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Without France, no United States, something to remember - whose navy do you think blocked in General Cornwallis so he had to surrender to Washington?


Without France, no Statue of Liberty - they gave it to us.


And I am very happy with France now, happier than I have ever been with them in my life.

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Without France, no United States, something to remember -  whose navy do you think blocked in General Cornwallis so he had to surrender to Washington?


Without France, no Statue of Liberty - they gave it to us.


And I am very happy with France now, happier than I have ever been with them in my life.

As far as I'm concerned... shove a missle up her butt and send her back! What about the gazzilions of AMERICAN $$'s that makes it possible for that stupid country to function?!?!They are a bunch of disgusting (ever been there? It's FILTHY and they are way more rude than Rocker on the #7 in NYC!) ignorant, smelly, selfish, and stupid individuals.

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Without the US, they'd be speaking German.


I love how everytime another country needs help, they come running to us. But whenever we need help they tell us to go f*** ourselves. This isn't about oil people. Saddam is doing the same s*** Hitler did in the years before the war. he is lying and defying as much as he can. he takes a little, then takes a little more. When does it end? He can't keep pushing the envelope to see how much he can get. He's been doing it for 10 years now. Take him out!!!


Oh yeah, and by the way. North Korea :bringit

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GIVE UP French Toast, French Fries, Croissants and Wine; France will be begging for our forgiveness ;)



On a more serious subject, I can't agree more with you all. France is always making fun of Americans and ripping on them, yet they haven't done a good thing since the Revolutionary War or when they gave us the Statue of Liberty. Sure they helped us then, but what about all the other times we helped them.


I'd understand if they were simply making a stand, but I believe part of it is that the French don't want to agree with the Americans and secondly, I think the French are helping Iraq in many ways.

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LMAO! I'm not going to fight here but that was good. In fairness to the French most historians consider the 100 years war an eventual French victory although they did suffer defeat after defeat, particularly at the hands of Edward III whose crossbow warriors made mincemeat of the French forces. They eventully "won" because the Brits were preoccupied with troubles at home. Oh well, you can't lose them all. The French are the "cubs" of military history.

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GIVE UP French Toast, French Fries, Croissants and Wine; France will be begging for our forgiveness  ;)



On a more serious subject, I can't agree more with you all.  France is always making fun of Americans and ripping on them, yet they haven't done a good thing since the Revolutionary War or when they gave us the Statue of Liberty.  Sure they helped us then, but what about all the other times we helped them.


I'd understand if they were simply making a stand, but I believe part of it is that the French don't want to agree with the Americans and secondly, I think the French are helping Iraq in many ways.

France helped very little in our defense.. and Liberty is a piece of crapola anyway (the statue.. not what it stands for although that's an entirely different conversation depending on who you talk to).. they've gotten about $50000000 gazillion of our American $$'s. Who should be kissing who's butt here??



:fyou France!! (:D )

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Exactly. Who cares if France opposes war in Iraq? They are just about the wussiest country on the planet, behind Iraq of course. I dont believe theyve won a war on their own in history. In WWII they just fell to Hitler within days of his invasion. France opposes war in Iraq because they dont want to jump in and make the rest of us lose just because theyre so lame...

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Exactly. Who cares if France opposes war in Iraq? They are just about the wussiest country on the planet, behind Iraq of course. I dont believe theyve won a war on their own in history. In WWII they just fell to Hitler within days of his invasion. France opposes war in Iraq because they dont want to jump in and make the rest of us lose just because theyre so lame...

France fell after approximately 6 weeks after the German invasion.


France is the "wussiest country" because they don't see the need to have their countrymen go die in a nation where the United States is lying to find every last reason to invade.


Without the Bush regime wagging the dog of war, Bush might have to *gasp* address why we have only captured one definite member of Al-Qaeda (Zacarias Moussaoui) and the fact that we spent so much in the invasion of Afghanistan and got a whole lot of nothing out of it. Bush may also have to address why the new round of tax cuts are being bashed by Greenspan and the FED saying that tax cuts won't help.


