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On my way to work yesterday some stupid dips*** decided to rear end me... I'm OK except for a sore neck, shoulder & chest (from the seatbelt I assume) and a slight twinge in my middle and lower back...


Is whiplash legit, or is this "soreness" just to be expected? Should I go get it checked out? I don't really remember the impact. I was stopped and she was going about 35 when she slammed on the brakes (she slid about 30 feet before hitting me). I don't remember if my car even moved.


Is this soreness gonna go away or should I go get it checked out? It's worse this afternoon than it was this morning.

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I'd get it checked out, I remember when I got hit pretty badly a few years ago my neck was sore for a week or so, but it went away soon after. Went to have it checked out though just in case.


Glad you're okay though dear... :wub:



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I got rearended a few years ago -- same situation. I was stopped he was doing 45 or so -- I felt fine that night. Didn't think anything of "whiplash". The next day I was slightly sore, but no big deal. Two days after the accident was when it hit me. I was in alot more pain than I was the day after. It was bearable, but there's no way I would have thought I was going to be that sore when I felt fine immediately after the accident, and only a little sore the day after.


In short, I didn't really believe in "whiplash" until my accident. You may wanna go get checked out by a doctor, especially if it continues to get worse -- I was an ignorant 21 YO w/o health insuranse at the time. I wouldn't have gone to the doctor unless I lost a limb, and probably only if it was my right arm -- I was fine after a few days with no lingering effects, but if I had known that I was going to be as sore as I was for a few days, I would have at least gotten some good drugs...

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I had pain for about a week after I was rear-ended. This was a couple days before my high school graduation too. It took several years to recover my deductible (she didn't have insurance and gave the cops bad info on the report).


Hope you are ok Steff.

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On my way to work yesterday some stupid dips*** decided to rear end me... I'm OK except for a sore neck, shoulder & chest (from the seatbelt I assume) and a slight twinge in my middle and lower back...


Is whiplash legit, or is this "soreness" just to be expected? Should I go get it checked out? I don't really remember the impact. I was stopped and she was going about 35 when she slammed on the brakes (she slid about 30 feet before hitting me). I don't remember if my car even moved.


Is this soreness gonna go away or should I go get it checked out? It's worse this afternoon than it was this morning.

DEFINATELY get it checked out. Because of the nature of insurance claims, and back/neck problems go to the doctor everytime you have a twinge. And don't settle with the insurance companies until you are 110% sure that you are OK. Be a total b**** with them if you have to because they will screw you every step of the way, and not think twice about it.


Go to to the DR ASAP.


I hope you are OK Steffy!

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I'm "OK" perse... I just don't understand why it feels worse.. but than again I'm not a doctor. The driver and her passenger were taken away on stretchers. Her car was totaled.. my bumper got a few scratches (the front end of her car went under my back end). I don't want to look like a "sue" happy person.. but I don't want to be in pain either. I'm hoping that maybe my spine is just a bit out of wack. I have a bit of a migraine that is refusing to go away. I more scared that I might have to have a MRI (is that the tunnel thing.?) That thing freaks me out.


I think I might sit in the hot tub tonight and see if that helps any. Heat is OK.. right?

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DEFINATELY get it checked out.  Because of the nature of insurance claims, and back/neck problems go to the doctor everytime you have a twinge.  And don't settle with the insurance companies until you are 110% sure that you are OK.  Be a total b**** with them if you have to because they will screw you every step of the way, and not think twice about it.


Go to to the DR ASAP.


I hope you are OK Steffy!

I'm glad he said it, because I would have.


You've GOT to go, just in case something "weird" happens. Whiplash is definitely a true phenonemon (I work for a rehab company, no, not a chiro) and it's definitely legit. Best advice, go to a dr., NEVER tell the insurance agent ANYTHING, and let it all settle down before you do anything else.

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I'm glad he said it, because I would have.


