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First accidents


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Anyone have any stories about their first mess up, or accident behind the wheel.


I bring this up because I had my first mess up today. I live on a corner and I was looking waving to a neighbor as I was making the turn, and didn't turn enough. I reached to slam on the brake before going up the curb but I accidentaly hit the gas and went up the curb and onto my lawn before I slammed on the brakes.


Unfortunately, slamming the brakes ruined all the grass in the area of the accident. My Dad was quite pissed at what he saw. I am not sure yet what affect the incedent had on my suspension.


My dad decided against giving me positive reinforcement, and instead told me simply "if there were any kids there, you would have killed them." And we all know saying something like that reassures all young drivers.

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Anyone have any stories about their first mess up, or accident behind the wheel.


I bring this up because I had my first mess up today.  I live on a corner and I was looking waving to a neighbor as I was making the turn, and didn't turn enough.  I reached to slam on the brake before going up the curb but I accidentaly hit the gas and went up the curb and onto my lawn before I slammed on the brakes. 


Unfortunately, slamming the brakes ruined all the grass in the area of the accident.  My Dad was quite pissed at what he saw.  I am not sure yet what affect the incedent had on my suspension.


My dad decided against giving me positive reinforcement, and instead told me simply "if there were any kids there, you would have killed them."  And we all know saying something like that reassures all young drivers.

My first road mishap was in '98. I was driving in a snowstorm down Ogden Ave. My tires skidded on the snow and I hit this Sport Ute from behind. I barely scratched the paint on his vehicle while mine has 2000 bucks worth of damage. OUCH!!!


Nobody hurt though.

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I was 17, driving my dad's Jeep in a huge snowstorm, and had a Caddilac slide into the back of me broadside! He saw me stopped in front of him, hit his brakes, skidded sideways and wham! I was fine, the Jeep was OK (crushed the spare tire and the two bumper guards in the back, and unrounded one of the back corners), but the other guy didn't fair to well. The whole drivers side of his car was mush, and he was knocked out from the Jeep spare tire hitting him upside his head! Serves him right, since he was drunk. And to top it off, I GOT GROUNDED FOR IT, even though it wasn't my fault. Oh well.

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I reached to slam on the brake before going up the curb but I accidentaly hit the gas

Exactly how i started mine. I was waving goodbye to this girl that lives on my block and as i was turning on western ave. i meant to brake but hit the gas and hit the back of a CTA bus. The bus suffered no damage, not even a scratch, my car needed 700 bucks of fixing. A month later i get a letter in the mail from the CTA saying that i owe them 200 dollars worth of damages. I never paid them back though.




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I've never had an accident, but I had so many close calls the first year or so. I look back on that year in amazement that I didn't die or kill someone else, because unless you are some kind of prodigy it takes a while to get used to all the unwritten rules of the road, all the niches you gotta find. There were a couple times I took left turns with cars coming on that I had misjudged and they started beeping and swearing at me. It got to a point where I'd be scared to take turns out into traffic because I thought this phantom car was gonna appear out of nowhere and start beeping at me from behind.


One time I was changing a CD while turning a corner and I almost plowed into a Mercedes (barely missed it, whew). Once I was in a downtown-type area and I looked to the side to figure out where the hell I was and I almost slamed the car in front of me.


I haven't had any near-accidents in a long time, due partly to experience and partly to the fact that I don't drive much at school, only when other people are too drunk. :D

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had some friends in car driving out in country. turn around to punch my friend behind me. looked back forward and there was a sharp curve and they just layed new asphalt on road. jumped the curve and a ditch and front end of car landed smack between gate posts of a large wooden fence. totalled the car screwed up my knee. bought my car back from insurance cheap and had enough $$$ left to fix it back up. that thang lasted me forever... :headbang

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Congrats witesoxfan on gettin ur license :cheers

Anyways, at my Uni car park i accidently nicked a pole turnin a corner too fast, had to pay $150 bucks to get the front light replaced and it'll prob need a new bumper in the future which will cost bout $800.

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Several years ago, after working a midnight shift and then some OT, I was driving home ... Actually, I was within 1/8th of a mile of my driveway and fell asleep. I crossed over the other lane, went off the road and down into a ditch. As I was going into the ditch I woke up and saw the backside of a "Stop Ahead" sign that was mounted on a 4x4 post dead ahead. I hit the sign and clipped it off. The sign and post flipped up over my car and landed behind me. Meanwhile, I hit the gas, drove out of the ditch, on to the road and then just turned right into my driveway. No injuries or vehicle damage.

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First accident was back in 1992 (I think). Smashed up my Mom's 1965 Mustang. Was over by Golf Mill in Niles and went through a yellow at an intersection. The pavement was a bit wet and someone turned left in front of me and I couldn't stop and hit her at about 30 mph. I can still see it happening in slow motion. Luckily neither of us were hurt. She was able to drive away since I hit her in the rear quarter panel but the Mustang was dead in the street in a puddle of antifreeze.


My Mom had just gotten the car a week earlier so I ended up with 3 tickets. No plates, no proof of insurance and failure to avoid an accident. She received a ticket for turning into oncoming traffic. All tickets were thrown out later in court and the insurance companies worked things out.


The funny thing about this accident is the fact that the Mustang had no seat belts and of course, no air bags. I hit her head on at 30 mph and I didn't have a scratch. They sure don't make cars like they used to.

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