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You can't consistently f***ing win if your starter each 5th game is crap like Danny Wright or Felix Diaz. KW sucks because he hasn't tried to fix this problem since he became in charge of the Sox. Everyone knew Wright wouldn't get the job done, but KW kept being stubborn. Now, we're stuck with Felix "BP" Diaz. 3 games back, here we come.

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Way to have patience guys! I'm glad to see you are willing to give a young guy a chance! :rolleyes: C'mon, of the guys we've seen come up in the past few have had immediate impacts. Garland struggled at first and if he hadn't been given the chance to continue with the team wouldn't have been doing so well so soon. I'd like to see Diaz get at least another start. If he sucks again the Sox are going to have to bite the bullet and give someone else a chance. If he does well the Sox will be reaping the rewards.

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You can't consistently f***ing win if your starter each 5th game is crap like Danny Wright or Felix Diaz.  KW sucks because he hasn't tried to fix this problem since he became in charge of the Sox.  Everyone knew Wright wouldn't get the job done, but KW kept being stubborn.  Now, we're stuck with Felix "BP" Diaz.  3 games back, here we come.

poccer, you haven't had one, NOT FRIGGIN ONE, positive thing to add to this board. No, Diaz doesn't suck. In fact, he at least throws strikes, and your comparing him to Wright is stupid and makes you look pretty stupid. This team did the same thing to Pedro Martinez, and other pretty solid Boston pitchers, yet do they suck?


My gosh - if everyone was judged on their first two starts.... Damn...

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I know, it's tough to deal with. I can't get over this.

Well, dan, it pisses me off a lot. People like Brando, I can handle, because he can back his arguments up with facts, and reasoning.


But others (poccer, fan79, Rector) I just cannot stand. "Blah Blah Blah, Felix Diaz sucks! I told you guys he was going to suck and that we needed to trade Joe Borchard and a bag of crap for Roy Halladay!"




It just sickens me. Ignore the fact of how hot this offense has been, ignore the fact that it's his second career start at the age of 23, ignore the fact that he's pitching on three days rest, ignore the fact he warmed up and then had to sit on his ass for an hour and a half for a rain delay, ignore everything, he just plains SUCKS!


Blah, I'm sorry for taking up the bandwidth. Rant over.

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Well, dan, it pisses me off a lot.  People like Brando, I can handle, because he can back his arguments up with facts, and reasoning.


But others (poccer, fan79, Rector) I just cannot stand.  "Blah Blah Blah, Felix Diaz sucks!  I told you guys he was going to suck and that we needed to trade Joe Borchard and a bag of crap for Roy Halladay!" 




It just sickens me.  Ignore the fact of how hot this offense has been, ignore the fact that it's his second career start at the age of 23, ignore the fact that he's pitching on three days rest, ignore the fact he warmed up and then had to sit on his ass for an hour and a half for a rain delay, ignore everything, he just plains SUCKS! 


Blah, I'm sorry for taking up the bandwidth.  Rant over.


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Guest JimH

Keith, I tend to agree about not jumping to conclusions on Diaz, he clearly has potential.


Yet, if Williams can bring in an established starter by taking some salary off a non-contender, I'm in favor of that.


It's been too long since we had solid contributions from the 5th spot. He thought Robert Person would be the guy but then he blew out his achilles. So it was obvious he wanted a veteran for the 5th spot but it didn't work and he (KW) hasn't been able to land anyone yet.


After 6 weeks, we all pretty much can identify this team's weakness - that being an inconsistent offense (too RH if you ask me) and a need for some production out of the 5th spot.


I have no concern with giving a young guy a chance (Wright, Diaz) but we've now had 4-5 turns out the 5th guy with no wins.


In my opinion, the Sox cannot afford to wait any longer. The need has been identified - time to fix it.

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Keith, I tend to agree about not jumping to conclusions on Diaz, he clearly has potential.


Yet, if Williams can bring in an established starter by taking some salary off a non-contender, I'm in favor of that.


It's been too long since we had solid contributions from the 5th spot.  He thought Robert Person would be the guy but then he blew out his achilles.  So it was obvious he wanted a veteran for the 5th spot but it didn't work and he (KW) hasn't been able to land anyone yet.


After 6 weeks, we all pretty much can identify this team's weakness - that being an inconsistent offense (too RH if you ask me) and a need for some production out of the 5th spot.


I have no concern with giving a young guy a chance (Wright, Diaz) but we've now had 4-5 turns out the 5th guy with no wins.


In my opinion, the Sox cannot afford to wait any longer.  The need has been identified - time to fix it.

And Jim, I glad you posted what Gammons said. Kris Benson would be a fine fifth starter IMO, and I think he could come relatively cheap. He carries a hefty contract. And I also agree with you, I like Diaz but if you have a pretty sure thing, and, another option that will most likely be better, then pull the trigger.


