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I'd love to put a player like J. D. Drew in the middle of our line up.  If he can stay healthy, that is.

JD Drew changing leagues? His injury-prone'ness scares me. How much is he making?


Anyway Mike Cameron:


2000-2003 OPS away from Safeco: 880

2000-2003 OPS at USCF: 1200 (55 atbats)

1999-2003 SB: 150 (probably good for 20-25 now)

Defense: Gold Glove

2004 salary: 4.5 Mill (Mets picking up some once they fall off the wagon?)

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JD Drew changing leagues? His injury-prone'ness scares me. How much is he making?


Anyway Mike Cameron:


2000-2003 OPS away from Safeco:  880

2000-2003 OPS at USCF:  1200 (55 atbats)

1999-2003 SB:  150  (probably good for 20-25 now)

Defense:  Gold Glove

2004 salary:  4.5 Mill (Mets picking up some once they fall off the wagon?)

Cameron would be a good addition. No doubt. I just think Drew would gives us some sorely needed LH pop.

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JD Drew changing leagues? His injury-prone'ness scares me. How much is he making?


Anyway Mike Cameron:


2000-2003 OPS away from Safeco:  880

2000-2003 OPS at USCF:  1200 (55 atbats)

1999-2003 SB:  150  (probably good for 20-25 now)

Defense:  Gold Glove

2004 salary:  4.5 Mill (Mets picking up some once they fall off the wagon?)

He's makin $4.2 million this season. Hittin .299 with 8 HR's and 21 RBI's. The Braves are very quickly falling out of the race without Marcus Giles, so expect a fire sale pretty soon if they don't win soon. Drew is a nice LH bat which we desperately need, and could even DH to keep him healthy with Frank rotating more with Paulie if we keep him at 1b. I can't see the Mets dealin Cameron just afta they signed him, he gives them much needed speed in the outfield.

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He's makin $4.2 million this season. Hittin .299 with 8 HR's and 21 RBI's. The Braves are very quickly falling out of the race without Marcus Giles, so expect a fire sale pretty soon if they don't win soon. Drew is a nice LH bat which we desperately need, and could even DH to keep him healthy with Frank rotating more with Paulie if we keep him at 1b. I can't see the Mets dealin Cameron just afta they signed him, he gives them much needed speed in the outfield.

Ok, so financially Drew and Cameron are comparable.


Hitting-wise, I can see Cameron thriving at USCF.


Fielding and baserunning, he is ahead of Drew.


Nor is he as big a health risk.


Atlanta will be in the race long after Mets fall out of it IMO.


Mets have to realize that Cameron is not adjusting well to NL pitching and that park. Probably miserable in NY. They should cut their losses.


If Jeremey Reed can seemlessly slide into CF this year, then fine....but if he is not ready, I wish Sox give Cameron a shot and return the fan fave to the South Side. Then if either Magglio or Lee is gone, it wouldn't be such a big loss from PR side.

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Ok, Cameron and Drew.....What about Steve Finley?


He is 39 but still in very good physical shape. Can't field or run like Cameron anymore, but is still easily as good than what we have now in those departments.


Can't hit lefties, but is absolutely crushing RHP this season. Rowand will give him a breather and will take care of LHP.


Finley makes 7 Mill, but Arizona might pay a chunk of it, right?


(Again, all this assuming Jeremy Reed doesn't come in and start producing right away.)

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What an addition he would be.

I want Itchy roll. I want Garcia, I want Beltran, I want this guy, I want that guy.


Well s*** I want a f***ing ice cream cone which one do you think is gonna happen first!??!?!?!


Oh by the way, I'm totally wasted as I post this. :cheers :lol:

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Ok, Cameron and Drew.....What about Steve Finley?


He is 39 but still in very good physical shape. Can't field or run like Cameron anymore, but is still easily as good  than what we have now in those departments.


Can't hit lefties, but is absolutely crushing RHP this season. Rowand will give him a breather and will take care of LHP.


Finley makes 7 Mill, but Arizona might pay a chunk of it, right?


(Again, all this assuming Jeremy Reed doesn't come in and start producing right away.)

Afta what just happened to Richie Sexson, expect the Finley, Randy Johnson and Shea Hillenbrand trade rumors to heat up. Hmm Hillenbrand to replace Crede. ;)

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Afta what just happened to Richie Sexson, expect the Finley, Randy Johnson and Shea Hillenbrand trade rumors to heat up. Hmm Hillenbrand to replace Crede.  ;)

No to Hillbroad.


Unit would be great. AL hitters forgot how to hit him or never faced him. Obviously Sox would have to baby him so he could stay fresh for the playoffs.

But the problem with him is that he makes A LOT, so in order for Arizona to pick up half of his salary, let alone all of it, Sox would literally have to give up the farm.


Steve Finley? Like I said, give them a good prospect, half them pick up half of wehat's left of his salary (which would be 3-4 Mill around July) and am pefectly fine with a Rowand-Finley platoon. More than fine in fact. He actually knows how to win the World Series.

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I don't think the mets are ready to sell anything off yet.  They're .500 and they might be buyers and not sellers.

I suppose that the Reds are going to stick around as well :lol:


Take a look at the NL East, man. You have two world series contenders in that division, and neither one is from New York. You think that they're going to be buyers, and not sellers?


