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Nader is worth $4 million


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I found it interesting that the guy who is a crusader against big corporations is making tons of money in QQQs based on the same companies. :bang



Most of your biggest left wing / anti corporate activists are the biggest hypocrites.


"It's ok for me to get filthy rich but if anyone else does it they are evil and stealing from the poor"


I cant stand that jackass.

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Most of your biggest left wing / anti corporate activists are the biggest hypocrites.


"It's ok for me to get filthy rich but if anyone else does it they are evil and stealing from the poor"


I cant stand that jackass.

John F. Kerry (Heinz) IIRC is the wealthiest senator on Capital Hill by net worth. I had the list and I remember him being on top of it, I can't remember if that's changed in the last couple of years or not.


Anyway, that's when I get pissed off. We need "sacrifice", but those guys wouldn't know "sacrifice" now if they got it tattooed on their forehead.

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John F. Kerry (Heinz) IIRC is the wealthiest senator on Capital Hill by net worth.  I had the list and I remember him being on top of it, I can't remember if that's changed in the last couple of years or not.


Anyway, that's when I get pissed off.  We need "sacrifice", but those guys wouldn't know "sacrifice" now if they got it tattooed on their forehead.

Sacrifice is for someone else to deal with not them.

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John F. Kerry (Heinz) IIRC is the wealthiest senator on Capital Hill by net worth.  I had the list and I remember him being on top of it, I can't remember if that's changed in the last couple of years or not.

But if you ask him, or some of his more agressive supporters, they will say that the new worth is not his, but his wife's. They will site a prenup, and the fact that they filed seperate returns as their evidence. I think that is a load of crap. That is the same reasoning he uses to defend his owning SUV's, but yet to criticize people owning SUV's. They are not 'his', but belong to his 'family'.

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But if you ask him, or some of his more agressive supporters, they will say that the new worth is not his, but his wife's.  They will site a prenup, and the fact that they filed seperate returns as their evidence.  I think that is a load of crap.  That is the same reasoning he uses to defend his owning SUV's, but yet to criticize people owning SUV's. They are not 'his', but belong to his 'family'.

What do you expect from a hypocrite like that? With him it's all about "Do as I say not as I do".

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But if you ask him, or some of his more agressive supporters, they will say that the new worth is not his, but his wife's.  They will site a prenup, and the fact that they filed seperate returns as their evidence.  I think that is a load of crap.  That is the same reasoning he uses to defend his owning SUV's, but yet to criticize people owning SUV's. They are not 'his', but belong to his 'family'.

Which is BS because as soon as his campaign was in trouble he got a $10 million loan from his wife.

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the word

gets tossed around here very loosely.



I am right now feeling really sorry for G W Bush. To think how he started from nothing, being dirt poor, and having no family connections whatsoever, and totally unable to use the office of the presidnt to raise well over $200 million this last year for his campaign, oh, the poor boy, the poor, poor, poor boy



And to think that the evil Teresa Heinz had her first husband's plane shot down and murdered her first husband, Sen John Heiniz, who was the richest member of the Senate (and a Republican, but thats ok then) just so she could transfer her money to a Democratic household, the evil b****.



And since we are privy to the personal lives and deepest emotions of others, we all know that John Kerry and Teresa Heinz have no love for each other, it is not a marriage of love, it is only for money. Surely, just like Laura Bush did, Teresa should have made her intended give up all his money before marriage and be dirt poor again while she did the same... that is the Bush way, right? Maybe Laura can teach Teresa how to live on food stamps.


When Bush appointed the wife of a Republican Senator to be Secretary of Labor, they had given away all their money to the poor, right?


And a prenup! How evil! I know that that the millions who have them are evil. I shall spit in the face of the next couple with children from prior marriages come into the office for a prenup! I will know they are evil and doing bad things. I will also know that no Republican would ever get a prenup so they must indeed be wealthy evil liberal Democrats ( redunedent word use there).


The one side is so pure and the other side are such

aren't they.
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I could care less that Heinz and Kerry are rich, I said it before and I'll say it again, I think it took a lot of balls for Kerry to put up his (their, who cares??) own money at a time his campaign needed it. Most of the other candidates wouldn't or didn't. That part, I admire. That's why he gets to run for president and the others don't. I never question their relationship. None of that matters - neither the Bushes or the Kerrys.


