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Understanding Salvation


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Recently a question was asked whether only Christians will be saved by God?

Scripture tells us otherwise. The Bible tells us that to know him is to follow his way.

His way being his philosophy of life with respect to faith & morals of course.

If you simply acknowledge his divinity & do not follow his way he will claim he does not know you. This clearly places a greater weight of importance on the way you live over the God you worship.


So in answer to the question, regardless of who/how you worship your salvation will ultimately be determined by how you live your life.


I personally believe that this leads to a segregated after-life or something similar to Dante's levels of hell. If the after-life is suppose to be a reward for some & punishment for others then segregation is what comes to mind. You will essentially wind up in a place where every one follow's a path similar to your own. The degree to which you have led a sinful life is the degree to which your after-life will be void of good people. If you departed as a murderer than you will arrive in a Hell populated by murderers forever feeding off one another. If you departed as a torturer then you will arrive in a Hell populated by torturers. Philosophically, the lower the level of Hell the further away from God you will be. So the levels of Hell must be ordered by degree of a sinful life.


The real kicker is that it's not the reality of your life on Earth by which you will be judged but rather that which lies in your heart. This is the essence of the scriptures that refer to thinking sin as greater than doing sin. You will not be judged by every sinful thought you have but rather the core constitution of those thoughts. They ultimately define your morality even if that morality is bounded by civil law on Earth.

That is what is meant by looking into one's heart. What is their core belief system

when free from the constraints of law.


This is also why Christians are called to preach. Not to condemn others but rather to educate them & demonstrate the importance of both acknowledging sin & asking for forgiveness in their own lives. You can not commit a sin without offending another.

Either you sin against someone or you sin against God so asking for forgiveness is paramount to salvation.

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