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The Official Send Cotts Back to AAA Thread

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You guys, I know this isnt an offensive thread, and he didnt call anyone names, but this guy was nothing but a dick in the chat tonight(zero and Flash can back me up on this one.) and he creates nothing but worthless threads and posts.


I know we say we can say whatever we want on these boards, which I love, but this guy is nothing but a troll. Please Ban this douchebag

He was a dick in the chat last night too.


i second that.

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The kid is too green!

He will never be a real Major League Starter...

And to think Diaz was turning a corner and would of won this game so easily.  :headshake

I hate losing to these inferior teams.

Hopefully Garland can get it done tomarrow...

Dumb thread..





Not gonna win them all. Sheesh some people here really kill me they want this team to go 162 -0. Go b**** and moan somewhere else, i'm sick of the player bashing cause someone loses makes an error or something. GROW UP. You go pitch in the f***ING Majors and then tell me. I bet you haven't even played tee ball



Sheesh, Give me a f***ing break, take a chill pill. If you don't like the team then don't f***ing root for it, Comments like yours are damn inmature and stupid.



Have a nice day

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Also I know that I need to calm down when it comes to being in the chat rooms when the Sox are losing and I really need to work harder on that.

If you want to ban me on the chat I can understand because it's more then likely for my own good.

I however haven't done anything to warrent being banned from the message boards...

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Also I know that I need to calm down when it comes to being in the chat rooms when the Sox are losing and I really need to work harder on that.

If you want to ban me on the chat I can understand because it's more then likely for my own good.

I however haven't done anything to warrent being banned from the message boards...

It's not about banning. But sheesh give people a break once in a while this thread is stupid and you know it.



Grow Up. As i said in the chat room the bat is wooden and t he ball is round, not every night it goes your way. Next start Cotts pitches well and you'll be drooling all over saying how he's the greatest :bang

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I obviously don't want one of the most solid relievers we have had to be sent to AAA. I agree this is a dumb thread to post but it helps let out some of the frustration I felt from this disappointing game.

It's cool man, we all get mad when the Sox get slammed like that.


Look at me with my tee ball stand.

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GOD DAMMIT!! I WAS HOPING WHEN I LOGGED ON THAT NONE OF THESE STUPID THREADS WOULD SHOW UP!! God I hate it when a pitcher has a tough outing and some dumb f*** always puts something like this.. God this is pissing me off.

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GOD DAMMIT!! I WAS HOPING WHEN I LOGGED ON THAT NONE OF THESE STUPID THREADS WOULD SHOW UP!! God I hate it when a pitcher has a tough outing and some dumb f*** always puts something like this.. God this is pissing me off.

It's ok just calm down, c'mon deep breaths now. :D Honestly though, what did you expect you knew one of these threads would show up.

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Whoa, chill man.... :ph34r:

I'm sorry greasy, but I've seen em all. From Diaz should go back to AAA to Cotts should go back to AAA. And how much you wanna be when Reed comes up and hell go 0-4 and someone will post "Reed should go back to AAA." It's just frustrating to read and see on this screen. :angry:

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I'm sorry greasy, but I've seen em all. From Diaz should go back to AAA to Cotts should go back to AAA. And how much you wanna be when Reed comes up and hell go 0-4 and someone will post "Reed should go back to AAA." It's just frustrating to read and see on this screen. :angry:

I completely agree it's dumb for someone to post one of these threads everytime someone has a bad game. But the thing is there is always one person who is going to post one of these dumb threads. Like I said before..... deep breaths. :)

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Oh I know, I've been here; seen all the same threads. It's going to happen; I'm not sure why but some people believe we should go 162-0 and win the World Series every year. They forget this is the real world, and even the Yankees lose at least 60 games a season.

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To be totally honest the only reason I did this because most of you did the same thing to poor Felix Diaz and the guy was really turning a corner.

I mean really there was no real chance for Cotts to be sucessful since we were going against the twins ace anyway.

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This thread is dumb. I was at the game and yes, I was really sad for Cotts--but I would say put him back in the bullpen--he's a damn fine pitcher. And it looks like he just got some nerves or something this time. He'll be fine he just needs a little while in the pen.


Some people. :headshake

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