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Pardon my vent...

Queen Prawn

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Please be aware I am going to cuss till I am blue in this post, so if that sot of thing is offensive close this post and spare me the lecture.


I f***ING HATE CORPORATE AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :fyou :fyou :fyou :fyou


I am so f***ing sick of sending out resumes, interviewing, trying to bulls*** someone into hiring me for a job. That's why I hate interviewing, it isn't about what you know or how well you fit with the company, it's about who you know and who you blow.


I am sick of the lack of response from these f***ing companies after I interview...is it so damned hard to email or leave a voicemail to let me know I didn't get the job - don't they realize that a little courtesy goes a long way?! I know, I know these mighty gods don't have the time to communicate, but yet they expect me to get on my knees and kiss their ass or blow them to get the chance to work at their damned company, a company that chances are, is falling into the toilet due to greedy CEOs and stupid decision makers.


I am sick of companies posting phony job ads to collect resumes - the economy sucks and it's obvious that there are many out of work, do you really need to collect resumes that will be there in 6 months to a year when you actually open a req to hire someone.


I am sick of them making it about salary; if they actually listen to the candidates, most, if not all, are will to negotiate.


I am f***ing sick of companies saying they will call to do a 3rd interview with someone in another state as well as the person that would be my supervisor - if it can't be made on the date you told me, can't you email or call or something to let me know that it has been postponed or canceled instead of not calling at all?


I am sick of watching CEOs running companies into the ground and when they leave getting millions of dollars for being total imbeciles. If the want, I can do the same thing in half the time and take half the money for doing it.

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I hear you and your post depresses the hell out of me. Please, it's nothing against you personally. Aren't you in your twenties? That's what depresses me. The economy really is in the crapper. The unemployment rate isn't as high as it was in the early 80's but it seems like today time professional people are getting whacked big time. I don't want to start or get involved in a political argument here. In any case, keep fighting and don't give up. Like Winston Churchill once said never never never give up. I work for myself now because of my intense disgust for the local economy. I am very slow right now. Luckily for me my wife is better situated and she hasn't seen fit to pitch me out in the street yet. My kids are all on their own so that takes some pressure off too. Don't give up. I'm not and I'm firmly in "age discrimination" territory.

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there is nothing I can add to what SI has said -


been there and know what you are talking about and if I ever lose this joib (or if my boss dies or retires) I will be up s*** creek right with you, with the age thing working against me -


just keep trying out there - you feel like you beat your head against the wall but keep in there - and know that people are pulling for you -

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Please be aware I am going to cuss till I am blue in this post, so if that sot of thing is offensive close this post and spare me the lecture.


I f***ING HATE CORPORATE AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :fyou  :fyou  :fyou  :fyou  


I am so f***ing sick of sending out resumes, interviewing, trying to bulls*** someone into hiring me for a job.  That's why I hate interviewing, it isn't about what you know or how well you fit with the company, it's about who you know and who you blow.


I am sick of the lack of response from these f***ing companies after I interview...is it so damned hard to email or leave a voicemail to let me know I didn't get the job - don't they realize that a little courtesy goes a long way?!  I know, I know these mighty gods don't have the time to communicate, but yet they expect me to get on my knees and kiss their ass or blow them to get the chance to work at their damned company, a company that chances are, is falling into the toilet due to greedy CEOs and stupid decision makers.  


I am sick of companies posting phony job ads to collect resumes - the economy sucks and it's obvious that there are many out of work, do you really need to collect resumes that will be there in 6 months to a year when you actually open a req to hire someone.  


I am sick of them making it about salary; if they actually listen to the candidates, most, if not all, are will to negotiate.  


I am f***ing sick of companies saying they will call to do a 3rd interview with someone in another state as well as the person that would be my supervisor - if it can't be made on the date you told me, can't you email or call or something to let me know that it has been postponed or canceled instead of not calling at all?


