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Do you like Hawk and DJ?


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I contantly hear about Hawk being a homer...well, color me stupid but I truly feel that even though he clearly roots for the Sox (Sox broadcaster, not a national one afterall), he as twice as knowledgeable as Steve Stoone And Chip Carey COMBINED. When Chip is raggin on the Cubs/praising the oppostion, it feels forced and out of place as though he 1) first subtly puts the oppositon down (like, say, dissing John Garland's 2000 campaign in 2001 before remembering how much he has improved since) only to "bring them up" and 2) goes through the motion criticizing the Cubbies without really finding any specific faults as though saying "here, kids, as you can see I am fair&balanced". He is a TRUE and blind homer if you ask me...The problem is, the viewer suffers as he has no knowledge of the game WHATSOEVER. Steve Stone? He knows the game, but too much of a bitter ex-player/ex-Cubbie to let true emotions and insights surface.


Hawk? He will be waxing poetic about the virtues of Ichiro or Tejada; he also talks about players past (his anecdotes are hilarious AND instructive). I actually see him praise the opposition nearly as much as the Sox (count for yourself if you don't believe me)==and you know he LURVES him some Sockies. And he does it in a sponteneous but intelligent way, not the backhanded , through-the-teeth one like certain somebody on the North Side...Overall, a very classy (in the redneck sort of way) and, more importantly, ENTERTAINING franchise announcer. None of that boring and psuedo insightful Vin Scully pomposity.


DJ? He is barely tolerable, but with Hawk he doesn't need to be anything but a nodder, to say nothing of his SPECTACULARLY hilarious foot-in-mouth-isms.



DJ-Hawk 2002 Klassic:


-Hawk: [uses an old-school language to describe a perfectly innocent event as in the vein of "gay spirits", etc]


-DJ: Hawk, you said "boner".......


-[Hawk says nothing for literally minutes during which time I felt worried about DJ's health because it was obvious Hawk wanted to kill him...]]



It was so unexpected I was laughing for DAYS afterwards. Seriously you HAD to have heard/seen it...Does anyone remember

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I enjoy Hawk and DJ, but I liked Hawk and Wimpy much more. The former Sox broadcaster I really liked to listen to, though, was Don Drysdale. Now that man knew his stuff. I always was wishing they'd take him out of the booth and make him the pitching coach. Then the Sox pitchers would know how to dust those plate crowding guys. DD would never have put up with that.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

i love hawk and espically dj......ok i may be a bit biased here because of my relationship with them but....you have to admire a guy who battled through cancer and helps others do the same.....keeps up with his active day job and can still take a few minutes out of his busy schedule to give a friend a hug when he sees them.......and hawk isnt all that bad either...lol....i think that hawk should let dj talk a bit more but .. im sure it will come in time...dj and who was it rooney? when in oaktown did a wonderful job calling the game on tv... i actually liked them doing the broadcasting together alot.....but you gotta have the hawkisms in the booth or its just not a game ........

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Guest hotsoxchick1

i saw wimpy at a few games last year.......he was in the booth with hawk and dj for one of those games.. sitting right behind dj as matter of fact.......not sure what hes doing these days.. it cant be much though if he can take in a few games a season.......lol..........hopefully hes enjoying his retired life for a change........i know i would be ..........

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Guest hotsoxchick1

yeah i had heard that too but wasnt too sure how true it was.......well have a good one us old people have to get our rest......talk to you later on ....... :headbang

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I don't like any of the Sox announce teams


Harrelson and his aw-shucks, down-home goober crap and stupid nicknames annoys me

Jackson is okay, but he has to work with Harrelson

John Rooney would be SO much better if he didn't use that "radio voice"

( Top of the shikshth, sheven to shicksh, White Shocksh )

Ed Farmer puts me to sleep - he LITERALLY puts me to sleep


If I owned the Sox, I'd flush the whole bunch of them and start over.

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While I think Hawk and DJ..... hell, Hawk and anybody are better than the Chipster and Joe Carter, I have been practically ambivalent towards Hawk since the White Flag trade. When Hawk went on TV to announce that night's game and defended the trade, saying it was good for the White Sox in the long run despite the White Sox only being 3 games behind Cleveland, Hawk revealed himself to be one of two things..... 1.) a "homer" or 2.) JR's mouthpiece on TV and most of us don't even realize it. How any ex-baseball player could defend surrender is still a puzzle to me. However, Hawk has become an institution on Chicago's Southside. Wimpy was Hawk's best sidekick. DJ has improved but still has a long way to go. Thank God I can still remember Harry and Jimmy.


Speaking of Harry, it was 5 years ago this past Tuesday that Harry Carey passed away. I doubt many of you were able to see it, but on Chicago's public television station, Channel 11, their local news show, "Chicago Tonight ", ran a tribute piece on Harry commemorating his years in Chicago announcing Sox and Cubs baseball. The best part of the tribute was that not one, NOT ONE, moment was shown from Wrigley Field. The tribute was 100% Harry and the fans and players of Chicago's Southside! A 5 minute timecapsule that I wish alot of the younger Sox fans that can't remember Harry Carey and how he sounded with the Sox could have heard and viewed. As the show ran it's end credits, Harry singing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame " and "root, root, root(ing) for the WHITE SOX still brings a smile to my face.

