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Borchard goes 4-5


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There's not hitting for POWER and then there is not hitting for power.


He had a near-600 Slugging in the spacious AA park against hard-throwing AA'ers.


Now, in Charlotte sandbox, his Slug % is, what, .365?


Couple that with his abysmal ST showing and off-season health travails...


Obviously I don't expect him to Slug in the bigs even if he were 100% healthy -- he is a John Olerud, not a Giambi afterall.......But 525-550 Slug in that park is a must - if only because of singles, doubles and triples.


In any case, Timo and Aaron not only can't hit RHP, they can't even get on base.  Rowand starts against LHP and Reed - against RHP in the 2-spot where his OBP and baserunning would be most welcome.


Ideally, you would wait for Reed to get healthy and not waste a year of ML service in 2004......But emergency is emergency --Sox need everybit of OBP/contact they could muster with their schitzophrenic "1 run today, 12 runs tomorrow" all-or-nothing offense.

I don't have a problem with this suggestion, in fact I agree with it because Reed would be playing nearly regularly (leftys don't pitch against us a whole lot). So Brando, since this is your suggestion, who would we get rid of to make room for Reed?


I am suggesting Timo, put him on waivers, hope he is claimed and if not, he can go to Charlotte.


That way you save Rowand to face leftys, since he's been absolutely lethal against them.


And then this would also create a situation in the infield, 3 guys for 2 spots, play Manos regularly at SS, Uribe/Harris platoon at 2B...And if Crede doesn't hit, you give Uribe the start at 3B from time to time.

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I am suggesting Timo, put him on waivers, hope he is claimed and if not, he can go to Charlotte




I am sorry, but outside of that HR on a get-me-over fastball in a blow-out, Timo has been really bad at the plate against RHP; he looks downright lackadaisical in the field and has more career CS than SB, which is simply abominable......He used to be good in 2002, but that time is gone. Armando Rios used to be solid, too.


Reed could probably give you 350-360 OBP against RHP in the 2-hole. He would steal bases and bust his ass in the field, maybe even bringing some extra fans to the park in the process :)


Unless of course Reed's wrist injury is structural in which case technically he shouldn't even be playing, let alone playing in the bigs.

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Well, we know Rowand starts against LHP, regardless of what Borchard and Reed do. This season Aaron is hitting BIG against lefties, somsething like 1100 OPS after today's game. 


I know I said Jeremiah Reed shouldn't be brought up until 2005, but when you have Timoran Perowand with a collective OBP of 220

against right-0handed pitching, of which there is a majority in MLB.........


Reed's ailing wrists may have zapped his power, but he could muster a 350 OBP against RHP in his sleep.  He does other things well, too. Harris and Reed as #1 and #2 against righties works like a charm.

From an organizational standpoint, Borchard won't be coming up. Face it, KW is infatuated with Rowand and is going to give him until AT LEAST the A-S break to prove himself as a center fielder. Timo is doing a servicable job as a 4th OF and nothimg more should be asked from him. He's this year's Armando Rios, but a better version of it.


Is Joe making progress? Yes, but his plate discipline is still AWOL. A 12 to 30 BB:K ratio in AAA will equate to Joe being eaten alive in the bigs. And you can argue health this health that, but face it, Borchard has subpar plate discipline. Throw out 2001 numbers, and you have a 111:293 ratio...at the minor league level. The walks would drop and the Ks would rise at the Bigs, there is no doubt in my mind.


What purpose does Borchard serve as of now? In my mind, and I really don't want to say this, he should be considered trade bait. Look people, Reed, Sweeney, and Anderson have flown by Borchard in prospect status. Chris Young (who I shall now call Mike Cameron Jr.) is on the verge of doing the same.

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And then this would also create a situation in the infield, 3 guys for 2 spots, play Manos regularly at SS, Uribe/Harris platoon at 2B...And if Crede doesn't hit, you give Uribe the start at 3B from time to time.

