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Willie Harris


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This guy seems to be playing very well of late. Really good defense and is finally getting on base. His numbers in the last 11 games:


40 AB

17 H

3 R

0 HR


1 SB

5 BB

.425 AVG

.478 OBP

.500 SLG


I would like to see more runs scored from our leadoff hitter, but I don't think that could be held against him as others behind him have to do their job in order for him to score. His average is now up to .301 for the year. Is he not better than what we could have had in Roberto Alomar? Just looking to see what everyone thinks about Willie up to this point. Is he meeting or exceeding your expectations? Doing worse than you expected? I would appreciate the feedback. Thanks.

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He had a great defensive play in Toronto on Sunday. Blew a double play ball really nicely.


In truth I think Willie is an acceptable lead off man with alot of speed and the ability to get the bunt down.


He hasn't given me much reason to complain this year. The only thing I worry about is Valentine getting time at short and Uribe ending up with Willie's starts. Harris, Uribe make a great one two punch.

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This guy seems to be playing very well of late. Really good defense and is finally getting on base. His numbers in the last 11 games:


40 AB

17 H

3 R

0 HR


1 SB

5 BB

.425 AVG

.478 OBP

.500 SLG


I would like to see more runs scored from our leadoff hitter, but I don't think that could be held against him as others behind him have to do their job in order for him to score. His average is now up to .301 for the year. Is he not better than what we could have had in Roberto Alomar? Just looking to see what everyone thinks about Willie up to this point. Is he meeting or exceeding your expectations? Doing worse than you expected? I would appreciate the feedback. Thanks.

He might have just taken Rowand's job away -- against RHP anyway.

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He had a great defensive play in Toronto on Sunday. Blew a double play ball really nicely.


In truth I think Willie is an acceptable lead off man with alot of speed and the ability to get the bunt down.


He hasn't given me much reason to complain this year. The only thing I worry about is Valentine getting time at short and Uribe ending up with Willie's starts. Harris, Uribe make a great one two punch.

I agree with you. Keep Willie and Uribe at the top of the order and see what happens. The only thing that I agree with others on is that we need Valentin's lefty bat. Our line-up is too right handed dominant. Unless we can trade Konerko and get a lefty 1B and call up Reed to play CF I don't see this changing anytime soon.

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This guy seems to be playing very well of late. Really good defense and is finally getting on base. His numbers in the last 11 games:


40 AB

17 H

3 R

0 HR


1 SB

5 BB

.425 AVG

.478 OBP

.500 SLG


I would like to see more runs scored from our leadoff hitter, but I don't think that could be held against him as others behind him have to do their job in order for him to score. His average is now up to .301 for the year. Is he not better than what we could have had in Roberto Alomar? Just looking to see what everyone thinks about Willie up to this point. Is he meeting or exceeding your expectations? Doing worse than you expected? I would appreciate the feedback. Thanks.




He's playing to stay in the Bigs.

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I agree with you. Keep Willie and Uribe at the top of the order and see what happens. The only thing that I agree with others on is that we need Valentin's lefty bat. Our line-up is too right handed dominant. Unless we can trade Konerko and get a lefty 1B and call up Reed to play CF I don't see this changing anytime soon.

Agreed. I still don't see the flaw in Harris. He's slowly been hitting more and more and his average is around .290 or at least it was at one point on Sunday.


He also has great speed, can drop a bunt, and is a good fundemental 2nd baseman with average to above average range (very good range on the fly balls).


And as long as Uribe is hitting the ball, you can't complain about him. He also is a good defensive shortstop, although he's been known to make the ocassional mental lapse (been good so far this season though). I also don't mind Jose because he does provide left handed pop and leadership.


Right now, I have no problem with giving Reed more time in the minors and moving Willie to CF. The only thing I don't like is it jumbles Willie Harris, then again I see Chone Figgins play a ton of positions in Anaheim all while starting and it doesn't seem to effect him. The two players seem like clones to me :) (Figgins and Harris).


Now if the Sox cna move Carlos or PK for a good starting pitcher I'll be even more happy. I'd prefer to keep Carlos, soley because he has better speed and in general I think he has more upside. But if the two of them can get on track, it will really help this offense. Plus you got Maggs in a funk and Crede is still not even near on track.


Heck, as of late, the top of the order has been the last thing to worry about (well, at least the first two hitters). Still, considering how poorly the offense has played (minus the homers) you can't be dissapointed to have the record the Sox have.

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I think Uribe has been getting on base extremely well. Now if you moved Konerko then I'd put Uribe in the the 6 hole with jose in the 5 hole and Lee in the 2 hole.


Another alternative woul be calling up Reed, moving Harris to CF, moving Lee to 1st base, dealing Konerko for a pitcher, Jose and Juan in the middle infield.


You have Harris and Reed 1 and two. Lee in the 5 hole, Jose in the 6 hole, Juan in the 7 hole, Crede in the 8 hole and Miguel in the 9 hole. Crede is the only slow guy in the lineup and all of a sudden the Sox are built for Guillens style and the only offense you lose is Paul Konerko, and you can argue how much of a loss that will be, considering how much he added to the offense last season.

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