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Dennis Kucinich??


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No way Im going to vote for this guy. Sorry apu, you can vote for him but you wont get any help from me. This guy sounds like a jerk. Take this story for instance.


Asked about his recent comment to an Akron newspaper that it would be "a cold and possibly snowy day in hell before a liberal got into the White House," he responded, "Havent you been checking the stories on CNN? All over America its cold and snowy. Im ready to run for president."


Well other than the fact that he admits hes a liberal (you guys know what I think of liberals) he seems to be comparing America to Hell. And Im not gonna vote for someone like this (actually, I dont think Ill be able to vote in 2004 but when I do get the chance). The one person Im really going to be pulling for is Carol Moseley-Braun. African-American and a women. We could use some distinction in the White House for a change. This would also help minorites get more enthusiastic about government. The other day I was on the bus talking to some black friends of mine and they said they hated George Bush and that we should get a new president. I said we should get a black president and they really liked it. Now to think it may happen is really cool.

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No way Im going to vote for this guy. Sorry apu, you can vote for him but you wont get any help from me. This guy sounds like a jerk. Take this story for instance.


Asked about his recent comment to an Akron newspaper that it would be "a cold and possibly snowy day in hell before a liberal got into the White House," he responded, "Havent you been checking the stories on CNN? All over America its cold and snowy. Im ready to run for president."


Well other than the fact that he admits hes a liberal (you guys know what I think of liberals) he seems to be comparing America to Hell. And Im not gonna vote for someone like this (actually, I dont think Ill be able to vote in 2004 but when I do get the chance). The one person Im really going to be pulling for is Carol Moseley-Braun. African-American and a women. We could use some distinction in the White House for a change. This would also help minorites get more enthusiastic about government. The other day I was on the bus talking to some black friends of mine and they said they hated George Bush and that we should get a new president. I said we should get a black president and they really liked it. Now to think it may happen is really cool.

you hate liberals but are pulling for carol mosely braun???...dude she makes apu and cwsox look like they are right of reagan :lol: ...she is the ultimate far left liberal


i voted for (in the primary) and work on the campaign of dr. alan keyes last election...i didnt just decide to vote for him because he was black..i voted for him because i believed in him...because i believe in most of his views and thought him to be honest and pricipled...i knew he wasnt gonna win or even come close but i hoped he would garner enough votes to wake up the republican party to the fact that there is a large group of constiuents that are looking for leadership in other places...that they better not take us for granted...did it work??...probably not this time since keyes only finished around 5%...but thats 5% that will be watching closely whats going on in the party


pick the candidate you feel best represents your views and you feel is an honorable candidate...dont just pick someone because of their sex or color of their skin..gotta have a better reason than that

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OK, after what my dad told me about Braun I dont think Ill vote for her. We need a minority president but we need a good one. Hey baggs, get Dr Keyes to run and Ill vote for him...  :D


I think I heard she announced her presidential intentions in Des Moines today.

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I am writing to announce the start of a campaign to promote Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) for President of the United States of America in 2004.

Dennis Kucinich has worked tirelessly as the foremost advocate of

progressive issues in Congress.

As a vegan, he has been at the forefront on issues relating to

the fair treatment of animals. Furthermore, his environmental and peace

records are nearly untarnished. One of the strongest opponents of Missile

Defense, he has presented before congress the "Space Preservation Act"

during the previous two sessions of congress. Furthermore, he has

previously voted to close down the School of the Americas(now known as the Institute For Security Cooperation, and to end the economic sanctions on Iraq.

Lastly, he has constantly voiced his opposition to war on Iraq,

and followed suit with an anti-war vote last October.

Kucinich brings voters exactly the kind of trustworthy leadership

this country needs.


Top Contributors (2oo2)


Kucinich Legislation


PAC Contributions


Kucinich in 2004! Hell, Anybody but Bush in 2004!

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If it were Lieberman vs Bush, not even an issue, Lieberman.


If it were Kenny Williams vs Bush, not even an issue, Kenny Williams.


However I doubt either one will get the nomination.


