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Islamic Web Site Shows Beheading Of American

Queen Prawn

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The beheading wasn't "payback", Steff.


Radical Islamists need NO excuse(s) to kill innocents! Especially if they are American or Israeli.

According to them - which I know is bulls*** - this was retaliation.

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I was just checking Infowars.com  (Conservative/Libertarian site run by a big conspiracy theorist)


I dunno about the authenticity of the claims about the vid (I have yet to watch it) but he raises some interesting points that could be debated.


With several news outlets reporting that Berg's family is angry from the US government over their son's violent death and revelations that "Berg was detained by Iraqi police at a checkpoint in Mosul on March 24. He was turned over to U.S. officials and detained for 13 days" (in other words, he was detained by the US military just prior to his death) -- (AP 5/11/04) we have to question what really happened and who was really behind Berg's horrific murder.


1) extremely convenient "wag the dog" timing at the height of furor

regarding U.S. torture of Iraqis


2) CNN poll question:  "Is the Berg killing a reason for withholding any

remaining Iraq prisoner abuse pictures?"  Bush has been reported to be

struggling with question of whether Pentagon should release additional

torture photos.  Given that the alleged decapitation of Berg was allegedly prompted by the first wave of torture photos, Bush could now cite "national security" issues for witholding additional materials.


3) Berg's last known whereabouts was in U.S. custody.


4) Berg shown in video wearing orange jumpsuit known to be of U.S. issue (compare with pictures at Guantanamo).


5) Berg mysteriously captured by Al-Quaeda (still wearing jumpsuit).  Either he escaped from U.S. captors or U.S. let him out -- with orange suit and all -- to be immediately apprehended by Al-Quaeda (before he had a chance to change).


6) Tape obviously spliced together and heavily edited.  Goes from a) Berg sitting in chair talking about family, to B) Berg sitting on floor with

hooded "militants" behind, to c) blurry camera movement, to d) almost

motionless Berg on floor as head cut off.


7) Audio clearly dubbed in.


8) "Arab" reader flips through pages of "statement" and keeps ending up on the same page.  Perhaps doesn't even known enough Arabic to recognize what page he's on?


9) "Arabs" have lily-white hands and (other exposed) skin.


10) "Arabs" have Western-style body posture and mannerisms.


11) When Berg decapitated, there was almost no blood.  If Berg were still alive at this point, with the cut starting at front of throat, blood would have been spraying everywhere.  Berg's severed head, the floor, Berg's clothes, and even the hand of the "Arab" who decapitated Berg had no visible blood on it.


12) Berg's body didn't move while on the ground.  Although held down, Berg would have tried to instinctively wiggle and writhe away from captor's grip.


13) Camera angle made it impossible to see if Berg's eyes were even open.


14) Alleged "scream" from Berg sounded to be that of a woman and was clearly

dubbed in.


15) Berg goes to great trouble to identify himself, providing information

about his family.  Why?  To elicit greater sympathy?  Or to provide a

positive ID.  FBI visited Berg family in an attempt to "verify his

identity".  Guy in video looks very little like Berg photos provided by



It's cynical conspiracy theorist in me but this could be a psy ops operation. Berg video released at height of furor over U.S. torture of Iraqis and just before Bush was to decide whether to release additional torture videos.  Now torture videos will be witheld from public for reasons of national security.  Now "patriots" everywhere will laud the virtues of U.S. torture of "enemies".  Sensitivity level of public gets heightened in terms of what's acceptable treatment of prisoners. Juxtaposed with decapitation, piling naked men into pyramid is nothing. Such treatment will be considered more and more acceptable even in domestic situations.

This posting is gonna shock a lot of the people in "Soxtalk"...but, I cannot disagree with anything in Apu's posting!


I have not (will not) seen the video, but, if what Apu has posted is accurate, I wouldn't be surprised at all.


Bush has an election to win; if the beheading was staged to garner support for the war and take attention away from the POW tortures, I'd be shocked, but, at the same time, desperate times call for desperate measures.