I don't see why this would be any different. And why would you want to platoon Uribe? He has done better than Harris from both sides of the plate and has a higher average than Valentin from both sides. If anything Harris or Valentin should be platooned.

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Is Joe making progress? Yes, but his plate discipline is still AWOL. A 12 to 30 BB:K ratio in AAA will equate to Joe being eaten alive in the bigs


Cerb, that much goes without saying. I was ripped for saying this, but with 2002-2003 numbers, JoBo has no business even on a ML bench.


However, I am not advocating bringing up Borchard, far from it. I want him to put up ungodly numbers in AAA, first.


What purpose does Borchard serve as of now? In my mind, and I really don't want to say this, he should be considered trade bait. Look people, Reed, Sweeney, and Anderson have flown by Borchard in prospect status. Chris Young (who I shall now call Mike Cameron Jr.) is on the verge of doing the same.


Let's get real. Borchard will get you almost nothing. Now if you were getting a Randy Johnson - which would only happen if Borchard was ripping AAA apart -- then yeah, trade him.


Ryan Sweeney is 19 and the earliest he could be a legitimate ML threat (if ever) will be ASB-2006 - if then.


Anderson? Hasn't faced a single AA pitcher.


Young can't even handle A-ball pitching.


Borchard will hit HR's on swings that Anderson produces a soft line-out on. He has all-field power. Now he needs to learn to make contact and foul off pitcher's pitches.

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Ryan Sweeney is 19 and the earliest he could be a legitimate ML threat (if ever) will be ASB-2006 - if then.


Anderson?  Hasn't faced a single AA pitcher.


Young can't even handle A-ball pitching.


Borchard will hit HR's on swings that Anderson produces a soft line-out on.    He has all-field power. Now he needs to learn to make contact and foul off pitcher's pitches.

You can't bash Anderson on the fact that he hasn't faced a AA pitcher yet. Cerb was just saying these guys are/are becoming better prospects than Borchard. He didn't mention them as guys the Sox should bring up this year. With these guys as hotter prospects, Borchard is more expendable.

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There is no reason to think that all of them, if they make the ML, will be playing in the outfield.  I envision a time where it's likely that they will be playing 1B, DH, or the OF -- That is another reason to keep  around Borchard, He may end up  as our 1B or DH.

Same with Reed, Reed played a bit of first base at Long Beach I think, so that could be an option for him in the future. Of course with Frank retiring in a few years we'll need a new DH as well.

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Anderson will be in Birmingham very soon anyways, so every1 can see how he responds to AA pitchin. He was injured early in the season like Borchard but is puttin up the numbers now, that's the key for him to remain healthy. ;)

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Yes, because that's exactly what I did in the above post - bash him..... :rolleyes:



Sure you can bash him, he's not perfect. Just don't bash him on the fact that he hasn't faced a AA pitcher. Were Frank Thomas and Magglio Ordonez bad before they faced AA hitting? No. Were they Major League ready? No. I don't see why you change my words just to be the asshole you are.

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Anderson will be in Birmingham very soon anyways, so every1 can see how he responds to AA pitchin. He was injured early in the season like Borchard but is puttin up the numbers now, that's the key for him to remain healthy.  ;)

As Sox have learned with Jeff Abbbbotttttt and Mario Valenzula and Fernandez and Jeff Liefer, you can never have too much mL "depth".


Especially when Magglio may leave and Carlos - traded for a pitcher.

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Trading Borchard now would be not only be the wrong thing to do, it would be completely stupid. Biggest signing bonus in team history, never more than a 15 game stint in the bigs, finally healthy this year and still ONLY 25...We are not talking about a 28 year old has-been here, we are talking about a guy who has all of the potential in the world and has more power than ANYONE in our minor league system. Apparently Brando is one of the few that "gets" this...And as he's said plenty of times and is exactly right, he has little or no value at this time, so why deal him for peanuts?