If the United States can present a case with current proof which shows that the ONLY way to alleviate the situation in Iraq is a war, France and the rest of the EU would be behind the war. However, the EU values peaceful measures a lot more than the United States does.


It's funny that you guys cannot show why France is wrong in wanting peace and wanting to exercise diplomatic peaceful means instead of rushing headlong into warfare. Why not stop with the ad hominem attacks and show why they are wrong for their stance.


I guess it just might be that they didn't believe Colin Powell's speech when it was plagiarized VERBATIM from some 1992 work done by a grad school student. Hahahaha! The Bushies Lie!


France sees peace being great and when the U.S. is lying to get them and the world community to fight, then they are more than correct in their anti-war position.

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Exactly. Who cares if France opposes war in Iraq? They are just about the wussiest country on the planet, behind Iraq of course. I dont believe theyve won a war on their own in history. In WWII they just fell to Hitler within days of his invasion. France opposes war in Iraq because they dont want to jump in and make the rest of us lose just because theyre so lame...

France fell after approximately 6 weeks after the German invasion.


France is the "wussiest country" because they don't see the need to have their countrymen go die in a nation where the United States is lying to find every last reason to invade.


Without the Bush regime wagging the dog of war, Bush might have to *gasp* address why we have only captured one definite member of Al-Qaeda (Zacarias Moussaoui) and the fact that we spent so much in the invasion of Afghanistan and got a whole lot of nothing out of it. Bush may also have to address why the new round of tax cuts are being bashed by Greenspan and the FED saying that tax cuts won't help.


If the United States can present a case with current proof which shows that the ONLY way to alleviate the situation in Iraq is a war, France and the rest of the EU would be behind the war. However, the EU values peaceful measures a lot more than the United States does.


It's funny that you guys cannot show why France is wrong in wanting peace and wanting to exercise diplomatic peaceful means instead of rushing headlong into warfare. Why not stop with the ad hominem attacks and show why they are wrong for their stance.


I guess it just might be that they didn't believe Colin Powell's speech when it was plagiarized VERBATIM from some 1992 work done by a grad school student. Hahahaha! The Bushies Lie!


France sees peace being great and when the U.S. is lying to get them and the world community to fight, then they are more than correct in their anti-war position.

Weve captured tons of AlQaeda thugs and we killed a ton, including Muhamad Atef.


And I never said France is wrong for not going to war, I simply said I can see why they dont want to do anything given their weak military history. If it was such a guarantee that they will lose, why should they go?

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OldRoman, we've captured a ton of Arab Americans. The vast majority (about 99.8% so far) have nothing to do with terrorism. They were just picked up because they happened to be Arab.


Try reading "It's a Free Country" and you can see numerous examples of this from the people themselves. And how do we know they are Al-Qaeda? They won't release the names, won't allow them to contact family, won't allow them contact with lawyers, etc.


A New York court recently ruled that that sort of secrecy was "odious to democracy" and that the names needed to be released to the public (Thank you God for the ACLU! :D ) But because the government says that they have captured terrorists, we are supposed to believe them? These are the same people that said Gulf War Syndrome doesn't exist. (Try telling that to the people who have been afflicted with it)

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OldRoman, we've captured a ton of Arab Americans.  The vast majority (about 99.8% so far) have nothing to do with terrorism.  They were just picked up because they happened to be Arab.


Try reading "It's a Free Country" and you can see numerous examples of this from the people themselves.  And how do we know they are Al-Qaeda?  They won't release the names, won't allow them to contact family, won't allow them contact with lawyers, etc.


A New York court recently ruled that that sort of secrecy was "odious to democracy" and that the names needed to be released to the public (Thank you God for the ACLU!  :D )  But because the government says that they have captured terrorists, we are supposed to believe them?  These are the same people that said Gulf War Syndrome doesn't exist. (Try telling that to the people who have been afflicted with it)

Jon Lindh and the other thugs we picked up in battle werent AlQaeda? Yeah right. And the ones we killed werent AlQaeda? Like innocent Arab Muhamad Atef whos son married Osamas daughter? Yeah right...