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This posting is gonna shock a lot of the people in "Soxtalk"...but, I cannot disagree with anything in Apu's posting!


I have not (will not) seen the video, but, if what Apu has posted is accurate, I wouldn't be surprised at all.


Bush has an election to win; if the beheading was staged to garner support for the war and take attention away from the POW tortures, I'd be shocked, but, at the same time, desperate times call for desperate measures.

I just might have to slap the crap out of myself to believe what I'm reading.



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WHAT THE f*** IS THIS? I hate these f***ing reasons those damn al-Qaeda bastards are using as justification. I hope Abu Musab al-Zarqawi dies and all the rest of them suffer the more painful death than Berg. That pisses me off so much. We should jsut bomb the hell out of all places in the Middle East with potential threat to us. No American should be executed! Thats Middle AGES s***. I hope those people suffer! It makes me want to go over there and do something about it thats how mad I am. Maybe I will in the future. Those son of b****es executed one of us, an American, someone the same as we are. I hope we cause suffering all over teh damn place. THE MAN WAS EXECUTED. those f***in bastards. i dare them to pull anything against us again. and i hope in the future we have some general become president and just nuke the hell out of that place. all those terrorists bastards have nothing, they have no dignity, respect, nothing. they think they'll get their point across by bombing and killing people. do yourself a favor and kill yourself you worthless pieces of s***. they will never gain anything by going about the way they are going about it and they are stupid. get some balls you terrorists.


sorry if this had too many curses and if you dont agree with it. i'm a pretty nationalistic guy and if anyone wants this post deleted ill do it....i just needed to vent...sorry for being so intense

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but, at the same time, desperate times call for desperate measures.


There is desperate measures and then there's a "conspiracy" with a ridiculously out of whack risk/reward ratio.


In the Information Age, EVERYTHING is eventually leaked.


This admin had nothing to gain to "order" or "stage" this dude's murder and everything to lose. This war is no more popular than it was a week ago.

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Once again that just boggles my mind.  You should adore this guy for his pro-Isreal / hard line against islamic terrorism stance and policies.

On the one hand, Bush backs Sharon's disengagement plan, but then, as soon as Sharon lost the "vote", Bush backed off and said that the Palestinians deserve their own state.


Also, even though the issue of Israel is a very important one to me, it is not the only issue. GWB has f**ked up the economy and the environment and has made the US a "laughing stock" in the eyes of the world re. Iraq and Afghanistan. (Not to mention how the transition from INS to Customs and Border Protection, that the Bush administation pushed through, will cost me thousands of dollars in lost (now unavailable overtime!)


The ONLY people who have benefitted from the Bush II presidency are big corporations and Bush' cronies and Israel (to some extent.).

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There is desperate measures and then there's a "conspiracy" with a ridiculously out of whack risk/reward ratio.


In the Information Age, EVERYTHING is eventually leaked.


This admin had nothing to gain to "order" or "stage" this dude's murder and everything to lose.  This war is no more popular than it was a week ago.

But, it did take our collective minds off of the POW torture pics for awhile, didn't it?


BTW...remember during the Clinton administration all of the (stupid) conspiracy theories that were going around? e.g. Clinton had Ron Brown assassinated, Clinton was behind the OK City bombing, etc. Right wing conspiracy theorist opined that these were "done" by "Bubba" to take attention away from "Monica Lewinsky".



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But, it did take our collective minds off of the POW torture pics for awhile, didn't it?


BTW...remember during the Clinton administration all of the (stupid) conspiracy theories that were going around? e.g. Clinton had Ron Brown assassinated, Clinton was behind the OK City bombing, etc. Right wing conspiracy theorist opined that these were "done" by "Bubba" to take attention away from "Monica Lewinsky".



I agree with your assessment 100%. BOTH SIDES play this partisan BS.