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Sure you can bash him, he's not perfect. Just don't bash him on the fact that he hasn't faced a AA pitcher. Were Frank Thomas and Magglio Ordonez bad before they faced AA hitting? No. Were they Major League ready? No. I don't see why you change my words just to be the asshole you are.

Better be an asshole than a f*cking idiot. :headbang


What I did wasn't "bashing", clown.


It was this little thing called "stating a fact". He hasn't played a single AA game. Not this season anyway.

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Reed has really never hit for power in pro ball, but from what I understand, that should develop as he grows as a player.  And what Brando said here is exactly right, Reed is a smart player who doesn't get himself out.  His OBP will be very good.  Reed probably will get the entire season at AAA, but he or Joe could get the call if the situation in CF becomes desperate.  I'd say Rowands performance today buys him a little more time, like it or not.  And yes, as long as he is with the team, he WILL face all lefties.

that may be the case, but if so he at least should get called up in September whether we're in the race or not

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Trading Borchard now would be not only be the wrong thing to do, it would be completely stupid.  Biggest signing bonus in team history, never more than a 15 game stint in the bigs, finally healthy this year and still ONLY 25...We are not talking about a 28 year old has-been here, we are talking about a guy who has all of the potential in the world and has more power than ANYONE in our minor league system.  Apparently Brando is one of the few that "gets" this...And as he's said plenty of times and is exactly right, he has little or no value at this time, so why deal him for peanuts?

Power means jack s*** in the scheme of things. If power is the only reason why Borchard is in the organization, why not pick up a Rob Stratton type of player? He probably has the most power in all of the minor leagues.


Having "the best power" in the organization is usually a term that players want to avoid. Most power-hungry sluggers can only hit the ball a long way, not hit for average, and have little, if any, plate discipline. See Jason Dopirak of the Cubs.


Don't lie to yourselves, Borchard has fallen far, FAR below expectations. He has a career .469 SLG%. The Sox probably expected .649 for 5.3 million. He should be included as trade bait to get a MAJOR LEAGUE NEED. Borchard just isn't the answer.

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Trading Borchard now would be not only be the wrong thing to do, it would be completely stupid.  Biggest signing bonus in team history, never more than a 15 game stint in the bigs, finally healthy this year and still ONLY 25...We are not talking about a 28 year old has-been here, we are talking about a guy who has all of the potential in the world and has more power than ANYONE in our minor league system.  Apparently Brando is one of the few that "gets" this...And as he's said plenty of times and is exactly right, he has little or no value at this time, so why deal him for peanuts?

I totally disagree about his trade value. Like you said he has enormous potential and is only 25 so teams will most certainly still be interested. I'd like to keep Joe around but if the sox were able to swing a deal to bring in a stud pitcher, I would definitely not be opposed to it.

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Power means jack s*** in the scheme of things. If power is the only reason why Borchard is in the organization, why not pick up a Rob Stratton type of player? He probably has the most power in all of the minor leagues.


Having "the best power" in the organization is usually a term that players want to avoid. Most power-hungry sluggers can only hit the ball a long way, not hit for average, and have little, if any, plate discipline. See Jason Dopirak of the Cubs.


Don't lie to yourselves, Borchard has fallen far, FAR below expectations. He has a career .469 SLG%. The Sox probably expected .649 for 5.3 million. He should be included as trade bait to get a MAJOR LEAGUE NEED. Borchard just isn't the answer.

wow, i am impress, you actually had some words of wisdom. '




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Found this on Joe,


In his third straight stint at Triple-A Charlotte, right fielder Joe Borchard has been on a tear lately. Borchard is hitting .440 (22-for-50) over the last 12 games. And perhaps more importantly, his plate discipline appears to have improved. Strikeouts have been a concern the last two seasons, as his walk totals steadily declined. But this season, Borchard has 12 walks compared to 30 strikeouts. He is hitting .288-9-33 in 153 at-bats overall.

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