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for those of you against the war on iraq


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You fail to realize that without France, the United States wouldn't even be a country. Instead of going on uninformed tirades on how about France owes us, maybe all you hawks should look at history and realize that WE OWE FRANCE.

We don't owe France f***ing s***.

Ever heard of the Revolutionary War, dumbf***? Jesus Christ, you are narrow-minded.

And then there are the World War's. When is enough enough when it comes to bailing them out. And for everyone that alwasy talks about people helping others for a motive, lets remember France didn't do it all because of how freaking kind they were.


They did it for once reason, they hated the British, plain and simple. THey didn't do it because they bought into our cause, they wanted to f*** the British.


Oh ya, so far from what I've learned, we didn't have it all that bad in the New World, we were just so used to ruling ourselves for 100-200 years that when Britian finally noticed we were out there and tried to real us in and pay some taxes, we just were too used to our own style and didn't want any of it.


It wasn't like the English were the Spaniards and conquering everyone by force saying they had to marry the natives or anything like that. Kind of off subject, but ehh.

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You fail to realize that without France, the United States wouldn't even be a country. Instead of going on uninformed tirades on how about France owes us, maybe all you hawks should look at history and realize that WE OWE FRANCE.

We don't owe France f***ing s***.

Ever heard of the Revolutionary War, dumbf***? Jesus Christ, you are narrow-minded.

I'd say that the United States more than made up for any help that France afforded us in the Revolutionary War as evidenced by the nine US Armed Forces Cemetaries in France with at least 10,000 dead American soldiers buried just during WW's I and II. Karko isn't as narrow-minded as you think my friend.

We also helped rebuild the entire European Economy after WWII and didn't ever ask for a dime of that money back.

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So just because I am not enlisting voluntarily doesn't take away from the fact that I think we should fight.

yes it does. totally.


whwere is the "we" in the "we should fight"?


if you believe in something you back it up with your life.


If America needs to do this, put down your beer and your living for yourself lifestyle and go do what you think "we" ought to do. That is required of a real patriot.


otherwise, you are just another safe at home blow hard putting other people lives on the line so you talk big and do nothing.

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Would you walk up to a NYC fire fighter or police officer and say this?

Cubkilla, don't give me this s***. Am I speaking to any NY fire fighters or police officers of NY port authority people here? No I am not.


My first cousin was an LA deputy sheriff killed in the line of duty, my former partner was a 30 year fight fighter, now retired due to age. So I won't take any s*** about who risks their lives.


Who are the big go to war people here who I am addressing? College students? 20 somethings who think others should fight wars they shoot their mouths off about?


You believe in something, you back it up with your life. You don't ask others to fight your wars. Unless you are a hytpocrite or only believe in war when your ass is safe in bed or on a bar stool.

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We also helped rebuild the entire European Economy after WWII and didn't ever ask for a dime of that money back.

We intended to get it all back, and more, because by building them up we had people to sell American goods to. The Marshall Plan was noble, it was also very good business for America. We got all back in multitudes, as planned.

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anyone age 18-30 who posts a f*** France thing, and who wants France to go fight a war, but has not actually enlisted their own self, is a pansy woos moral coward piece of s*** blowhard hypocrite.  You want war, put your ass on the line and back up your mouths with your lives.  If you believe this war is necessary to

I agree with ya! I am 26 and I am against this war. My bf on the other hand is 31 and for it; but he tried enlisting to the army and the marines but couldn't get in due to a lung disorder (if you tap on his chest, his lungs stand a good chance of collapsing - he's been through several collapsed lungs between the ages of 18 to the present).

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So just because I am not enlisting voluntarily doesn't take away from the fact that I think we should fight.

yes it does. totally.


whwere is the "we" in the "we should fight"?


if you believe in something you back it up with your life.


If America needs to do this, put down your beer and your living for yourself lifestyle and go do what you think "we" ought to do. That is required of a real patriot.


otherwise, you are just another safe at home blow hard putting other people lives on the line so you talk big and do nothing.

That is such BS. So just because I will not register what do I have to say...that nation there America should fight. f*** that, I am just as much a participating citizen of the United States as you are.