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While I think Hawk and DJ..... hell, Hawk and anybody are better than the Chipster and Joe Carter, I have been practically ambivalent towards Hawk since the White Flag trade. When Hawk went on TV to announce that night's game and defended the trade, saying it was good for the White Sox in the long run despite the White Sox only being 3 games behind Cleveland, Hawk revealed himself to be one of two things..... 1.) a "homer" or 2.) JR's mouthpiece on TV and most of us don't even realize it. How any ex-baseball player could defend surrender is still a puzzle to me. However, Hawk has become an institution on Chicago's Southside. Wimpy was Hawk's best sidekick. DJ has improved but still has a long way to go. Thank God I can still remember Harry and Jimmy.


Speaking of Harry, it was 5 years ago this past Tuesday that Harry Carey passed away. I doubt many of you were able to see it, but on Chicago's public television station, Channel 11, their local news show, "Chicago Tonight ", ran a tribute piece on Harry commemorating his years in Chicago announcing Sox and Cubs baseball. The best part of the tribute was that not one, NOT ONE, moment was shown from Wrigley Field. The tribute was 100% Harry and the fans and players of Chicago's Southside! A 5 minute timecapsule that I wish alot of the younger Sox fans that can't remember Harry Carey and how he sounded with the Sox could have heard and viewed. As the show ran it's end credits, Harry singing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame  " and "root, root, root(ing) for the WHITE SOX still brings a smile to my face.

i too am glad i was around for the harry and jimmy era...they were the best of all time


for our younger fans..look on espn classic...they run carlton fisk's first game with the sox and seavers 300th win alot (it was jimmy and harry for that one ,right?)..you can check out the great ones

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My favorite moments are when Hawk gets downright pissed about a bad call, someone blowing a save, or DJ saying something utterly moronic. See the old man is kind of a pout, and he just stops talking when he gets like that. This is when DJ has to "take over" and he tries to do play by play and interject himself with stories and such. It ends up being about 2 minutes of silence followed by random words from DJ that fall on deaf ears in the booth. Usually by the next commercial break, someone pulls the stick out of Hawk's ass and he starts talking again and everything is right with the world. Just listen closely to the silence the next time Hawk says "dagnabbit."

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for our younger fans..look on espn classic...they run carlton fisk's first game with the sox and seavers 300th win alot (it was jimmy and harry for that one ,right?)

I think Seaver's 300th was during the Drysdale era.

could have been...i know i was out of country in germany then..so ill defer to you on that ;)

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My favorite moments are when Hawk gets downright pissed about...DJ saying something utterly moronic


A-friggin'-men. The "boner" one is one of the greatest evah cnsidering HOW it was said and reacted to. There must have bee others fo sho'.


I forgot about Joe Carter down at the Urinal. Here is typical exchange:


JC: ...and Laaaance Berkman reaches the first rase.


CC: that's "first base...


JC...and Laaaacne Berkman beaches the first baaaase.



The guy is a clown. A loveable one. Which is why he fits in so well at the Urinal.

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I usually like Hawk and DJ...however, Hawk treats DJ like he is a four year old sometimes, that pisses me off

that is a good point..hawk can be umm, a little cranky at times...guess it comes with getting old...hell im 41 and cranky already :( ..stil lthose two work well together imo


are you new or are you a regular who changed his nick???...if you are new welcome aboard...this is my fasvorite site of all the white sox message boards...hope you like it here

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They are good together...I know that. But they don't have that natural chemistry that Hawk and Wimpy did. Man, were they good. I could actually watch a game and enjoy it when those two were doing it, and I was like 12 in Wimpy's last year.


It seems that DJ is getting held back. I remember he did a game with Fox a couple times last year....he was pretty good...he could be one of the better commentators for the Sox in the future.


Man, I hope I can get some kind of deal where I can watch the White Sox games....that would be awesome. I might not get Hawk and DJ...but atleast I'd get the Sox games. Crossing my fingers

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Tom Paciorek was the 6th or 7th string announcer for the Mariners in 2001. All, Dave Niehaus, Ron Fairly, Rick Rizzs, Dave Valle, and Dave Henderson, regularly work both TV and radio! How confusing. Wimpy worked some games along with the rest. Hell, even Jay Buhner announces sometimes for them.

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Baggio -


Yes, i'm new here. Been a sox fan all my life...Heather led me to this site (i know here from blackhawkzone.com, huge hawks fan too). I'm on a college budget, so i make it out to a decent amount of games each year, last year i was at 15, i'm hoping to improve upon that. It'd be nice to meet up with some people at US Cellular that can actually talk some baseball and stuff. Thanks for the welcome.

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