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To not start Uribe the 9th best hitter in AL when this dead ass team is scoring no runs is unbelievable. JV has done nothing to keep job, OG proved tonight his dumb stubborness he is not ready to be a Manager, this game was huge and OG had no clue.

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To not start Uribe the 9th best hitter in AL when this dead ass team is scoring no runs is unbelievable. JV has done nothing to keep job, OG proved tonight his dumb stubborness he is not ready to be a Manager, this game was huge and OG had no clue.

Relax it's only 1 game in 1 series. I know we all hate losin to the Twinkies but I'd rather lose to em now instead of later in the season when it actually counts. ;)

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Several things bothered me about this game. No hitting, obviously. And it wasn't because the pitcher was overpowering. He threw a lot of hitable pitches that weren't hit. And then we go ahead by a run, and like Hawk has always said, the next inning is the important one, because the other team will step it up to score. The Twins bore down, and the Sox went out. The better team prevailed.

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Didn't we beat the crap out of the Twinkies last year at the beginning of the year? Where did that get us? Not that I like losing, especially to the Twins but come on guys, relax. We're obviously not hitting the ball one bit right now, we can all see that.


I know you don't want to hear this but just r-e-l-a-x. Because you KNOW this team is going to get hot very soon, and we will hit the cover off the ball. Hopefully we can put three or four runs up for the Buerhle-mon, and at least take one from the Twins.

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I know we all hate losin to the Twinkies but I'd rather lose to em now instead of later in the season when it actually counts.  ;)

Every game counts.


And with this all or nothing offense, you better beat Division rivals as often as possible..... be it in April and May or August and September.


Don't believe me? Ask JM what a bad May can do for the remaining 4 months of your season.

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Down the road, it could be a good thing that our offense slumps now because it gives KW/Ozzie an early opportunity to figure what this team needs in terms of grinders and left-handed hitters.


We all know these guys can hit but they can also all be dominated any given night by any given right-handed pitcher. Ozzie sounded pretty pissed during the post-game conference and I don't think he will be as patient with these guys as Manuel was last year. KW also must realize now that maybe the manager was never the problem in the first place.

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Down the road, it could be a good thing that our offense slumps now because it gives KW/Ozzie an early opportunity to figure what this team needs in terms of grinders and left-handed hitters.


We all know these guys can hit but they can also all be dominated any given night by any given right-handed pitcher.  Ozzie sounded pretty pissed during the post-game conference and I don't think he will be as patient with these guys as Manuel was last year.  KW also must realize now that maybe the manager was never the problem in the first place.

KW mentioned grinders at the end of last season, and sat on his hands except for Uribe, who is far superior to Valentin, offensively and defensively, at least so far this season. Its the same crap that has been going on for the past 3+ seasons now. If its not a pitcher the team has faced several times, they seem unprepared. This guy tonight had an ERA almost 7.00 coming in, and pop out after pop out is what we get. Its time Ozzie starts managing like he claimed he would, and start playing his best players. Uribe sitting 2 games in a row, with no hit , no field Valentin in there? Ridiculous. This team cannot manufacture runs. If the ball isn't going over the fence, they really have a tough time scoring. Ozzie has no choice but be patient. Who else is he going to insert in the line-up? JM was not the greatest manager, and deserved to be fired long before he did, but "Ozzieball" is a farce. Ozzieball=Corpseball. You really can't change it unless you change the roster more than a little bit.

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Relax it's only 1 game in 1 series. I know we all hate losin to the Twinkies but I'd rather lose to em now instead of later in the season when it actually counts.  ;)

Last time I checked the first game of the season has the same exact value as the last game of the season. We didn't make it to the playoffs last year partially because of our s***ty start.


Jose is a better player than Uribe.


That is untrue. I could say watch the game, I could say look at the stats, or I could just say look what happened when jose went down and look what happened when he came back


(which many posters have already pointed out)

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Last time I checked the first game of the season has the same exact value as the last game of the season.  We didn't make it to the playoffs last year partially because of our s***ty start.

Well, last time I checked, the Twins lost the first series they played against us, around early may of last season. They scored a total of six runs in that series - eerily similar, ehh? Well maybe not, but you get my drift.


Most times, one series doesn't make a season. Relax. Have a beer and relax.

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Check Jose's career stats.

He's a good baseball player.


I am rooting for Uribe but e ain't Jose.

I believe he is a career .246 hitter, and a butcher in the field. He's only hit .260 once in his career. He's NOT the $5 million a year player KW thinks he is, especially for a team with big time budget concerns.

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Every game counts.


And with this all or nothing offense, you better beat Division rivals as often as possible..... be it in April and May or August and September.


Don't believe me? Ask JM what a bad May can do for the remaining 4 months of your season.

Agreed Killa .........Where the hell you been, haven't seen you around in a while :)

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To not start Uribe the 9th best hitter in AL when this dead ass team is scoring no runs is unbelievable. JV has done nothing to keep job, OG proved tonight his dumb stubborness he is not ready to be a Manager, this game was huge and OG had no clue.

A bad as Valentin can be sometimes he's got 5 million reasons per season why he's in the lineup when he should be sitting.

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Well, last time I checked, the Twins lost the first series they played against us, around early may of last season.  They scored a total of six runs in that series - eerily similar, ehh?  Well maybe not, but you get my drift. 


Most times, one series doesn't make a season.  Relax.  Have a beer and relax.

Ok, I should relax and but I'm not going to because I had sit through out s***ty offense last night in the drizzling rain. Second, its the way u said it in your first post. It's like you accepted defeat. Once you accept defeat, you officially have the wrong mentality.

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A bad as Valentin can be sometimes he's got 5 million reasons per season why he's in the lineup when he should be sitting.

Yes but as Ozzie says " I'Z am going toos put the lineup in thats best chance of winning the f***ing game mans " JV is not the best chance to win .

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Yes but as Ozzie says " I'Z am going toos put the lineup in thats best chance of winning the f***ing game mans  " JV is not the best chance to win .

He wants to do it that way but Uncle Jerry's gonna get his 5 mil worth of games played out of Valentin no matter how many errors & pop-ups on the 1st pitch it costs the team.

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Ok, I should relax and but I'm not going to because I had sit through out s***ty offense last night in the drizzling rain.  Second, its the way u said it in your first post.  It's like you accepted defeat.  Once you accept defeat, you officially have the wrong mentality.

Accept defeat? No my friend, not at all, not at all.


Ozzie will not let that happen. Kenny Williams won't let that happen. Did you hear Ozzie after the game today? Tommorow our lineup is going to look very, very different. I expect to see: a.) Timo Perez in center. b.) Juan Uribe at THIRD. Valentin at least got a hit today, and I don't want to see Harris benched in favor of Crede. c.) Ross Gload at first.


I sat through the same damn game that you did. I'm pissed off too. But you know what, get the f*** over it, my gosh. Is the Sox moping over two losses to Minny going to mwin the division? Hell no. Ozzie is going to make some changes, and he'll have whoever he feels best helps this team to win in the ballgame. s***. Yes, relax.

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