I have every right to believe in war and voice my opinion for it without needing myself to go and fight. I believe and trust in the armed services which WE as a nation have assembled. Like I said, if the government deems it necessary to institute a draft, then ok I am there and I will be willing to fight. That is how the American government and political system is structured so don't go telling me that I can't be for the war without being over there with a gun in my hands.

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don't go telling me that I can't be for the war without being over there with a  gun in my hands.

I willl, over and over.


You won't act on what you believe unless drafted, unless forced to?


You think my son the Marine or Nuke Clerveland should risk their lives in what you say you believe but thay you won't act on your beliefs unless you are forced to?


Thank God my father's generation didn't have attitudes like that after Pearl Harbor.


Gees, sorry General Washington, I support everything you say but I have my own life and I really don't want to put myself out because I'm making payments on my truck - so you guys go do the Valley Forge thing, and I'll support you on the internet baseball boards, good enough?


Give me a break.

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You fail to realize that without France, the United States wouldn't even be a country. Instead of going on uninformed tirades on how about France owes us, maybe all you hawks should look at history and realize that WE OWE FRANCE.

We don't owe France f***ing s***.

Ever heard of the Revolutionary War, dumbf***? Jesus Christ, you are narrow-minded.

I'd say that the United States more than made up for any help that France afforded us in the Revolutionary War as evidenced by the nine US Armed Forces Cemetaries in France with at least 10,000 dead American soldiers buried just during WW's I and II. Karko isn't as narrow-minded as you think my friend.

We also helped rebuild the entire European Economy after WWII and didn't ever ask for a dime of that money back.

Well... Kinda... We gave out a lot of money, but all that money was just used to buy American-made products to rebuild Western Europe, so, we did get it back.

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I agree with ya!  I am 26 and I am against this war.  My bf on the other hand is 31 and for it; but he tried enlisting to the army and the marines but couldn't get in due to a lung disorder (if you tap on his chest, his lungs stand a good chance of collapsing - he's been through several collapsed lungs between the ages of 18 to the present).

Fanof14, then your boyfriend is very cool because he tried!


Between your knees and his lungs, you two better take care of each other - but then that is what love is for, right? :) Blessings and all good things to you both!

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and have been aligning yourself with france ..read this...chirac is just a total ignorant pomp"ass" ass...if that jag off got assassinated and i was bush id refuse to send anyone officially from the US to his funeral...guess i am prejudiced...i hate the french..cant stand them...hated them when i visited that country 16 years ago and i hate them today...im gonna go buy a french flag and then piss all over it



You fail to realize that without France, the United States wouldn't even be a country. Instead of going on uninformed tirades on how about France owes us, maybe all you hawks should look at history and realize that WE OWE FRANCE.

We would have won the revolutionary war on our own. The French just made it faster. Now, in 1956 France was about to collapse and we saved em. They came back and spit right in our face. Screw the French.

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actually it was really touch and go with the Revolution. We might not have won without French aid, we certtainly wouldn't have won at Yorktown without the French navy and France was the first country to reocognise us as a nation.


You got the year wrong - 1956 is not the year you mean - typo on your part, no biggie.


Psycho, please note if you haven't already that while I disagree with some of your positions, I have no quarrel with you since you will entering the military when you aren old enough - you will back up your words with your life.

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Would you walk up to a NYC fire fighter or police officer and say this?

Cubkilla, don't give me this s***. Am I speaking to any NY fire fighters or police officers of NY port authority people here? No I am not.


My first cousin was an LA deputy sheriff killed in the line of duty, my former partner was a 30 year fight fighter, now retired due to age. So I won't take any s*** about who risks their lives.


Who are the big go to war people here who I am addressing? College students? 20 somethings who think others should fight wars they shoot their mouths off about?


You believe in something, you back it up with your life. You don't ask others to fight your wars. Unless you are a hytpocrite or only believe in war when your ass is safe in bed or on a bar stool.

i already did..for 7 years..alot of us that did serve believe we need to take out saddam...take him out now and we will pay a price..if we wait..we pay a bigger price

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You think my son the Marine or Nuke Clerveland should risk their lives in what you say you believe but thay you won't act on your beliefs unless you are forced to?

Yeah I do.