You've GOT to go, just in case something "weird" happens.  Whiplash is definitely a true phenonemon (I work for a rehab company, no, not a chiro) and it's definitely legit.  Best advice, go to a dr., NEVER tell the insurance agent ANYTHING, and let it all settle down before you do anything else.

I have not talked to them. Jim took care of everything up to this point (making the claim) and they know I refused medical attention at the scene, but she said to him for us to let them know if I want to go to the doctor or if I have any problems.


Is there anything wrong with seeing a chiro? Are they reputable in a case like this? Or should I go to the ER?

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I'm "OK" perse... I just don't understand why it feels worse.. but than again I'm not a doctor. The driver and her passenger were taken away on stretchers. Her car was totaled.. my bumper got a few scratches (the front end of her car went under my back end). I don't want to look like a "sue" happy person.. but I don't want to be in pain either. I'm hoping that maybe my spine is just a bit out of wack. I have a bit of a migraine that is refusing to go away. I more scared that I might have to have a MRI (is that the tunnel thing.?) That thing freaks me out.


I think I might sit in the hot tub tonight and see if that helps any. Heat is OK.. right?

Taking it easy is fine and all, but I can't say it enough... GO TO THE DOCTOR. If you end up having problems down the line (and it happens, the back and neck are funny things) you need every step of the way documented. And it has nothing to do with being sue-happy. It has everything to do with covering your ass. If you end up having problems develop or worsen later they will say how come you didn't go the Dr origninally, and they will paint you as a money hungry suer if you try to get what is right. Believe me, I have been down this road before. Six weeks before Ang and I were married a city bus driver blew a yield sign, and we had all of the BS that went with it. It almost ruined the wedding.

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I have not talked to them. Jim took care of everything up to this point (making the claim) and they know I refused medical attention at the scene, but she said to him for us to let them know if I want to go to the doctor or if I have any problems.


Is there anything wrong with seeing a chiro? Are they reputable in a case like this? Or should I go to the ER?

My opinion is that chiro's generally aren't the way to go, but that's me talking about the benefits of physical therapy instead of chiros. I could write a book about it, but, I'll spare you. ;)


Even a general practioner is better - they can refer you to other places should you need it.


Not making light of your situation, but what will happen is you will get worse before you get better, and it's better to have a muscle relaxer type of thing to allow your muscles around the injury to not bunch up around it... that will make you feel a lot better and allow the injury to heal better.


In about a week or so you'll be fine, but if it happened yesterday, tomorrow and Thursday will be worst for you.

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My opinion is that chiro's generally aren't the way to go, but that's me talking about the benefits of physical therapy instead of chiros.  I could write a book about it, but, I'll spare you.  ;)


Even a general practioner is better - they can refer you to other places should you need it. 


Not making light of your situation, but what will happen is you will get worse before you get better, and it's better to have a muscle relaxer type of thing to allow your muscles around the injury to not bunch up around it... that will make you feel a lot better and allow the injury to heal better.


In about a week or so you'll be fine, but if it happened yesterday, tomorrow and Thursday will be worst for you.

s***. :angry:




Thanks for the info kap. I'm going to go. Problem is that I still feel shaken up and not comfortable driving. Jim has a golf outing tomorrow so I won't be able to go see anyone until Thursday.


Maybe a few Cosmo's tonight will help me sleep.. ;) :cheers

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Just got home from having a lovely CAT scan... brain is still working :bang


The verdict is that even though I was wearing my seatbelt and my headrests were up, I suffered a severe muscle strain and hyper-extended the muscles on the right side of my spine at the base of my skull. They swelled up nicely and were cutting off the blood supply to the optic nerves which was giving me the headaches, and making my leg and arm feel numb.


I wanted to thank you guys for urging me to go see the doctor. I was just going to continue on the Advil and rest a few more days. They said that I could have suffered some minor (which would have turned major after time) nerve and muscle damage.


Moral of the story... "whiplash" IS real ;)


Thanks guys!

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