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Democracy first, Republic second


How often should democracy be hindered?  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. How often should democracy be hindered?

    • NEVER - An educated majority should be the highest power
    • RARELY - There are some inalienable rights that should neve be open for debate
    • SOMETIMES - The nation should try & seek a 50/50 balance between majority & individual power
    • OFTEN - Minority/individual power is more important
    • ALWAYS - Dictatorships or totalatarian regimes are the way to go
    • OTHER - I have an alternative form of govt (read my post)

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Wait wait wait momo, I can't speak for the majority but you can?  Who the f*** pontificated your ass to be their mouthpiece?


I'm not wrong on all accounts as you say.  The majority has been wrong before and continues to be wrong quite often.  The fact that you can show no instances to prove my assertions only strengthens my case.


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Speaking for the majority are we?  Typical liberal move. 

You're wrong on all accounts & history has proven that to be the case.


Apparently the term "the majority is always in a state of flux" is beyond your comprehension.  :lol:

Good grief...



Someone stop pissing in Juggs breakfast please.

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Wait wait wait momo, I can't speak for the majority but you can?  Who the f*** pontificated your ass to be their mouthpiece?


I'm not wrong on all accounts as you say.  The majority has been wrong before and continues to be wrong quite often.  The fact that you can show no instances to prove my assertions only strengthens my case.

This debate is beyond your comprehension as you still believe that your the sole voice in what determines right & wrong. It's a typical liberal affliction.

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Juggs, excuse me but you're the one saying that the US must become a puritanical theocracy in which we all worship the Christian version of God and nobody has kinky sex and we all don't visit prostitutes or do drugs or do anything that anybody would find offensive by looking at pornography or saying anything controversial. That, momo, is a dreamland. The fact that your hatred of judges and anything that is paleo-conservative "government needs to stay out of peoples' lives" is deemed liberal is insane and misleading. You believe you are the sole arbitor of what is deemed right and wrong, so maybe you're just projecting on me just a tad bit.

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Once again, either you are reading impaired or dishonest.

Everyone who has ever read my posts on this board or any other knows that

I am the most pro-democratic person there is.

Whether the majority decides to roast Christians or not will not change that.


I believe in a government of the people, by the people, & for the people.

I believe the people over time will work things out to correct any injustices.

So in any decision with respect to politics or government I will side with the majority

one as being the one to govern the nation.


That does not mean that I will always agree with the majority. In many cases I will not.

But I will respect the power of the majority to determine the ruling opinion. Therefore the most important individual rights in any democracy are those that hinder or help an individual influence the majority opinion.

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As I was trying to follow this, all I could think is we need to find this guy I remember from ESPN's boards. I think his screen name was ESPNJoe. He'd be a great match for Juggs. They could go on and on about some obscure theoretic concept.

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No one is going to tell me that the majority of the citizens of the states of Alabama and Mississippi were in favor of integration in the early 1960's. If you say that they were you are either an idiot or a liar.


Yet, against the will of the majority of the people of those states, they were forced to eliminate segregation. Should the wishes of the majority have been the last word on this issue? Not in my opinion.


Think what you want, but the majority is not always right. Period. If this country was truly based on a simple philosophy of majority rules, we would have gone down the tubes years ago.

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