They entered the armed forces for that specific reason. If they aren't there to defend our country while risking their lives why would they be? Nobody forced them to enter the military and nobody is forcing me to. I really don't understand your logic, or lack thereof, of thinking on this.

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You won't act on your beliefs by putting your life on the line unless forced to.


There is nothing that I can add to that.


You want others Americans, you want France, to fight a war that you won't fight.


There is nothing that I can add to that.


1940s: America is attacked, people enlist

2000s: America is attacked, hey, I've got Spring Fling and the Hawaiian night frat party coming up, let others fight, I've got to parrrrr-teeeeeeeee!


God bless America.



Never claim any morality for yourself if you expect someone else to fight and die for something that you say you believe in but won't risk yourself for. If you believe in it, YOU do it.

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actually it was really touch and go with the Revolution.  We might not have won without French aid, we certtainly wouldn't have won at Yorktown without the French navy and France was the first country to reocognise us as a nation.


You got the year wrong - 1956 is not the year you mean - typo on your part, no biggie.


Psycho, please note if you haven't already that while I disagree with some of your positions,  I have no quarrel with you since you will entering the military when you aren old enough - you will back up your words with your life.

Thanks cw. What year was it? I thought it was 1946 but I guess Im wrong. All I know is that somewhere around there France was in deep trouble and we helped them out.


And Im definitely going to join the military. Im just not sure what branch. Marines or Army? Either of those two would be fine with me...

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actually it was really touch and go with the Revolution.  We might not have won without French aid, we certtainly wouldn't have won at Yorktown without the French navy and France was the first country to reocognise us as a nation.


You got the year wrong - 1956 is not the year you mean - typo on your part, no biggie.


Psycho, please note if you haven't already that while I disagree with some of your positions,  I have no quarrel with you since you will entering the military when you aren old enough - you will back up your words with your life.

Thanks cw. What year was it? I thought it was 1946 but I guess Im wrong. All I know is that somewhere around there France was in deep s*** and helped them out.


And Im definitely going to join the military. Im just not sure what branch. Marines or Army? Either of those two would be fine with me...

It was 1945 and if you're going to mention that the United States saved France's ass, you should also mention the Soviet Union, who were most instrumental in the Allied victory in World War II. If Hitler wasn't a moron and invaded them, all of Western Europe would still be speaking German.

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and have been aligning yourself with france ..read this...chirac is just a total ignorant pomp"ass" ass...if that jag off got assassinated and i was bush id refuse to send anyone officially from the US to his funeral...guess i am prejudiced...i hate the french..cant stand them...hated them when i visited that country 16 years ago and i hate them today...im gonna go buy a french flag and then piss all over it



You fail to realize that without France, the United States wouldn't even be a country. Instead of going on uninformed tirades on how about France owes us, maybe all you hawks should look at history and realize that WE OWE FRANCE.

We would have won the revolutionary war on our own. The French just made it faster. Now, in 1956 France was about to collapse and we saved em. They came back and spit right in our face. Screw the French.

Oh my God, you have to be joking me. We would have NEVER won the Revolutionary War without France, I cannot believe you are so uninformed as to say that. Britain had a Navy, we didn't, simple as that.

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and have been aligning yourself with france ..read this...chirac is just a total ignorant pomp"ass" ass...if that jag off got assassinated and i was bush id refuse to send anyone officially from the US to his funeral...guess i am prejudiced...i hate the french..cant stand them...hated them when i visited that country 16 years ago and i hate them today...im gonna go buy a french flag and then piss all over it



You fail to realize that without France, the United States wouldn't even be a country. Instead of going on uninformed tirades on how about France owes us, maybe all you hawks should look at history and realize that WE OWE FRANCE.

We would have won the revolutionary war on our own. The French just made it faster. Now, in 1956 France was about to collapse and we saved em. They came back and spit right in our face. Screw the French.

Oh my God, you have to be joking me. We would have NEVER won the Revolutionary War without France, I cannot believe you are so uninformed as to say that. Britain had a Navy, we didn't, simple as that.

The French are the biggest pussies in the history of the World. I dont care if they help us. I dont care if they intervene against us with the military. Thatll just be our excuse for beating them silly. Screw the French.

