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Post your questions for Neal Cotts!


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Neal, do you think you are more ready this year to be a starter compared to last year? Also how do like working out of the bullpen and how has increased your confidence in the pitches you throw? By the way I love the movement on your fast ball.

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Jason From California


Did learning the cutter in the AFL help you better prepare for this upcoming season?


What is different about you this year compared to last year? On a related subject, did last year's stint in the majors help you prepare over the offseason and make you better prepared for this year?


After making the show, was their one player that you were just really excited to meet, maybe a childhood favorite?


When you heard you were a part of the Billy Koch trade, were you excited to come back to Chicago or were you dreading the cold?


Thanks for doing this Neal :headbang

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Alex from Louisville, KY:


- From an observation standpoint, it looks as though the Sox are placing you on what I would call the "Buehrle plan."  He was brought up slowly and eased into the rotation via the bullpen.  Do you feel this is what the White Sox envision with you...?

I think we already know the answer to this one. :headbang

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Heather from Bolingbrook, IL (and fellow ISU alumnus)


What major lessons from your former coach Jeff Stewart at ISU did you learn that have helped you at the professional level?


Have you kept in touch with guys like Ed Tolzien, Jared DuFault and Mike Saunches?


Where do you see yourself in 15 years?

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Neal -


As a starter, what do you consider to be a "Key" for you that us Sox fans can pick up on when you're pitching, ie..."If I'm getting this pitch over for a strike..." or "If I'm hitting this spot with this pitch.....I'm going to be really tough to beat"? Thanx in advance.

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