I just don't know where you are coming from with this. Someone else said it in the thread with all of that Freddy Garcia nonsense. :headshake

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Steve Finley is the one player that makes sense. Its his final year so he wouldn't tie up Reed (Who won't be up here this year until September...book it). Then you have Finley a truly great guy, good player, and a vet showing Reed the ropes.


Finley won't cost the SOx much anything of a prospect other then say a mid-level guy and thats if the Dbacks pick up a decent part of the contract.


I could see the Sox getting someone like him, but not right now. First and foremost I see them adding pitching. Then if whoever they have in CF is failing they will add a left handed bat for there (I think Reed will be given time in AAA, unless he is 100% in which case he could be up here).


No to Cameron because the Sox don't need another right handed bat. The Sox need a left handed bat so if they are going to give up prospects or someone decent that is what they should get.


Drew wouldn't be bad, but only if the Braves took someone like Konerko and the Sox could stick Drew at 1st where he would be less prone to injuries. Heck, Robert Fick could be a possibility if the Sox wanted a left handed bat later in the year for cheap.

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Finley won't cost the SOx much anything of a prospect other then say a mid-level guy and thats if the Dbacks pick up a decent part of the contract.


Except Finley is on fire and there will be demand for him, experience and all. If you want Arizona to pay millions of dollars, you better give them a couple of decent prospects.


For instance, I wouldn't be surprised if Cubs gave up Corey Patterson for him. He could help them in their WS quest and they would re-sign him for cheap in 2005, which would likely be his final year.

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no way in hell to Fick

That guy is the absolute worst.


I would love to have that 2000 game on tape. I doubt that I'll ever witness anything like it again. What really pissed me off at the time was FSN refusing to air it again in the early morning hours.


I read that Juan Encarnacion was dishing out cheap shots left and right. I didn't notice, of course, as there were like a million other things going on. What a complete bozo that guy is.


I'd like to watch Frank trying to break up all of those fights in slow motion. I want to go back and see the look on Bob Howry's face when Todd Jones came charging after him. He kind of used Mark Johnson as a shield, if I'm not mistaken. :D


Man, I wish I had that on tape.

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That guy is the absolute worst.


I would love to have that 2000 game on tape.  I doubt that I'll ever witness anything like it again.  What really pissed me off at the time was FSN refusing to air it again in the early morning hours.


I read that Juan Encarnacion was dishing out cheap shots left and right.  I didn't notice, of course, as there were like a million other things going on.  What a complete bozo that guy is.


I'd like to watch Frank trying to break up all of those fights in slow motion.  I want to go back and see the look on Bob Howry's face when Todd Jones came charging after him.  He kind of used Mark Johnson as a shield, if I'm not mistaken.  :D


Man, I wish I had that on tape.

I was at that game...fond memories :lol:


The lasting image in my head will be of Jeff Weaver storming back onto the field.

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Except Finley is on fire and there will be demand for him, experience and all.    If you want Arizona to pay millions of dollars, you better give them a couple of decent prospects.


For instance, I wouldn't be surprised if Cubs gave up Corey Patterson for him.    He could help them in their WS quest and they would re-sign him for cheap in 2005, which would likely be his final year.

He broke into the league when Fred Flintstone was playing.

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I suppose that the Reds are going to stick around as well  :lol:


Take a look at the NL East, man.  You have two world series contenders in that division, and neither one is from New York.  You think that they're going to be buyers, and not sellers?


I just don't know where you are coming from with this.  Someone else said it in the thread with all of that Freddy Garcia nonsense.  :headshake

The mets have been in Freddy Garcia rumors also. Are the Mets a great team... no they aren't but they might be able to hang around for a while. Plus the fact they just signed Cameron this offseason you think they'd already be willing to trade him? I love the idea of JD Drew, if Drew ever stays healthy he'll be one hell of a player, add left handed pop to the sox and yes he can play centerfield.

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He broke into the league when Fred Flintstone was playing.

That's OK though. I bowl with Fred Flinstone every Friday night. He's a good guy. :lol:


Seriously though, I would love to have Finley. Might not cost a lot, would be a good bat for the middle of the lineup, and is gone next year. What's wrong with that?

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I would love to get J.D. here. How old is Drew by the way?

I don't want JD. Not only is he injury prone as all hell, but I'm also pretty sure he is a Boras client.


Regardless...those of us who want JD...where in the hell are you going to put him? Maggs in RF, Lee in LF, and Drew cannot/should not play CF.


Finley makes the most sense out of anyone mentioned here as far as I'm concerned.

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If we give up someone like a Konerko, we can stick Drew at 1st so he can be less injury-prone. Or give up lee and get some decent prospects for J.D. Btw, for the second time, how old is Drew??

He's 28.


And the Braves will not take Konerko for Drew straight up. In fact, we'd have to give up quite a bit for that trade to work out. Konerko makes $7.5 mill this season and that changes to $8 is he is traded, and has been pointed out elsewhere, Drew makes $4.2 this season. There is a big difference there, and we'd have to give up Diaz and Rauch for the Braves to even consider it.


No. I don't want Drew. Give me friggin Finley. He's hitting the ball well right now, and would cost very, very little. He has World Series experience with the DBacks and Padres. He's gone after this year as well. What's NOT to like about that?

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