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WHAT THE f*** IS THIS?  I hate these f***ing reasons those damn al-Qaeda bastards are using as justification.  I hope Abu Musab al-Zarqawi dies and all the rest of them suffer the more painful death than Berg.  That pisses me off so much.  We should jsut bomb the hell out of all places in the Middle East with potential threat to us.  No American should be executed!  Thats Middle AGES s***.  I hope those people suffer!  It makes me want to go over there and do something about it thats how mad I am.  Maybe I will in the future.  Those son of b****es executed one of us, an American, someone the same as we are.  I hope we cause suffering all over teh damn place.  THE MAN WAS EXECUTED.  those f***in bastards.  i dare them to pull anything against us again.  and i hope in the future we have some general become president and just nuke the hell out of that place.  all those terrorists bastards have nothing, they have no dignity, respect, nothing.  they think they'll get their point across by bombing and killing people.  do yourself a favor and kill yourself you worthless pieces of s***.  they will never gain anything by going about the way they are going about it and they are stupid.  get some balls you terrorists.


sorry if this had too many curses and if you dont agree with it.  i'm a pretty nationalistic guy and if anyone wants this post deleted ill do it....i just needed to vent...sorry for being so intense

I bow down to your ethnocentrism.


All heil the racially superior Americans! /seigheil


Americans are executed a lot here. It's called capital punishment. No American should be executed but pardon me if I put words in your mouth, but it seems like you are more than content to f*** up the s*** of every Muslim in the Middle East right now w/ your vitriol.


And if you want Abu Musab al-Zarqawi to die, then a few months ago called. MSNBC reported on March 4 that he was killed in a US bombing campaign before this film was made.


One of the clues the FBI and CIA is studying is the large gold ring Zarqawi is wearing on his right hand, giving off a glare several times during the six-minute tape. -- That is forbidden by Islam. One would think that a hardcore Wahabbist would know and abide by that.

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I bow down to your ethnocentrism.


All heil the racially superior Americans! /seigheil


Americans are executed a lot here.  It's called capital punishment.  No American should be executed but pardon me if I put words in your mouth, but it seems like you are more than content to f*** up the s*** of every Muslim in the Middle East right now w/ your vitriol.


And if you want Abu Musab al-Zarqawi to die, then a few months ago called.  MSNBC reported on March 4 that he was killed in a US bombing campaign before this film was made.


One of the clues the FBI and CIA is studying is the large gold ring Zarqawi is wearing on his right hand, giving off a glare several times during the six-minute tape.  -- That is forbidden by Islam.  One would think that a hardcore Wahabbist would know and abide by that.

Yea, and so is paying people to do their jihad work. But supposedly Bin Laden is paying the families of "martyrs" 10,000 grams of gold?


I am so tired of all the fanatical hate that this whole thing is breeding. We have the same fanatical "Christians", why don't we want to nuke the piss out of our own?


Just sayin'.

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I wasn't implying racially superiority at all. I was just saying that a fellow American, someone that could've been your next door neighbor was executed. I would only like to "f*** up the s***" of those Muslims that think terrorism is the way to make their lives better. And back to capital punishment, in the minds of the law they deserve it. The damn terrorists are saying berg deserved it because he was American. And no, I dont want to get into a capital punishment justified/not justified argument.

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Guess what, the Nick Berg execution has been nearly televised and is widely available on the Internet. I'm guessing it changed the travel plans of a number of Americans planning on going to Iraq.


Perhaps capital punishment would be a better deterrent if we did the same.

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As I recall, Patrick Dennehy was murdered at the self proclaimed Christian school in Texas known as Baylor, a Baptist school, and was, in fact, beheaded.


While I was looking to verify that, I found another news story that some Baylor students were recently charged with beheading a cat.


It seems Baylor has a problem with cutting off the heads of living things, human and otherwise.


Do we nuke Baptists, Christians, Baylor, or Texas?

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Would you please just stop the NUKE talk? It's not an option!