I am leaning towards Edwards a lot. Also like Graham of Florida. I also like the Southern strategy obviously.


I have no problems with Kucinich what so ever.


I am very glad Mosely Braun is running. I loved her as a Senator but she earned her defeat, damn it and damn her. However her running means Al Sharpton will not have a part of the field to himself and that is good, very good indeed.

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If it were Lieberman vs Bush, not even an issue, Lieberman.


If it my Kenny Williams vs Bush, not even an issue, Kenny Williams.


However I doubt either one will get the nomination.


I am leaning towards Edwards a lot.  Also like Graham of Florida.  I also like the Southern strategy obviously.


I have no problems with Kucinich what so ever.


I am very glad Mosely Braun is running.  I loved her as a Senator but she earned her defeat, damn it and damn her.  However her running means Al Sharpton will not have a part of the field to himself and that is good, very good indeed.

I've been leading towards Edwards, too.

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Even Liebermann?

By the way, Eminem's portion of the Anger Management Tour opened with a brilliant video display that was, how can I say, not very favorable towards Liberman. It had clips of all the idiotic things that self-appointed moral censors have said about the 8 Mile boy and did they look stupid and like panderers to the lowest cultural denominator.


The only person Em ripped into more in the show was Bush - his rodeo take on the Bush and his administration in Square Dance is fantastic.


Gotta like an artist who takes on Bush, Cheney, and Lieberman and who wrote the immortal lines, "f*** you Ms. Cheney! f*** you Tipper Gore!"

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Gotta like an artist who takes on Bush, Cheney, and Lieberman and who wrote the immortal lines, "f*** you Ms. Cheney! f*** you Tipper Gore!"

umm i do..why??


"f*** you Ms. Cheney! f*** you Tipper Gore!"


yup..brilliant :lol:

When added to the context of that whole song, it's really, really good.

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I am writing to announce the start of a campaign to  promote Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) for President of the United States of  America in 2004.

      Dennis Kucinich has worked tirelessly as the foremost advocate of

progressive issues in Congress.

      As a vegan, he has been at the forefront on issues relating to

the fair treatment of animals. Furthermore, his environmental and peace

records are nearly untarnished. One of the strongest opponents of Missile

Defense, he has presented before congress the "Space Preservation Act"

during the previous two sessions of congress. Furthermore, he has

previously voted to close down the School of the Americas(now known as the Institute For Security Cooperation, and to end the economic sanctions on Iraq.

      Lastly, he has constantly voiced his opposition to war on Iraq,

and followed suit with an anti-war vote last October.

      Kucinich brings voters exactly the kind of trustworthy leadership

this country needs.


Top Contributors (2oo2)


Kucinich Legislation


PAC Contributions


Kucinich in 2004!  Hell, Anybody but Bush in 2004!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this guy the mayor of Cleveland when the city went into DEFAULT?

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I am writing to announce the start of a campaign to  promote Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) for President of the United States of  America in 2004.

        Dennis Kucinich has worked tirelessly as the foremost advocate of

progressive issues in Congress.

        As a vegan, he has been at the forefront on issues relating to

the fair treatment of animals. Furthermore, his environmental and peace

records are nearly untarnished. One of the strongest opponents of Missile

Defense, he has presented before congress the "Space Preservation Act"

during the previous two sessions of congress. Furthermore, he has

previously voted to close down the School of the Americas(now known as the Institute For Security Cooperation, and to end the economic sanctions on Iraq.

        Lastly, he has constantly voiced his opposition to war on Iraq,

and followed suit with an anti-war vote last October.

        Kucinich brings voters exactly the kind of trustworthy leadership

this country needs.


Top Contributors (2oo2)


Kucinich Legislation


PAC Contributions


Kucinich in 2004!  Hell, Anybody but Bush in 2004!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this guy the mayor of Cleveland when the city went into DEFAULT?

maybe he will pick gray davis as his running mate??? ;)

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I am writing to announce the start of a campaign to  promote Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) for President of the United States of  America in 2004.

        Dennis Kucinich has worked tirelessly as the foremost advocate of

progressive issues in Congress.