Sorry if this sounds like a pipedream, but: Could Jason Kendall, possibly, in any way, play first base? He consistently gets on base at a pretty good rate (Average OBP over career at 385 IIRC). He would give us a lefty bat (much needed) in the lineup, and while he doesn't hit for power, he could be put almost anywhere in the lineup. So, here's what I'm proposing (sorry If I've lost some of you, this is a pretty crazy proposal.)


Borchard-Konerko-Rauch-Mid - level guy, Munoz, perhaps?






Is that giving up too much for guys that they would basically be dumping because of their contracts? I guess it's all based on whether Kendall would be versataille enough to play first.

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Guest JimH

Keith, there's a $$ issue there with Kendall I'm sure.


But the idea is not terribly far fetched if judged strictly on personnel.


KW clearly wants more on-base guys (smart hitters). I believe his patience is running very low with both Konerko and Lee.


I respect his decision to give Konerko a chance to bounce back (or maybe he just couldn't get him dealt) - the same for sticking with Carlos Lee and hoping he'll mature into the hitter the Sox think he "can" be.


You've got to believe KW sees what we see - we need another starter and we need to break up the RH lineup.


While some may say the easy solution is bring up Reed, I think Reed needs at least 1/2 season and more at bats. Plus, I wonder if his wrist(s) are ok.


A rent-a-player who is an established bat?


The Sox did that last year, wouldn't surprise me if they did it again.


I also think you will have another starting pitcher by month's end, via trade.

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Well, something has to be done to find a 5th starter who isn't close to an automatic "L".


I'm not anti-Diaz but the Sox as a team cannot afford to fall to many games behind Minnesota. It's a long season yes, but, we're in a race to July 31st. If they aren't close say adios to a few fan favorities.

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Guest JimH

Show, good point, the Twins continue to play well and with a lot of confidence.


By the way, who is the brunette in your sig?

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Keith, I tend to agree about not jumping to conclusions on Diaz, he clearly has potential.


Yet, if Williams can bring in an established starter by taking some salary off a non-contender, I'm in favor of that.


It's been too long since we had solid contributions from the 5th spot.  He thought Robert Person would be the guy but then he blew out his achilles.  So it was obvious he wanted a veteran for the 5th spot but it didn't work and he (KW) hasn't been able to land anyone yet.


After 6 weeks, we all pretty much can identify this team's weakness - that being an inconsistent offense (too RH if you ask me) and a need for some production out of the 5th spot.


I have no concern with giving a young guy a chance (Wright, Diaz) but we've now had 4-5 turns out the 5th guy with no wins.


In my opinion, the Sox cannot afford to wait any longer.  The need has been identified - time to fix it.

Excellent post JimH! Hit everything I thought about right on the noggin.

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Well, something NEEDS to be done. I like, no, I LOVED how Kenny went out and got us a bunch of guys at around the time of the trade deadline. However, if you can make a move to improve this team now, do it.


Kenny, my wishlist is this - A lefty bat and another starter. Maybe a righty in the bullpen as well.


Possible targets - Benson, Garcia, Winn (Lefty Bat). There's more, I'm just pretty tired right now.


But I think we're all on the same page when I say - something needs to be done, and like Show said, every time our fifth starter takes the hill it cannot just be an automatic loss. That pisses the hell out of me.

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It is time to send Diaz back down though. It's not that hard to see. The Sox brought him up to see if he could handle the big leagues(and after starting out as hot as he did in AAA, why not?). He couldn't, so why not send him back down to AAA for seasoning and maturing.


He looks like he could be a solid pitcher someday. He doesn't have much for breaking stuff, but I could see him turning into a solid #3 or #4 pitcher someday. He's got decent pop on his fastball, he's just young right now. Young pitchers make mistakes like that.


It's not like we(atleast me anyways...I assume others on here as well) are judging Diaz on one or two starts alone. We are judging the #5 starter as a whole this year, and a weakness is becoming more and more apparent as each day passes...the #5 starter has sucked. We need a #5 starter whose ERA will atleast be around 5.00. Give me 6 strong innings per start from my #5...is that so much to ask for?

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Who's next? Cotts? Munoz? Rauch? Trade?


Rauch untll the trade is ready.


His shoulder surgery was so serious that there is little chance he will come close to 2000 effectiveness -- he no longer tops 92mph, his curve and slider have less bite. He is out of options, but then again so are the Sox, in a way. Worth a try.


Cotts is too valuable in his current role and it would take a while to stretch him out -- unless you want a SP throwing 86-mph, that is :lol:


Munoz needs to work on that change-up, he is raw and I'd rather not see him before 2005.


Diaz....sorry buddy, you can't choke like that in the majors. Get back to us when you rediscover a 94mph fastball with movement and a tantalizing breaking pitch.

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