Do you understand that? Just stop it already. Some of you really are radical!


But since we are on the issue I hope you realize that the bombs dropped on Hiroshima & Nagasaki did more harm than good. They may have saved American lives fighting the war in the pacific but they also led Stalin to quickly create the arms race.


We would have been better off letting Japan occupy the Pacific & gone after Stalin as Patton suggested. This would have kept the German rocket scientists from falling into Soviet hands & eliminated the need for a wasteful arms race. The US remains the only country to ever use nukes to end a war. Over 100K Japanese were either killed or injured in those attacks. They provide the world with a valid cause to always look upon us with dis-trust.


The truth is that prior to the nucs being dropped the Japanese ability to make war was weakening quickly. It is truth they would have fought to the death to end the war, but it wasn't necc to end it on those terms. Containment would have eventually bleed them dry for supplies. Nothing weakens a soldiers reserve better than hunger & isolation. The cost in dollars to fund the arms race overshadows the cost to fund continued bombing of military installations in Japan's empire.


So please, just stop the NUKE nonsense. It's not an option, should never have been an option, & should never be an option again.

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But, it did take our collective minds off of the POW torture pics for awhile, didn't it?


Yes. For about 15 minutes. In the meantime the liberal f***ing media is still salivating over the prisoner abuse controversy. There's something totally out of whack in this country.

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Yes.  For about 15 minutes.  In the meantime the liberal f***ing media is still salivating over the prisoner abuse controversy.  There's something totally out of whack in this country.

It is interesting how the GOP has used their criticism of the media. Basically they are telling voters to not believe anything they hear if it is critical of Republicans. They have made themselves teflon. You can only trust what the GOP tells you, very similar to the old Soviet Union and TASS. Cannot trust the media, we will take it over and have a government run media. Of course all you GOPers will believe a government run newspaper.


This should probably be regarded as the greatest political victory ever. A free press is one of our greatest liberties and, as a tool to protect us from the government, even better than guns. But the Republicans have been able to get all their followers to dismiss that right. Beautiful thing. If the GOP gets criticized, it is the messenger that is wrong, not the GOP.


And occording to the GOP, the media is one way. When they attack Clinton, they are 100% accurate. When they criticize Bush, they are acting on their bias.


And when you look at media, which liberal media are you talking about? Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly, Reagan, Drudge, :lol:


We need happy news to keep this country from being "There's something totally out of whack in this country." Each day the newspapers should report only good things the Republicans are doing. Happy talk. No one is dying, no one is starving, all economic indicators are Happy. Then we will have an unbiased media.

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Would you please just stop the NUKE talk?  It's not an option! 

Do you understand that?  Just stop it already.  Some of you really are radical!


But since we are on the issue I hope you realize that the bombs dropped on Hiroshima & Nagasaki did more harm than good.  They may have saved American lives fighting the war in the pacific but they also led Stalin to quickly create the arms race.


We would have been better off letting Japan occupy the Pacific & gone after Stalin as Patton suggested.  This would have kept the German rocket scientists from falling into Soviet hands & eliminated the need for a wasteful arms race. The US remains the only country to ever use nukes to end a war.  Over 100K Japanese were either killed or injured in those attacks.  They provide the world with a valid cause to always look upon us with dis-trust.


The truth is that prior to the nucs being dropped the Japanese ability to make war was weakening quickly.  It is truth they would have fought to the death to end the war, but it wasn't necc to end it on those terms.  Containment would have eventually bleed them dry for supplies.  Nothing weakens a soldiers reserve better than hunger & isolation.  The cost in dollars to fund the arms race overshadows the cost to fund continued bombing of military installations in Japan's empire.


So please, just stop the NUKE nonsense.  It's not an option, should never have been an option, & should never be an option again.

Just in case you hadn't notice, juggs, my references were very tongue and cheek. Of course that's not the answer, but if we're going to "nuke" one place, we should look no further then our own country for extremeists. That was my point.

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