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I'm not sure if this is true


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Did George Bush's government pass some sort of sanction that would allow the complete price of an SUV to be written off as a business expense? Not sure about this but I thought my teacher said this. If it's true Bush is not looking at the environmental picture at all.


Did George Bush ever consider signing up for the Kyoto accord? :huh:


What do you guys think about the Kyoto accord?

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There are loopholes that allow for SUV's to be purchased and pretty much written off as tax deductible for the most part.


Bush and the U.S. didn't sign on the Kyoto Accord. :(


I think saving the environment is a great idea. But I guess Georgie doesn't. Maybe it was all that booze and cocaine that messed with his brain.

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Did George Bush's government pass some sort of sanction that would allow the complete price of an SUV to be written off as a business expense?  Not sure about this but I thought my teacher said this.  If it's true Bush is not looking at the environmental picture at all. 

If this was true, everyone in the US would be driving an SUV. I'm sure charitable organizations, small business owners, and the like could write them off as a cost of doing business. After all, strippers can write off their breast implants as a business expense. But Joe Familyman being able to write off his SUV for no other reason except that it is an SUV? No.

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If this was true, everyone in the US would be driving an SUV. I'm sure charitable organizations, small business owners, and the like could write them off as a cost of doing business. After all, strippers can write off their breast implants as a business expense. But Joe Familyman being able to write off his SUV for no other reason except that it is an SUV? No.

That's how Lebron James got his Hummer. There are loopholes out there. It's been quite covered even in the corporate media that people can buy SUV's and have a lot of it covered in tax breaks and loopholes. Hell, when they cover a story like that on PTI, then you know it must be pretty big.


Not every person would want an SUV because many see the ecological damage they can do. And trust me on this, CK. I am a college student. I have nothing better to do with my tons of free time than read the news, haha.

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No buddy from Canada, George W didn't sign off on Kyoto, keep the faith, if you need info, send me an e-mail, we were thw only town in Albberta to support Kyoto and I fought like hell for it, I've been to so many conferences it would make your head spin, I'll answear whatever you need.

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I am a college student.  I have nothing better to do with my tons of free time than read the news, haha.

That changes once you enter the work force. All I did for 4 years in college was read literature, write papers the night before they were due, and party. I'm lucky to have an hour every day I work to come and post on here. Work, home ownership, grocery shopping, paying bills, maintaining my vehicle, OT, and the list goes on take up a huge chunk of my time.

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I love my SUV, I wish I would have known I could write it off. I could use the extra money to buy some more steaks to cook on my charcoal grill this summer.

f*** the environment, I will be dead long before the average temperature is 200 degrees on the planet (if that even happens). By that time nature will probably have decided to send us spinning off our axis and into the sun anyway, and there will be nothing that can be done about that. I wonder if the dinosaurs were worrying about the environment right before that asteroid crashed into the planet and toasted all of them?

Oh well, f*** it, enjoy what you can while you can.

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There are loopholes that allow for SUV's to be purchased and pretty much written off as tax deductible for the most part.


Bush and the U.S. didn't sign on the Kyoto Accord.  :(


I think saving the environment is a great idea.  But I guess Georgie doesn't.  Maybe it was all that booze and cocaine that messed with his brain.

Those same loopholes can apply to cars as well though. Basically all the mileage you drive once your at work can be written off, but I'm not sure about the other parts. I'm not a CPA yet, but I should know all the loopholes soon enough :D

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