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Exactly. Who cares if France opposes war in Iraq?

I care! and the U.S. cares because France has veto power in the UN Security Council so a war resolution from the UN is not going through! WOOHOO FOR FRANCE! :D

France is not going to use that veto. Because, if they did and we go anyway, then France would appear to the rest of the world as being irrelevent. Which they realistically are anyway.


I generally refrain from using profanity on these boards, however, in this case I have to agree with those that say "f*** France!". Damn, piece of s*** country... Just think of all the Americans that are buried on French soil. I hope the next time some Hitleresque SOB inavdes France... We let her rot in her own pompous s***.

didnt france also lose a war to greenpeace???

and french fries wernt even invented in france...damn thieves :)

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France, and Chirac specifically, are in bed with Saddam Hussein and have contributed to their nuclear weapons program. That is the real reason France, and Chirac specifically, is screaming like a baby. Wait for this to dribble out in the media.

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Hey Commie, if you hate America so much why dont you go live in good old Iraq with that righteous dictator Saddam! Nothing says you have to stah here. If you dont like it you are more than free to go...

Out of line, buddy.


I will not adopt you and bring you to the All Star game now.


So far this thread has featured "f*** you" and "f*** France" and "shove a missile up the ass of the Statute of Liberty" (there is your antiAmerican for you) and one debatable statment that France did not help much in the Revolution on the one hand,


and a series of factual presentaton on the other.


As far as France's military history didn't know we had so many military scholars in here which seem to forget a lot of other things in French history, including their stalwart defense against the Nazi blitzkrieg that allowed Dunkirk to happen and the English army, and thus England, to be saved, the fervent struggle against the Nazis by the French underground (which not only assisted the DDay planning but the very word "sabotage" comes from the French for what they did to the Nazis) and that France has been a faithful ally of ours in NATO for all these years.


Psycho, in the torrent of f*** you comemnst directed towards France did you detect a calm and rational discussion of issues? No, it didn;t hapen in calling Apu a commie, which he is not.


As for Baggio: you are such a f***ing dumb f*** that you spent time with French soldiers while in Europe? :nono All the good drugs and access to sex were with the Dutch soldiers. Boy did you pick the wrong crowd to hang with! I just cannot trust your judgments anymore!!! :lol:

Excuse me.. I said "a missle up her butt".. not shove a missle up her ass!!!

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they've gotten about $50000000 gazillion of our American $$'s. Who should be kissing who's butt here??

That money that we gave them (much of which I'm assuming was from the Marshall Plan) helped vault the U.S. into the prosperity of the 1950s and completely shake the off the Great Depression.

I was talking about our tourist $$. Who do you think buys all those crappy little Eiffel Tower statues..? And they are soooooo RUDE and ignorant to Americans. Like I said.. worse than John Rocker on the #7 train.

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I was talking about our tourist $$. Who do you think buys all those crappy little Eiffel Tower statues..? And they are soooooo RUDE and ignorant to Americans. Like I said.. worse than John Rocker on the #7 train.

You just have to handle them properly. I've been to France before and NEVER spoke a word of French. They tried to get me to speak French, but surrendered in the end, speaking English to appease me! If you don't back down, they will eventually break and cater to you!

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I was talking about our tourist $$. Who do you think buys all those crappy little Eiffel Tower statues..? And they are soooooo RUDE and ignorant to Americans. Like I said.. worse than John Rocker on the #7 train.

You just have to handle them properly. I've been to France before and NEVER spoke a word of French. They tried to get me to speak French, but surrendered in the end, speaking English to appease me! If you don't back down, they will eventually break and cater to you!

heather..i think you have a few physical advantages over me to break down the french :(

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I was talking about our tourist $$. Who do you think buys all those crappy little Eiffel Tower statues..? And they are soooooo RUDE and ignorant to Americans. Like I said.. worse than John Rocker on the #7 train.

You just have to handle them properly. I've been to France before and NEVER spoke a word of French. They tried to get me to speak French, but surrendered in the end, speaking English to appease me! If you don't back down, they will eventually break and cater to you!

I now would like to go to France and visit the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, the Llourve (I think that is how you spell it), Versailles, and all of their other national monuments and place stickers all over these landmarks which say, "Preserved For You By The Armed Forces of the United States of America." Check these stickers out in MAXIM on newstands now under "The Ugly American" article :D .

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Chisoxfn, thanks for the welcome. Just wondering if you've been a Borchard fan since he was at Stanford considering the Avatar you have. Loved what i saw from him last year, he's gonna be a talent for sure. And better yet, i've got him stashed away on my fantasy baseball keeper league farm system roster.

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Chisoxfn, thanks for the welcome.  Just wondering if you've been a Borchard fan since he was at Stanford considering the Avatar you have.  Loved what i saw from him last year, he's gonna be a talent for sure. And better yet, i've got him stashed away on my fantasy baseball keeper league farm system roster.

No, I was just looking on the net and found the photo so I put it up. I'm a big Borchard fan. The guys going to be great, I'm definately with you on that.


He's my new favorite position prospect in the majors now that Crede has finally joined the big club.

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