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Jon Lindh and the other thugs we picked up in battle werent AlQaeda? Yeah right. And the ones we killed werent AlQaeda? Like innocent Arab Muhamad Atef whos son married Osamas daughter? Yeah right...

What about the 1800-2100 (The gov't won't release numbers) of random Arabs who were picked up and detained?

OldRoman, it is admirable that you want to believe everything your government says, but I just have a few words for you....COINTELPRO. The Pentagon Papers. Gulf of Tonkin. (the incident that never happened that got us involved in Vietnam) This is our government.

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Jon Lindh and the other thugs we picked up in battle werent AlQaeda? Yeah right. And the ones we killed werent AlQaeda? Like innocent Arab Muhamad Atef whos son married Osamas daughter? Yeah right...

What about the 1800-2100 (The gov't won't release numbers) of random Arabs who were picked up and detained?

OldRoman, it is admirable that you want to believe everything your government says, but I just have a few words for you....COINTELPRO. The Pentagon Papers. Gulf of Tonkin. (the incident that never happened that got us involved in Vietnam) This is our government.

Hey Commie, if you hate America so much why dont you go live in good old Iraq with that righteous dictator Saddam! Nothing says you have to stah here. If you dont like it you are more than free to go...

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guys , trust me on this....the last thing you want is for france to jump on board and get involved with this operration and take the chance on them sending military to iraq and our american boys having to share a fox hole with them...id rather go to war w/o the UN resolution thanks to france then to have them screw everything up..


i spent 4 years in heidelburg germany at nato headquarters...i saw how the french operate..i even trained with them on two different occassions..w/o a doubt this is the most undicsiplined ,unmotivated army by far in NATO...they suck bigtime...if i had to share a fox hole with a french soldier id just save myself the time and aggrevation and shoot myself in the head...


ive thrown the term pussy around alot when talking about this war..but believe me..im not exaggerating here..look up pussies in the dictionary and it shows a picture of the french army...


didnt these dumbasses lose a war to greenpeace??


i remember watching letterman last week where he said the french are demanding for more proof more proof...the last time the french wanted more proof it showed up rolling down the streets of paris in the way of tanks draped in nazi flags :lol: thats the french..pussies till the end...


btw..these are the same losers that were screaming for the US to come over and rid them of the evil dictator in their own back yard back in '99..both them and germany were leading the chant for the US to bomb the hell out of kosovo..again...bunch of pussies

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Hey Commie, if you hate America so much why dont you go live in good old Iraq with that righteous dictator Saddam! Nothing says you have to stah here. If you dont like it you are more than free to go...

Firstly, I am not a Communist. I like democratic socialism, but I am not a 100% advocate of it.


But thanks again for using the ad hominem attacks. Show me where I hate America. I hate some of America's actions, but not the country.


Thanks again for being such an avid supporter of blind nationalistic fascism, OldRoman.

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Hey Commie, if you hate America so much why dont you go live in good old Iraq with that righteous dictator Saddam! Nothing says you have to stah here. If you dont like it you are more than free to go...

Out of line, buddy.


I will not adopt you and bring you to the All Star game now.


So far this thread has featured "f*** you" and "f*** France" and "shove a missile up the ass of the Statute of Liberty" (there is your antiAmerican for you) and one debatable statment that France did not help much in the Revolution on the one hand,


and a series of factual presentaton on the other.


As far as France's military history didn't know we had so many military scholars in here which seem to forget a lot of other things in French history, including their stalwart defense against the Nazi blitzkrieg that allowed Dunkirk to happen and the English army, and thus England, to be saved, the fervent struggle against the Nazis by the French underground (which not only assisted the DDay planning but the very word "sabotage" comes from the French for what they did to the Nazis) and that France has been a faithful ally of ours in NATO for all these years.


