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Borchard on the rebound?


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Guest JimH
I didn't say you could use the last 20 years only because, you see, "baseball history" is just a tiny bit older than that.....


Don't f*ck with my point, momo. It stands.  Possibly outside of time.  :nono


Stats don't tell the whole story? Agreed.


No, never heard that one. 


Don't mention it. :wub:

LOL, you loser tool.


Get out of your mom's basement, then we'll talk.


Know it all. :fyou

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Guest JimH
It's funny because he said you would say that and there you go. You are so unbelievably stubborn. It's almost hilarious when I'm a bistander, but you are such a bully. You try to intimidate people and make them sound like idiots to get your point across and make it sound like you are right.

Dan, he's a socially inept piss ant, that's why he does that.


It's so incredibly predictable, but he gets off on arguing, so I guess that's just the way it is.

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Guest JimH
Yes the one guy Joe Bauman who hit 72 homers and never played in the majors. Your quote was "littered". That means you are aware of several more. You insult me and everyone else who ever disagrees with you, so how about backing up your statement?

Yeah, Brandork, back it up.


Tell you what ... try shooting your GIANT YAP off a little less, you'll be better off.


Oh, and get out of your mom's basement once in a while, that'll help too.


But thanks for feigning concern about our questions. :)


Ummm ... "littered" with guys who've hit 50 dingers and 150 RBI?




Your point doesn't still stand ... mom's basement.

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