I am sick of watching CEOs running companies into the ground and when they leave getting millions of dollars for being total imbeciles.  If the want, I can do the same thing in half the time and take half the money for doing it.

im not all familiar with your situation so please forgive me if this sounds ignorant but would it possible to look at a career change???..if youre having that much of a problem in your chosen field right now maybe its something to look at..it could be just a temporary change until things get better..


i remember reading in an employment magazine that to find the perfect job you should plan on it being a 2 year ordeal..along the way youll have to take maybe more than a few jobs you feel are beneath your skill level to survive...but in the long run when you find that job its well worth it..so dont give up...


ill soon be joining you in the hunt for a new job...im laid off as of march 20th..im off work right recovering from neck surgery and i wont be able to go back to anything i did in the past..ill have to have some kind of job training or finally finish getting my degree...hopefully my settlement will cover the cost of either...kind of scary right now...should be an interesting year or two :unsure:


man reading your post i just thought of something..ill be in my 40's ,having to retrain so ill have no experience in my new field, coming off a workman's comp claim...maybe i should consider joining the clergy cause god's the only that can help me now :lol:


well...you should feel better after reading my post. :rolleyes:

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I've been out of college for about 2 years now (I'm 26). Thankfully I am still employed, but not for much longer. The date given to me is 03/31, but since the company just released a profit warning it can just as easily be tomorrow. I am looking at actual engineering jobs, doc control type jobs, tech work, anything close to electrical engineering so I can get some kind of work that will still add to my skills set. I am at a point that I don't really care what the salary is so long as I have a job that has health and dental. The thing that scares the hell outta me is that my boss was fired/laid off 12/02/02 and another co-worker was laid off 10/25/02 and neither of them have found work and they have alot more experience than I do.

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really is in the crapper. The unemployment rate isn't as high as it was in the early 80's but it seems like today


right now. Luckily for me my wife is better situated and she hasn't seen fit to pitch me out in the street yet. My


off too. Don't give up. I'm not and I'm firmly in "age discrimination" territory.

I was a little kid in 1981 when my dad lost his job (he worked at US Steel when it shut down). He ended up doing odd jobs and such for 2 years before he found steady employment, and damn, those were some really tough times - suprised my parents were able to hold their marriage together with all the difficulties they faced. Something my mom keeps telling me (she's even called me at work to remind me of this) "God never gives us more than He feels we can handle." She says that if God believes in her, she's gotta believe in herself. Funny part is my mom isn't religious at all, but I guess she is spiritual.


My bf has a great job so he can (and has said that he will) be able to support us until I can get situated.


My mom is in that age discrimination bracket and dealt with it about a year ago when they were going to give this chick who was less than half my mom's age a promotion to a position my mother earned and knew how to do better than that chick. I guess the company must have realized what could happen and no one got the promotion, but my mom has been taking on more responsibility and getting paid for it as well. I remember how disallusioned she got last year in regards to that.

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My job may be replaced by someone in India. The new strategy for big companies is to farm out all their IT services to companies in India that hire people for $10,000 a year. The cost of living is so low in those countries that someone making that much is considered wealthy. The companies here can then slash costs by not having to pay huge salaries and benefits. All they have to budget is the cost of the contract.

So far almost all the manufacturing in this country has gone overseas, and now all the Information services may follow.

It's nice to know that I pay taxes so that people from other countries can come here and go to school for free, and then they go back home and take my job.


And yes, capitalism is grand. I will take it over communism anyday.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

yikes guys i feel bad now..........all i can tell you is keep trying.. somewhere out there is a job for you.........are you willing to relocate??? you may find that helps, and your young enough that it should be easy enough to do....it also helps to get your name out there... look up companies online.. get addresses and send resumes to their human resources departments....they may not be advertising they are hiring and may have positions open.....doesnt hurt....follow up with a phone call.. put your resume on places like monster jobs.com and such... those companies pay to put ads on there so they are serious about hiring.. i think it cost them around 350.00 or so depending on how big the ad is......it does suck right now but things will pick up soon........and then youll be complaining about having to work lol.....hang in there.........thats about all the advise i have.........

oh and cw your right.. the only thing that is more absurd than you being a clergy man is the though of baggs in a collar.....i dont think he would be able to fit it around his neck now anyhow...........unless they make a xxxxxxxxxxx large one........lol :D

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yikes guys i feel bad now..........all i can tell you is keep trying.. somewhere out there is a job for you.........are you willing to relocate??? you may find that helps, and your young enough that it should be easy enough to do....it also helps to get your name out there... look up companies online.. get addresses and send resumes to their human resources departments....they may not be advertising they are hiring and may have positions open.....doesnt hurt....follow up with a phone call.. put your resume on places like monster jobs.com and such... those companies pay to put ads on there so they are serious about hiring..