        As a vegan, he has been at the forefront on issues relating to

the fair treatment of animals. Furthermore, his environmental and peace

records are nearly untarnished. One of the strongest opponents of Missile

Defense, he has presented before congress the "Space Preservation Act"

during the previous two sessions of congress. Furthermore, he has

previously voted to close down the School of the Americas(now known as the Institute For Security Cooperation, and to end the economic sanctions on Iraq.

        Lastly, he has constantly voiced his opposition to war on Iraq,

and followed suit with an anti-war vote last October.

        Kucinich brings voters exactly the kind of trustworthy leadership

this country needs.


Top Contributors (2oo2)


Kucinich Legislation


PAC Contributions


Kucinich in 2004!  Hell, Anybody but Bush in 2004!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this guy the mayor of Cleveland when the city went into DEFAULT?


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If it were Lieberman vs Bush, not even an issue, Lieberman.


If it my Kenny Williams vs Bush, not even an issue, Kenny Williams.


However I doubt either one will get the nomination.


I am leaning towards Edwards a lot.  Also like Graham of Florida.  I also like the Southern strategy obviously.


I have no problems with Kucinich what so ever.


I am very glad Mosely Braun is running.  I loved her as a Senator but she earned her defeat, damn it and damn her.  However her running means Al Sharpton will not have a part of the field to himself and that is good, very good indeed.

I've been leading towards Edwards, too.

A Clinton clone minus about 15 or 20 IQ points.

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The US could lose a war with Iraq. Unemployment could be at depression level highs. Dennis Kucinich still wouldn't get elected President. Honest, I just can't believe this. DENNIS KUCINICH! I'd vote for my cat before I'd vote for Dennis Kucinich. What a great mayor of Cleveland he was. They went BANKRUPT! All across the Rust Belt states lost congressional seats again. Because of politicians like Dennis Kucinich. Honest, if this is what liberalism and the Democratic party has come to then they are doomed, not matter how bad the Republicans screw up. Carole Mosely Braun?? One thing you can say about Illinois it produces the worst possible politicians on both sides of the aisle. Only Louisiana can top Illinois for corruption and incompetence.

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The US could lose a war with Iraq. Unemployment could be at depression level highs. Dennis Kucinich  still wouldn't get elected President. Honest, I just can't believe this. DENNIS KUCINICH! I'd vote for my cat before I'd vote for Dennis Kucinich. What a great mayor of Cleveland he was. They went BANKRUPT! All across the Rust Belt states lost congressional seats again. Because of politicians like Dennis Kucinich. Honest, if this is what liberalism and the Democratic party has come to then they are doomed, not matter how bad the Republicans screw up. Carole Mosely Braun?? One thing you can say about Illinois it produces  the worst possible politicians on both sides of the aisle. Only Louisiana can top Illinois for corruption and incompetence.

So I take it you'd rather have Joe Lieberman?


The same Joe Lieberman who is best buddies with Pat Robertson. The same Joe Lieberman that is friends with Bush I's drug czar. Joe agrees with the drug czar's stance that "all drug dealers should be beheaded" and that to fight drugs in Washington DC, "they should round up all the black people and put them on barges in the Potomac".


The same Joe Lieberman that has worked with the Parent's TV Council (the head of which, his dad worked for the Goldwater campaign and was for nuking the Russians....nice Christian values :lol: The same Joe Lieberman was part of the Parents Music Resource Center that has censored music for over 20 years now. The same Joe Lieberman that wants to have a rating for TV, movies, music, and LIVE concerts and have the government set all these up. That's pretty damn scary.

But the fact that he has worked closely with Phyllis Schlafly and the Eagle Forum, that scares me quite a bit too. Joe Lieberman scares the s*** out of me and if he became the Democratic candidate. I'd be forced to vote Green.


Kucinich is the least s***ty of the s***ty candidates out there. He is anti-war, pro-shutting down SOA/WHISC, and he is vegan (he's batting 1.000 in my book so far) Come on now, who would you rather have......Al Sharpton or Dennis Kucinich as the Democratic candidate?

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