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Carbs are "Complicated"


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Carbs are only a problem for those who eat lots of them and dont exercise.


I eat whatever the hell I want & whenever I want it & I havent budged more than plus/minus 5 lbs in the last 4 years.

Preach on brotha! :headbang

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well said nuke.. if you move, you'll burn the carbs.

I was of like mind until shortly after I hit 30. Before that I was active (hiking, jogging, swimming) but ate any and all things and had no weight problem. Once my metabolism down-shifted I continued to eat the same and stay active, but I started gaining weight for the first time in my life. The wife thought it was very funny of course (I was half tempted to really pork out just to put hr in her place...), because she has had to watch her diet since her late teens.


I hate dieting and can never be a long-term hardcore carb Nazi because the no beer thing won't work, but I do have to be good about what I eat or it shows.

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