In my case, there is no way I can relocate at this time. My bf and I are remodeling his house with the intention of getting married one of these years and his job is too good to walk away from. Also, my sister is pregnant and she is going to need all the help she can get. I've done that - send out resumes blind to companies, that's how I got one of my 2 interviews. I have my resume plastered all over the internet, careerbuilder, monster, filpdog, hotjobs and a ton of engineering job boards and general job boards. I've known several companies that have posted ads at the above places even though they aren't hiring - that's what makes the job boards so frustrating - you never know if they are really looking for someone or just a bunch of resumes.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

ever think of going to a head hunter????? it may cost a little but it will pay off in the end if you want results fast............they usually do a good quick job at finding the right place for you .........ive tried it before.....and was happy with the results........

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ever think of going to a head hunter????? it may cost a little but it will pay off in the end if you want results fast............they usually do a good quick job at finding the right place for you .........ive tried it before.....and was happy with the results........

I am working with 3 of them (one at SRI -this group is a bit of a joke), Sterling Engineering and Adecco.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

i know its frustrating.. but all i can tell ya now is to hang in there... there is a reason its taking this long and it will pay off in the long run...........believe in that...........youll get a great job soon........

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THIS IS AMERICA PEOPLE, where the opportunities to succeed are endless, people just need to stop crying and do something.


people from all over the country come here with no money and suceed without speaking the language, why can't people who are born and raised here do the same?


money and sucess is out there, you just need the balls and dedication to go for it.

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my last post wasn't meant to put down or disrespect anyone on the board who feels opposite of me, but it is amazing how so many people in America don't realize how great they can have it, and for some, how great they do have it.

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my last post wasn't meant to put down or disrespect anyone on the board who feels opposite of me, but it is amazing how so many people in America don't realize how great they can have it, and for some, how great they do have it.

Try having 15K of student loans you are paying back due to putting yourself through school and then having your job shipped off to another country. My dad isn't from this country so I damn well know what it is like in other countries, I know how tough he had it and why he came here. Contrary to what you seem to believe, I have been busting my ass looking for a job. I lived through my parents not being able to find work for 2 years and having to make due with nothing and it f***ing sucked. I went to college because I like education and to make sure I didn't end up back where I was when I was a kid having to eat governent cheese, butter and half rotted fruits and veggies because it was what they could afford.


I am not "crying about it" - I was venting, if you don't know the difference, that's your problem.

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Cushy government jobs are the answear, got two of them and I am not a High School graduate. Pardon me if I'm ignorant here but aren't engineering jobs plentiful. I know the university near by is giving away money to heve people become engineers(granted this is in Western Canada) but I thought it was a job in demand.

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When I graduated 2 years ago, engineering jobs sure were. Now with the economy the way it is and so many people looking for jobs, employers have become ultra-picky and want someone who has exactly what they are looking for (it used to be that they were willing to train you if you didn't have exactly what they were looking for - that certainly isn't the case now) - which is generally tons of experience and willing to work for little pay. I just talked to my ex-boss that was let go on 12/02/02 and he has had the same luck I have had - and he has been in engineering since the late 70s.

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Cushy government jobs are the answear,

cushy government jobs are whats killing this country...government jobs provide neither a sale of goods or repair of said goods which means they provide nothing to help the economy....all they do is suck money right out of the economy..back around 92-93 goverment jobs passed up manufacturing jobs in this country...that wasnt a good thing

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Cushy government jobs are the answear,

cushy government jobs are whats killing this country...government jobs provide neither a sale of goods or repair of said goods which means they provide nothing to help the economy....all they do is suck money right out of the economy..back around 92-93 goverment jobs passed up manufacturing jobs in this country...that wasnt a good thing

Hell if I don't agree. I'm am however, overpaid for two of them here in Canada? :huh:

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