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Oh my God, you have to be joking me. We would have NEVER won the Revolutionary War without France, I cannot believe you are so uninformed as to say that. Britain had a Navy, we didn't, simple as that.

That's kind of debatable.


At the rate the Revolutionary War was going and the inability of the British to overwhelmingly defeat the Americans there is a school of thought that suggests that the British would have just given up after the war became too costly and time consuming.


Not saying I agree with this... I don't think we could have won without France, either... I doubt George would have ever let a colony get away without absolute surrender. But to say that anyone who thinks we could have "won" without France is uniformed, isn't entirelty true, IMO.

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Thank you doub! :) The French, in my opinion, simply ended it quicker. The tides of the war were turning in our favor and we were starting to learn how to defeat the Brits. I think we coulda done it without the French, but Ill admit that atleast one time in history the French helped with something...

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and have been aligning yourself with france ..read this...chirac is just a total ignorant pomp"ass" ass...if that jag off got assassinated and i was bush id refuse to send anyone officially from the US to his funeral...guess i am prejudiced...i hate the french..cant stand them...hated them when i visited that country 16 years ago and i hate them today...im gonna go buy a french flag and then piss all over it



You fail to realize that without France, the United States wouldn't even be a country. Instead of going on uninformed tirades on how about France owes us, maybe all you hawks should look at history and realize that WE OWE FRANCE.

We would have won the revolutionary war on our own. The French just made it faster. Now, in 1956 France was about to collapse and we saved em. They came back and spit right in our face. Screw the French.

Sorry OldRoman, but I disagree with you on this aspect. Without France's help the English would of ended the threat very quickly.


I still continue to say the English rule on us was not as bad as so many history books make you believe. All those acts, it was the first taxes the colonials had to pay to the English. Prior to that they were basically living for free.

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actually it was really touch and go with the Revolution.  We might not have won without French aid, we certtainly wouldn't have won at Yorktown without the French navy and France was the first country to reocognise us as a nation.


You got the year wrong - 1956 is not the year you mean - typo on your part, no biggie.


Psycho, please note if you haven't already that while I disagree with some of your positions,  I have no quarrel with you since you will entering the military when you aren old enough - you will back up your words with your life.

I still don't believe everyone is built for the military or should serve in the military. Here we have the right to chose whether we enlist or not, just like we have the right to chose our job.


I admire your son and I respect all those in the military as well as the police, and fire departments, but that doesn't mean I have to do it. Thank goodness there are a lot of people out there that do want to do it. We all need doctors too, but thats not what I'm going to be either.


The thing is, here in America we aren't forced to enlist in the military like they are in Korea. Man, I think it would suck if everyone had to enlist. Well first off our military would be huge. Secondly, If we think military spending is high now, well then guess what it will be when they are having to pay salaries or college fees to even more people.


Lastly, just because i"m not in the military doesn't mean I can't have a belief. If I believe we should help another nation, doesn't mean I personally have to back it up. I'll do my part, but I'd like to think I could do it in other ways, such as morally supporting the troops or doing my best to support the economy and this country or plenty of other things.


On a last part, the Revolutionary war was completely different. It was on OUR soil, this is somewhere else. Your damn right if it was on our soil I'd be backing it up or if it was for our freedom. This war is for other peoples freedom. I may not be over in the Gulf with people like your son or Nuke and God Bless them and all the other troops over there, but it doesn't mean I can't say I'm for the war. Thats for damn sure. Saddam is a tyran thats killed his own people. Why would he hesitate doing the same on the US or other countries.


Just cause France doesn't find it a big worry isn't my problem and I don't think its the US's problem. Plenty of countries are supporting us in this issue. Saddam needs to be stopped. He's been given numerous chances to disarm and comply with inspections and he's never done so. Why the hell would he change now.


Do we have to wait until he kills more?

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I still continue to say the English rule on us was not as bad as so many history books make you believe.  All those acts, it was the first taxes the colonials had to pay to the English.  Prior to that they were basically living for free.

To add to that, it's not like today where tarriffs and such can be easily monitored. Just because an act was passed didn't mean that the British in the colonies cracked the whip and enforced everything. The colonists were doing a great deal of smuggling.

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