Where I get all pissed off and think it's HYPOCRITICAL is when these assholes, republican AND/OR democrat, tell us that the American people need to sacrifice in these tough times. What pure HYPOCRITICAL bulls*** that is, all these fat cats on capitol hill telling us we need to sacrifice. How about not voting for a raise at midnight right before a vacation damn near every year? That's just one example. And where has most of this money came from? Dare I say it's "dirty"? Naaaah. Couldn't be.


As far as their personal lives and how they spend their money, I could care less. Just don't try to empathize with me, because most of these politicians I don't think remember the humble lifestyle.

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Smoking is bad for you. Would this statement hold any less validity if you knew that your physician, the annoying smugster who shoves the virtues of clean living in your face, is himself a will-less slob dying of lung cancer?


Times are tough. Don't whine. Sacrifice.


Or don't sacrifice and remain an evil all-consumptionist sucka.



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I could care less that Heinz and Kerry are rich, I said it before and I'll say it again, I think it took a lot of balls for Kerry to put up his (their, who cares??) own money at a time his campaign needed it.  Most of the other candidates wouldn't or didn't.  That part, I admire.  That's why he gets to run for president and the others don't.  I never question their relationship.  None of that matters - neither the Bushes or the Kerrys.


Where I get all pissed off and think it's HYPOCRITICAL is when these assholes, republican AND/OR democrat, tell us that the American people need to sacrifice in these tough times.  What pure HYPOCRITICAL bulls*** that is, all these fat cats on capitol hill telling us we need to sacrifice.  How about not voting for a raise at midnight right before a vacation damn near every year?  That's just one example.  And where has most of this money came from?  Dare I say it's "dirty"?  Naaaah.  Couldn't be.


As far as their personal lives and how they spend their money, I could care less.  Just don't try to empathize with me, because most of these politicians I don't think remember the humble lifestyle.

this is closer to where I am at.


Both parties are stocked with the rich.


In some very real ways, the costs of campaigning are so steep as to be beyond any but the alrady well heeled. in our congressional district, the incumbent has $4.5 million in his campaign fund - we are trying to raise $750,000 - it helps if the candidate is rich and ours isn't. You know how much work it is to raise $750,000?


Look at Illinois where you had all those rich people (like Oberweis and others, on both sides) run for the Senate, in part, becauuse they can afford to run.


On a partisan note, it looks a whole lot more to me that I see Bush and company try and pander about being "just folks" when there is no way that they are. Someone with another political perspective may see it differently. That is all a matter of persepctive so no biggie.


What I was trying to say is that it gets tiresome when one party or one candidate is bashed. There are differences between the parties and candidates to be sure but I do gave a problem with the labeling of one side with things that apply to both. And that Kerry has a political family - as if there are none in the Republican party?


I would not mind at all and would welcome a call to sacrifice in this country. I haven't heard that from anyone. The in party right now is spending money like we have never ever seen and the deficit is blown out of control and the deficits are obscene and the last one-party controlled spending bill has more pork in it taht ever before in US history. There is no sacrifice there. The other side, the current out-party, has not issued any call to sacrifice. I agree with that other party that we need to readjust the upper tax brackets again back to where Clinton had them. But I would like to see some national sacrifice - like anything else, if we want it, if it is a national goal or priority, then we have to work to acheive it and that includes some sacrifice (that includes everyone and everything). This big time spending spree as if there are no limits and no sacrifices scares me greatly for the sake of this country.

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This big time spending spree as if there are no limits and no sacrifices scares me greatly for the sake of this country.

With this, I agree. The sacrifices that are being called on us (sorry to generalize - I don't remember the detail of where I was reading this) is stemming from a couple of comments that McCain and Kerry were making about a week or so ago. And they were both being quite righteous with their comments. My initial reaction was :fyou because they have no idea how hard it is out here for average Americans to do ANYTHING these days... they get their living off the contributions of others. And they act like we have no idea how hard they have it.


The only political access to these freakin' morons in Washington is drop a $1000 check off for my political contribution, and that will get you 15 minutes to talk to your representative. It sucks. I hate this system.

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As opposed to how easy it is for average Haitians or average D.Republicans....



It's funny you should say that. I've been in the Dominican Republic. I know what it's like. They live a simple life, they do what it takes to live every day to put food on the table. Sometimes, when I take a step back, I wish this country had that as a model. We ALL are so damn spoiled. I've experienced this by living with a host family in a third world country. I loved it, because it taught me lessons that I would never otherwise get.


I guess that's why I get so bent out of shape when these assholes that run our country tell us we need to sacrifice more so that things FROM THEIR PERSPECTIVE can run like they think they should.


It's tough, but on our toughest day, we are freaking KINGS compared to almost every other country in the world.

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