake Parlour.

Had work Sunday Aftanoon for 3 hours.

Then favourite Aussie Rules Footy team won by 56 points.  :headbang


And Tex, we got a new lawn mower as well, but no - one knows how to use it since my Dad is overseas.  :lol:

I havta like Essedon on behalf of my Aussie friend but I usually only see periodic highlights, I think they're doing not bad but he'd tell me if they were really good.

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I havta like Essedon on behalf of my Aussie friend but I usually only see periodic highlights, I think they're doing not bad but he'd tell me if they were really good.

The rest of my family are mad Essendon supporters, I'm a Geelong supporter, and the 2 teams play next Saturday Night. It should be a great game, really lookin forward to goin. :headbang

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The rest of my family are mad Essendon supporters, I'm a Geelong supporter, and the 2 teams play next Saturday Night. It should be a great game, really lookin forward to goin.  :headbang

I'll pay some attention the, maybe I can get it on Fox Sport world.

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Not live, but I can some if I pay attention.  We used to laugh at the goal judges when we were really young, they just looked goofy.

Don't worry, ur not the only 1 who laughs at them. ;) :lol:

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