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One of my best friends and I went and saw Mean Girls today--oh my gosh! We were laughing the whole time and grabbing each other and saying, "So true!" It was a really great kinda fluff, kinda point movie. Oh man, I almost laughed my pants off. :D


Anyone seen any good movies they want to recommend?

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One of my best friends and I went and saw Mean Girls today--oh my gosh! We were laughing the whole time and grabbing each other and saying, "So true!" It was a really great kinda fluff, kinda point movie. Oh man, I almost laughed my pants off.  :D


Anyone seen any good movies they want to recommend?

If you can deal with a sports movie then go see "Miracle". That was a really awesome story about the 1980 U.S. Olympic hockey game.

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I am sorta looking forward to Day After Tommorrow.

We plan on getting to that as soon as it comes out - it looks too good to miss.


As for high school, I am glad to not be there. It wasn't a terrible experience (grammar school - 6-7-8 - was the terrible experience) for me, but I am too happy where I am now to want to be there.

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I would relive my Senior year of High School in a second. Great times!! :headbang


As for movies, haven't seen anything outstanding as of late but Laws of Attraction was decent. Looking forward to the DVD release of Miracle and Return of the King later this month.


Actually just saw Deperado (prequel to Once Upon a Time in Mexico) and if there are any Salma Hayek fans out there this is a must see!!! :wub:

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Actually just saw Deperado (prequel to Once Upon a Time in Mexico) and if there are any Salma Hayek fans out there this is a must see!!! :wub:

Salma Hayek aside, Desparado was not as gritty or fulfilling as the original low-budget 1991 indie film El Mariachi that Robert Rodriguez self-raped when handed a big budget to do the follow-up film that became Desparado. El Mariachi was not a great film by any stretch – not as well executed as Quentin T's debut Reservoir Dogs that came out the same year – but not bad for a 24-year-old writer/director.

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I haven't been to see a movie in about 2 months...never have time...Although, after finally reading the books, I am now looking forward to the 3rd Harry Potter. Oh and I'm looking forward to Return of the King coming out on dvd.

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High School has its ups and downs.


4th quarter of Junior year is a down.


A mix of several things...

1- After doing well on my SAT's, It is hard to motivate my self to do homework.

2- It is spring, and I don't want to be in school, yet we are getting a s***load of work.

3- I have several friends who are seniors. Their senioritus rubs off on me.

4- Baseball is making it harder to do homework.


Can't wait for senior year :bringit

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High School has its ups and downs. 


4th quarter of Junior year is a down.


A mix of several things...

1- After doing well on my SAT's, It is hard to motivate my self to do homework.

2- It is spring, and I don't want to be in school, yet we are getting a s***load of work.

3- I have several friends who are seniors.  Their senioritus rubs off on me.

4- Baseball is making it harder to do homework.


Can't wait for senior year :bringit

ugh, i am not looking forward to next year..

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ugh, i am not looking forward to next year..



Sophomore year was easier than Junior year has been.


The only difficult time in my Junior year was trying to convince my Chemistry class that a loud fart was actually just my shoe. (that incedent taught me not to laugh when I feel bloated)

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