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Anyone know any good site with Gun Control Facts..

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well, you can also go to the CDC website and get statistics, which seem to be pretty fair. The FBI site also has some reports, but they seems just a little bit slanted. For local stats, try the Chicago PD web page. They have breakdowns of crime stats (by quarters) for the city broken down into various catagories (robberies, homicides, etc.)

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I got a fact about gun control.


It doesn't freekin work cause criminals dont follow other laws why would they follow gun laws that take their weapons away?

Gun control works, Nuke. It worked just as Hitler hoped it would in Nazi Germany.

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I got a fact about gun control.


It doesn't freekin work cause criminals dont follow other laws why would they follow gun laws that take their weapons away?

That's pretty much what my second link says. I used to have the links that showed how crime went down in concealed carry states, but I couldn't find those this time.

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I got a fact about gun control.


It doesn't freekin work cause criminals dont follow other laws why would they follow gun laws that take their weapons away?

Nuke, something we agree on. I favor a law that everyone should carry a gun. Then crime will drop to zero. I'll bet people will be more polite, drive better, give better service in restaurants. And drop that stupid restriction about guns in schools. If every kid in Columbine was armed, they could have stopped those idiots before they killed innocents. And especially in banks. If every customer and teller was armed, who would even think of robbing a bank?


The only restriction I would place on it would be felons could not have automatic weapons. Everyone else could. Some of these people will not spend the time and money at the range and need an automatic weapon if they are going to stop criminals.


Imagine a world with everyone armed. And for those of you that start thinking about locks etc. What good is a gun if it takes a bunch of time to unlock the damn thing and load it? Especially if someone is breaking into your home and you are half asleep. It would take forever to unlock and load. Top chamber, ready to fire in under 5 seconds, there may be no time to think. Criminals don't walk around with the gun locked. Honest people need their guns to be loaded and ready to go.


Then we finally will take a bite out of crime.

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Nuke, something we agree on. I favor a law that everyone should carry a gun. Then crime will drop to zero. I'll bet people will be more polite, drive better, give better service in restaurants. And drop that stupid restriction about guns in schools. If every kid in Columbine was armed, they could have stopped those idiots before they killed innocents. And especially in banks. If every customer and teller was armed, who would even think of robbing a bank?


The only restriction I would place on it would be felons could not have automatic weapons. Everyone else could. Some of these people will not spend the time and money at the range and need an automatic weapon if they are going to stop criminals.


Imagine a world with everyone armed. And for those of you that start thinking about locks etc. What good is a gun if it takes a bunch of time to unlock the damn thing and load it? Especially if someone is breaking into your home and you are half asleep. It would take forever to unlock and load. Top chamber, ready to fire in under 5 seconds, there may be no time to think. Criminals don't walk around with the gun locked. Honest people need their guns to be loaded and ready to go.


Then we finally will take a bite out of crime.

Amen! :headbang

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For those who are gun control advocates I offer this bit of reality:

Even if there was a moral justification & a majority opinion for gun control physically it is impossible to implement in 2004.


We live in a day & age where criminals with money can litterally go into the business of not only producing guns but customizing them. It's not rocket science. You can buy everything you need for production without the govt having a clue.


In the near future it will be even harder to control as gun production shifts from metal to specially formulated plastic that can withstand the heat temperatures.


If you really want to control gun usage (that is not the same as outlawing guns) why not do something like enforce class time with the purchase of ammo? Every time you go to a store to buy ammo make a gun safety+morality class a requirement. They can buy the ammo when they show up with the certificate. This would be at least an intelligent response with respect to the research on the issue. The findings suggest that criminals do not go through legal means to obtain firearms but they do tend to go through legal means to obtain ammo. This is likewise supported in the number of criminals that have been tracked by law enforcement agents through ballistic studies.


Now it's true that such a response would likely lead the criminals to go to illegal means for ammo, but it's much harder to smuggle ammo then guns.

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