Psycho, in the torrent of f*** you comemnst directed towards France did you detect a calm and rational discussion of issues? No, it didn;t hapen in calling Apu a commie, which he is not.


As for Baggio: you are such a f***ing dumb f*** that you spent time with French soldiers while in Europe? :nono All the good drugs and access to sex were with the Dutch soldiers. Boy did you pick the wrong crowd to hang with! I just cannot trust your judgments anymore!!! :lol:

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Hey Commie, if you hate America so much why dont you go live in good old Iraq with that righteous dictator Saddam! Nothing says you have to stah here. If you dont like it you are more than free to go...

Out of line, buddy.


I will not adopt you and bring you to the All Star game now.


So far this thread has featured "f*** you" and "f*** France" and "shove a missile up the ass of the Statute of Liberty" (there is your antiAmerican for you) and one debatable statment that France did not help much in the Revolution on the one hand,


and a series of factual presentaton on the other.


As far as France's military history didn't know we had so many military scholars in here which seem to forget a lot of other things in French history, including their stalwart defense against the Nazi blitzkrieg that allowed Dunkirk to happen and the English army, and thus England, to be saved, the fervent struggle against the Nazis by the French underground (which not only assisted the DDay planning but the very word "sabotage" comes from the French for what they did to the Nazis) and that France has been a faithful ally of ours in NATO for all these years.


Psycho, in the torrent of f*** you comemnst directed towards France did you detect a calm and rational discussion of issues? No, it didn;t hapen in calling Apu a commie, which he is not.


As for Baggio: you are such a f***ing dumb f*** that you spent time with French soldiers while in Europe? :nono All the good drugs and access to sex were with the Dutch soldiers. Boy did you pick the wrong crowd to hang with! I just cannot trust your judgments anymore!!! :lol:

I dont believe Ive ever seen apu talk about baseball, all he talks about are his insane leftwing politics and anti-American hatred. The one function this board is missing is ignore. Im tired of apus bitterness towards America...

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I dont believe Ive ever seen apu talk about baseball, all he talks about are his insane leftwing politics and anti-American hatred. The one function this board is missing is ignore. Im tired of apus bitterness towards America...

Awwww, I am getting OldRoman angry because I state the facts about the US.


And here's a novel thought, pal. Don't read them! If you don't like it, don't read it.


And yet OldRoman, you have yet to show one fact where my beliefs are in the wrong. ;)


And I do talk about baseball, obviously you haven't seen when I've been on SnR in the past via fan commentary or when I was actually on the show.

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they've gotten about $50000000 gazillion of our American $$'s. Who should be kissing who's butt here??

That money that we gave them (much of which I'm assuming was from the Marshall Plan) helped vault the U.S. into the prosperity of the 1950s and completely shake the off the Great Depression.

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Exactly. Who cares if France opposes war in Iraq?

I care! and the U.S. cares because France has veto power in the UN Security Council so a war resolution from the UN is not going through! WOOHOO FOR FRANCE! :D

France is not going to use that veto. Because, if they did and we go anyway, then France would appear to the rest of the world as being irrelevent. Which they realistically are anyway.


I generally refrain from using profanity on these boards, however, in this case I have to agree with those that say "f*** France!". Damn, piece of s*** country... Just think of all the Americans that are buried on French soil. I hope the next time some Hitleresque SOB inavdes France... We let her rot in her own pompous s***.

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Exactly. Who cares if France opposes war in Iraq?

I care! and the U.S. cares because France has veto power in the UN Security Council so a war resolution from the UN is not going through! WOOHOO FOR FRANCE! :D

France is not going to use that veto. Because, if they did and we go anyway, then France would appear to the rest of the world as being irrelevent. Which they realistically are anyway.


I generally refrain from using profanity on these boards, however, in this case I have to agree with those that say "f*** France!". Damn, piece of s*** country... Just think of all the Americans that are buried on French soil. I hope the next time some Hitleresque SOB inavdes France... We let her rot in her own pompous s***.


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