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koch can do it, not like this is the ny media market we're talking about here.


ozzie's got his back, that's all that matters right now. i can't count on all my fingers the number of major league players that make more than koch who arent playing up to par.


now about those god damn twins...

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koch can do it, not like this is the ny media market we're talking about here.

You're right.


We have the Chicago media. According to this media, the Cubs can do no wrong, and the Sox can do no right. I bet, according to them, the White Sox did poorly tonight because they didn't score more then 4 runs off of a pitcher who had an 11.00 ERA this year and a 9.50 ERA against the Sox all time, yet the Cubs did well to get 2 baserunners on a tough pitcher like Schmidt.


Somehow, the Chicago media could very well turn this s*** around and use it to hit Koch in the face. He had a 3-ball count. That's a start.


The media sickens me. Somehow, I see Sammy landing on the DL due to a sneeze as being a non-issue...I mean, just because he's a pussy doesn't mean we should make fun of him :rolleyes:

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If I pay my closer $6 mill, I want 95% of all save opportunities converted, an ERA under 2.50, a WHIP of right around 1.00, an OBPA of less then .300, around double digit K/9, and a K/BB of around 4 or 5. Given, most closers cannot reach those. Then again, most closers aren't making $6 mill.


Holy crap, talk about high expectations. I don't think Kock ever approached those numbers even playing on PS2. :lol:

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We have the Chicago media. According to this media, the Cubs can do no wrong, and the Sox can do no right. I bet, according to them, the White Sox did poorly tonight because they didn't score more then 4 runs off of a pitcher who had an 11.00 ERA this year and a 9.50 ERA against the Sox all time, yet the Cubs did well to get 2 baserunners on a tough pitcher like Schmidt.


As a matter of fact, the Tribune did say something to that effect. Good call, witesoxfan.



It apprears Billy Koch is gradually improving. The Trib said the last strike was a 95 mph heater. As Brandofan stated, getting Koch back would be HUGE. I'm willing to wait and see if he can continue this turn around. And I'm not going to crucify him if he occasionally blows a save.

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As a matter of fact, the Tribune did say something to that effect.  Good call, witesoxfan.



It apprears Billy Koch is gradually improving.  The Trib said the last strike was a 95 mph heater.  As Brandofan stated, getting Koch back would be HUGE.  I'm willing to wait and see if he can continue this turn around.  And I'm not going to crucify him if he occasionally blows a save.

NO ONE should Yas....tell me the name of one closer, besides the INSANE Gagne, that is not gonna blow some saves? Koch is doing just what I expect from him, and I still remain his biggest supporter.

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And notice a trend there?  All teams with payrolls WAAAAAAAAAAAAY above ours.

Which is a way bigger reason we don't need a 6 million dollar mop up man which is what Koch has been so far in his White Sox career. He's getting some saves, but he'd still be considered one of the worst closers in baseball right now and he makes a ton.

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Which is a way bigger reason we don't need a 6 million dollar mop up man which is what Koch has been so far in his White Sox career.  He's getting some saves, but he'd still be considered one of the worst closers in baseball right now and he makes a ton.

Joe Borowski, Jason Isringhausen, Rocky Biddle, Matt Herges, Matt Mantei, Curtis Leskanic.


All are doin worse than Koch, and quite honestly right now there are alot of closers with good numbers in MLB. I don't have a problem with how Koch is doing at all. Lets see, you take away the 1 bad game Koch had against KC, and he is sporting a 2.30 ERA.


So yeah, he has had 1 BAD game. Tell me 1 pitcher on our staff that hasnt? I'll check back for the response tonight, cause its gonna take at least that long to realize everyone on this staff has sucked at least once this year.


Get off Koch's ass while he is doing his job well, Jesus. When he starts to struggle, jump all on him, I expect it from all of you anyways. :rolleyes:

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I don't think people have a problem giving him a chance at all...My problem with him has always been the walks. If he throws strikes (not BP fastballs) I think he can be successful for the most part.

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Hav a look at Cleveland compared to us. They've probably hit the ball betta than us, and Sabathia, Lee and Westbrook hav all had great starts to the season so far. The problem is for them, their bullpen has blown so many games for em so far, at least ours hasn't done that. ;)

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Hav a look at Cleveland compared to us. They've probably hit the ball betta than us, and Sabathia, Lee and Westbrook hav all had great starts to the season so far. The problem is for them, their bullpen has blown so many games for em so far, at least ours hasn't done that.  ;)

Marte has been far worse than Koch this season, despite the fact the ERA's don't make it appear that way. If he could get his act together quickly I would feel a lot better about our bullpen.

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Marte is begining to concern me. I wonder if his struggles also had something to do with recalling Wunsch for just in case. I like Wunsch and thought he should have been back anyway.

Don't get too overexcited about Kelly, he has admitted his velocity is not there yet. I like him a lot though and he's definitely someone everyone wants to see succeed with the big club. Let's hope he can be solid for us the rest of the year.

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Marte has been far worse than Koch this season, despite the fact the ERA's don't make it appear that way.  If he could get his act together quickly I would feel a lot better about our bullpen.

Very good point that I have been watching all year. Marte has had very few outings where he just looked like the Damaso of the psat 2 years.

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This entire thread is comical. I remember being 1 of about 3 or 4 people defending Koch when he was giving up a run or 2 before finally closing the door. Now, everybody wants to jump on the bandwagon? Welcome aboard and while you're at it, go change your vote here: to Fairweather Fan.

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They were talking on the radio this morning that Koch can throw over 97 but Coop wants him to throw 94-96 (as he is currently) and spot the ball better. I think it is working as he is not being hit.


This leads to my next point. Guys are not hitting him and therefore he has to throw three strikes before he throws four balls. How many times has he gone 0-2 before a guy fouls off a few pitches and then draws a walk. He has not thrown many 4 or 5 pitch walks. I know he should be able to throw a 3-4 pitch strikeout.


He has a long way to go before he can be compared to Marte. If Koch did what Marte did opening day, Friday against the Twins and his hi-wire act last evening. He was hit very hard last night and ahs all season. Koch has not been hit hard except for one game against the Royals and we won that game.

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Maybe it's just 20/20 hindsight, but I did think last night when Bill came in that he had a different look to him, a smirking smile that I hadn't seen this year. He just had this "f*** You" look to him that I was very happy to see. I think Koch is better when he has that borderline-arrogant sneer on his mug.


Then after the whiff-whiff-whiff he kinda strutted around accepting the congrats from the team. No DOUBT he was as relieved as the other guys to remove the drama, at least for one night.


The fastball is at an acceptable speed right now. I think it's when he tries to reach back and get something that maybe isn't quite there anymore that his fastball flattens out and yells HIT ME.


Right now I'm much more concerned about Marte than Koch. Something's not there right now for Damaso, and he needs to figure out what it is.

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This entire thread is comical. I remember being 1 of about 3 or 4 people defending Koch when he was giving up a run or 2 before finally closing the door. Now, everybody wants to jump on the bandwagon? Welcome aboard and while you're at it, go change your vote here: to Fairweather Fan.

As long as you remember my name in that "3 or 4" mreye, I won't cry wolf. Because for the longest time I've been the only one to still be behind Koch on the boards I think.

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As long as you remember my name in that "3 or 4" mreye, I won't cry wolf. Because for the longest time I've been the only one to still be behind Koch on the boards I think.

Honestly I can think of one other guy, and that is Anthony007. The 3 of you are like the Ralph Nader supporters of the world.

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Honestly I can think of one other guy, and that is Anthony007.  The 3 of you are like the Ralph Nader supporters of the world.

And of course, only those supporters will address my post. Fairweather fans! :fyou

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Like Critic said, Im more concered about Marte right now than Koch. Which is kinda scary, who would have though???

No doubt about it. Marte is a lot scarier than Koch is. That run he let go by in the 8th gave me chills since it was the bottom of the 8th and the Indians could have come back. He has to improve because the way he’s pitching right now won’t get him any saves.

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Honestly I can think of one other guy, and that is Anthony007.  The 3 of you are like the Ralph Nader supporters of the world.

Hey I've been behind koch this whole year as the closer, read the koch threads I backed him up everytime.

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NO ONE should Yas....tell me the name of one closer, besides the INSANE Gagne, that is not gonna blow some saves? Koch is doing just what I expect from him, and I still remain his biggest supporter.

Braden Looper maybe? Not sure if he is closing for the Mets tho...so ya

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